
  • 网络Local novels;local color fiction
  1. 论现代乡土小说田园抒写的历史形态与审美特征

    On the Historical Forms and Aesthetic Features of Modern Rural Novels

  2. 中国现代抒情性乡土小说的生态伦理叙事

    The Nature Ethics of China Modern Native Soil Novel Is Pursued

  3. 废名乡土小说晦涩之风及其成因

    Obscure Style of Fei Ming 's Local Stories and its Origin

  4. 新中国十七年乡土小说论

    On Country Novels of the 17 years of New China

  5. 四川现代乡土小说的巴蜀文化渊源

    Cultural origin of Ba and Shu of Modern Native Novel of Sichuan

  6. 彭家煌乡土小说的悲剧意蕴

    The Tragical Meaning in PENG Jia-huang 's Local Colour Fiction

  7. 中国20世纪20年代乡土小说的情感内涵

    Emotional Connotation of China 's Local Novels in the Twenties

  8. 论20年代乡土小说的主题特色

    On Thematic Features of " Native Novels " in 1920s

  9. 20世纪中国乡土小说的理性化叙事

    Rational Narrative in 20 ~ ( th ) Century Chinese Local-Color Novels

  10. 论二十世纪乡土小说的人文精神

    On the Humanism Spirit of the Boorish Novel in the 20th Century

  11. 试论水意象在20世纪乡土小说中的衍变

    Tries to Discuss the Water Image in 20th Century Local Novels Evolving

  12. 新时期河南乡土小说走势管窥

    Exploration on the Tendency of Henan Local Novels In the New Era

  13. 恋土情结是乡土小说的基本主题之一。

    Land complex is a vital theme in rural literature .

  14. 论废名与20年代乡土小说作家的差异

    On the Differences between Fei Ming and the Other Country Novel Authors

  15. 浅析乡土小说与农村题材小说的区别

    Analyze Briefly the Difference between Native Soil Novel and Countryside Subject Novel

  16. 湖南现代乡土小说发展论

    On the Development of Modernist Country Novels of Hunan

  17. 论中学语文鲁迅乡土小说的教学

    On Lu Xun 's Native - soil Novels Teaching in the Middle School

  18. 20世纪20年代乡土小说的民俗描写

    The Describes of Folk - custom in the Rural Novels of 1920 's

  19. 现代乡土小说体现了现代乡土作家对自我的二重放逐。

    Modern provincial novel reflects the provincial writers ' dual exile towards themselves .

  20. 悲喜的双重变奏&论夏天敏的乡土小说

    Dual Variation of Sorrows and Joys in Xia Tian-min 's Native Soil Novel

  21. 五四以来中国乡土小说主题的变更

    Change of the Theme of Chinese Local Novels since the May 4th Movement

  22. 诗学理想建构与理性凝眸&论现代抒情性乡土小说的价值取向

    Ideal Poetic Construction and Rational Gaze-On Value Orientation of Contemporary Lyric Local Novels

  23. 现代乡土小说兴起的社会变革意义

    On the Significance of Social Chang in the Rise of Modern Village Novels

  24. 作家生态位与20世纪中国乡土小说的生态意识

    Writer Niche and 20th Century Chinese Local Novel Ecological

  25. 周立波乡土小说特色论

    On the Features of Country Novels by Zhou Libo

  26. 二历史乡土小说:乡土历史的民间叙事。

    The second is historical fictions : the folk narration of countryside history ;

  27. 它与乡土小说和市井小说既有联系,又有区别。

    It is linked to as well as distinct from rural and urban novels .

  28. 文化视界中的西部乡土小说述略

    On the Western Country Novels in Cultural Perspective

  29. 新时期乡土小说中农民知识分子探寻

    Studies on the Farmer Intellectual in the Rural Novels in the New Historical Period

  30. 试论影视镜像与现代乡土小说

    On the Image of the Film and TV Play and the Modern Local Novel