
  • 网络Local Geography;home geography
  1. 乡土地理小论文撰写指导的探思

    The Exploring-Thinking of the Guide to Little Thesis about Local Geography

  2. ·结合乡土地理尝试体验性教育。

    We had better try education through practice by combining local geography .

  3. 高师乡土地理教学与STS教育的整合研究

    Research of STS Education and Native Geography Teaching of Teachers College

  4. 编写《拉萨市乡土地理》教材的几点建议

    Some Proposals for Compiling the Textbook of Home Geography of Lhasa

  5. 关于乡土地理研究与教育的几个问题

    On a few matters of local geographical study and its education

  6. 对新时期乡土地理教学几个问题的探讨

    Some issues in native geography teaching in the new period

  7. 第四部分:济宁市乡土地理课程资源的开发建议。

    Part ⅳ: Jining City , local geography curriculum resource development proposals .

  8. 农村乡土地理教育的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice in Countryside 's Local Geography Education

  9. 初中地理教学中乡土地理课程资源利用研究

    The Study on Using the Geographical Curriculum Resources in Junior Geography Teaching

  10. 中学地理教学应与乡土地理密切结合

    Combination of the teaching of geography of middle school with the local geography

  11. 顺德区乡土地理研究性学习指导的实证研究

    The Demonstration Research of Inquiry-study Supervise about Local Geography Teaching in Shunde County

  12. 试论乡土地理研究中的几个问题

    On Some Problem in the Investigation of Home Geography

  13. 高师乡土地理课程教学探索

    Discussion of Native Geography Teaching of Teachers College

  14. 第二章主要论述乡土地理课程资源开发理论基础。

    The second chapter discusses the local geography curriculum resources and development of theoretical basis .

  15. 乡土地理与地理教学

    Local Geography 's Action in Geography Teaching

  16. 乡土地理的教育实践研究

    A Practical Research on Local Geography Teaching

  17. 教师们对于如何更好的进行乡土地理教育还存在很多困惑。

    Teachers have a lot of confusions about how to improve the local geography education .

  18. 同课-分类-异构教学模式在高师乡土地理课程中的教改实践

    Educational Reform Practice of a Teaching Model " Same Course-Categorization-Differentiation " in the Local Geography Courses

  19. 乡土地理的教学形式、教学过程中融和了众多科学教育思想与先进的教育理论。

    Local geography teaching in the teaching process blends many scientific education idea and advanced education theory .

  20. 文章的目的是为了探索乡土地理教育的规律,为乡土地理教育寻找一条切实可行的途径。

    This article aims to study the law of local geography education and the practical approaches to it .

  21. 因此,应如何进行和开展乡土地理教育就很值得探索与研究。

    Therefore it 's very necessary and well worth probing and studying how to carry out local geography education .

  22. 在乡土地理教学中实施探究性学习又是地理课程探究性学习的重要组成部分。

    The application of exploration study in local geography teaching is also an important part of exploration study of geographic lessons .

  23. 不同点:课改地区较非课改地区在考查乡土地理知识方面,比重更大,更明确,更直接。

    On the other hand , the curriculum areas test about local geography more greatly , clearly and directly than non-curriculum areas do .

  24. 然而人们对乡土地理课程资源的关注和研究却少之又少,这与新课程标准中提出的理念相背离。

    However , little attention has been paid to local geography curriculum resources , which depart from the idea proposed by the New Curriculum Standard .

  25. 乡土地理课程资源来源于生活,能够将学科知识与学生生活紧密联系。

    Local geography curriculum resources come from real life . And it will be able to make subject knowledge contact with students ' daily life closely .

  26. 西部农村课程资源的开发与利用,理应关注乡土地理、民风民俗、生活实际及隐性课程几个方面。

    The Developing and using the western rural Curriculum Resource should pay more attention to native country geography , custom , real life and hidden curriculum .

  27. 第三部分阐述了乡土地理教材的建设。主要从教材建设的重要意义、乡土建设的基本原则、基本内容和基本模式等四个方面加以论述。

    The third part is about the building of the teaching material , including its importance , basic principles , chief contents , and the main patterns .

  28. 第三章分析了乡土地理课程资源的开发的方法与过程,提出乡土地理开发与应用应遵循的原则。

    Chapter ⅲ analyzes the methods and processes of the local geography curriculum resources development proposed local geography , development and application of principles to be followed .

  29. 乡土地理教学是国情教育系统的重要内容,是中国地理教材系统的必要补充。

    Education of local geography is an important part of education of national conditions and serves as a necessary supplement to teaching material system of Chinese geography .

  30. 新课标实施中乡土地理教育改革探讨秩序与生产:新区土改中的政策表达

    Discussion on local geography education revolution within the latest curriculum standard ; Order and Production : Policy Expressions During the Land Reform in the Newly Liberated Areas