
  • 网络The country girl
  1. 那个乡下姑娘衣着朴素。

    The country girl was simply dressed .

  2. 同这么多穿着体面又有教养的人在一起,这位乡下姑娘感到很不自在

    " Among so many well-dressed and cultured people , the country girl felt like a fish out of water . "

  3. 不要取笑我这种乡下姑娘了。

    How you do run on teasing a country girl like me .

  4. 那是些你方才说过的,容易上当受骗的乡下姑娘。

    Those are gullible country girls you were talking about .

  5. 她们都是宽厚的乡下姑娘,能够接受这种事情的发生。

    They were generous country girls who accept that such things happen .

  6. 你把自己称作少见多怪的乡下姑娘?

    Do you call yourself a raw country girl ?

  7. 他愚弄了那位乡下姑娘。

    He made a hare of that countrygirl .

  8. 一个很活泼的乡下姑娘服侍我。

    A pleasant country girl waits on me .

  9. 和一群乡下姑娘跳舞

    Dancing with a troop of country hoydens ?

  10. 故事讲的是一个乡下姑娘白手起家由穷致富的经历。

    The story is about a young girl from the country who goes from rag to riches .

  11. 请你们不要把他想成一个到处占乡下姑娘便宜的浪荡人。

    And please don 't think of him as some Casanova running around taking advantage of country girls .

  12. 这位乡下姑娘似乎觉得自己从来就没能很好地应酬她所交往的人。

    It was as though the girl from the countryside never quite felt up to the company she kept .

  13. 在这座富丽时髦的城市里,他年轻的妻子苔丝、一个乡下姑娘,会在什么地方呢?

    Where could Tess possibly be , a cottage-girl , his young wife , amidst all this wealth and fashion ?

  14. 比起大多数乡下姑娘来,她的脸色更白晰,她的牙齿更整齐,她的红唇也更薄一些。

    Her cheeks were paler , her teeth more regular , and her red lips thinner than most country girls .

  15. 他们为这桩不幸的婚姻责备自己。假如安吉尔在剑桥学习的话,他就永远不会成为一个农场主,也不会跟一个乡下姑娘结婚了。

    They blamed themselves for this unfortunate marriage.If Angel had studied at Cambridge he would never have become a farmer and married a country girl .

  16. 抵达入口大门时,一位身着中世纪裙子、正在大煲电话的乡下姑娘向我挥手示意,径直让我通过了检票口。

    Arriving at the entrance gate , I am waved through the ticket barrier by a wench in medieval dress who is chatting on the phone .

  17. 她曾从克里克夫人那儿听说,克莱尔先生说起过要娶一个乡下姑娘帮他经营农场,挤牛奶、割庄稼什么的。

    She had heard from Mrs Crick that Mr Clare had spoken of marrying a country girl to help him farm , milk cows and reap corn .

  18. 从一个贫穷的乡下姑娘变成一个有名的演员,嘉丽在其自我实现之路上迈出了反叛的脚步。在这过程中,她的女性意识也被唤醒了。

    Beginning as a poor countryside girl , and ending as a famous actress , Carrie takes rebellious steps towards self-actualization accompanying with the awakening of female consciousness .

  19. 四点半之后,当晨光初显的时候,水门汀路上和巷子里,已被这些赤脚的乡下姑娘挤满了。

    By half past four , in the pallid light of dawn , the cement paths and corridors are thronged by these village girls , some of them barefoot .

  20. 她是一个乡下姑娘,从不靠妆扮美饰自己,但她的美目流盼能使所有的美容术黯然。

    Is a country wench , that is so far from making herself beautiful by art that one look of hers is able to put all face-physick out of countenance .

  21. 如果我牺牲这一切的话,那么我确信我会找到一个至少是纯洁的乡下姑娘……但是……但是,我不应该谴责你。”

    if I sacrificed all that , I would be sure of finding a country girl who was at least pure ... but ... but I should not accuse you . "

  22. 你们知道我为什么会离开她吗?我怎么会这般心胸狭窄!我离开她是因为我发现她并不是我认为的那样,是个纯洁的乡下姑娘。

    And do you know why I left her ? How could I be so narrow - minded ! I left her because I discovered she was not the pure country girl I thought .

  23. 在肖娜的《灰姑娘》中,这位饱受欺压的年轻乡下姑娘在急着赶在时钟敲响十二下前离开白马王子时,被自己的魔法玻璃鞋刺穿了脸颊。

    A graphic re-telling of the Cinderella story sees the young , downtrodden peasant girl trip in her efforts to get away from Prince Charming when the clock strikes twelve - impaling her face on her own magical glass slipper 。

  24. 《格林童话》中灰姑娘的故事可谓无人不知无人不晓:善良的乡下姑娘惨遭妒忌心强、性情残暴的后妈虐待,却并未对生活失去希望,最终,她赢得了英俊王子的心。

    Few people aren 't familiar with the Brothers Grimm 's Cinderella , a fairy tale about a kind-hearted country girl who endures mistreatment at the hands of her cruel and jealous stepmother . The girl never loses hope or becomes jaded by her circumstances , and eventually she wins the heart of a dashing prince .

  25. 这些乡下小姑娘歌唱得很好。

    These rustic lassies are good singers .

  26. 她是个不折不扣的乡下笨姑娘,谈不上风度仪表,而且几乎谈不上美貌。

    She is the merest awkward country girl , without style or elegance , and almost without beauty .

  27. 大哥说,在公开场合同一群乡下野姑娘跳舞假如让人看见了怎么办!

    ' said the first . ' Dancing in public with a troop of country hoydens - suppose we should be seen !

  28. 你难道以为莱茵小姐就找不到比一个乡下小姑娘更有教养的助手吗?

    You wonder that Miss Lane could not find someone more genteel than a little country girl to assist her in her office .

  29. 唉,他一定以为我是一个乡下才出来的姑娘了!

    Aiya ! He must think me a silly country girl newly come to the city !