
  1. 试论旧中国乡村建设实验的实质

    On the essence of rural construction experiments in old China

  2. 而他在山东乡村建设实验中倡导的乡学村学模式,更突出地表现了他的融社会教育与社会改造为一体的思想。

    While , the rural education mold he advocated in conduction education experiment in Shandong had a clearer feature of integrating social education and social reforms .

  3. 在过去的80年里,山东邹平县经历过乡村建设实验、农业集体化,现在又在进行全新的发展探索。探讨它的发展历程,可以为今天的新农村建设提供有益的启发。

    Zouping County , Shandong Province is now experiencing a new-period development just as what it has done in the past 80 years , going through the rural constructive experiment and agricultural collectivization , etc.

  4. 第三,梁漱溟将其思想运用于实践,在山东邹平进行了乡村建设实验,引发了当时社会学界对中国出路问题的讨论,促进中国社会学发展。

    Third , he applied his thought to the experiments of village construction in Shandong of the central China . His doing resulted in the discussion about Chinese way out , and promoted the development of Chinese sociology .

  5. 第二部分,通过对民国乡村建设实验的背景介绍,和卢作孚传播思想的探索,追溯《嘉陵江日报》诞生的时代背景和思想源头。

    The second part , including the background of the rural experiments in Republic China , and the Symposium of dissemination of ideas to explore , by tracing Jialingjiang Daily the birth of the historical background and ideological source .

  6. 乡村建设研究院分为三部分:乡村建设研究部、乡村服务人员训练部、乡村建设实验区。

    There are three sections of the rural construction research institutes , which is the research section on rural construction , training section of rural service personnel and the rural construction experimental section , respectively .