
  • 网络Rural Committee
  1. 偏僻地区和离岛的出生登记,则由派到各乡事委员会工作的分区登记主任负责。

    In the outlying areas and islands , births are normally registered at rural committee offices by visiting district registrars .

  2. 嘉宾建议增加的界别包括妇女、教育、学生、区议会,以及乡事委员会。

    Participants suggested new functional constituencies be added to cover sectors for women , education , students , District Councils and rural committees .

  3. 区议会由民选议员和委任议员组成。在新界区的区议会,乡事委员会主席为当然议员。

    A District Council is composed of elected members , appointed members , and , in the case of District Councils in rural areas , the chairmen of Rural Committees as ex officio members .