
xiānɡ mín
  • villagers, country people
  • villager
乡民 [xiāng mín]
  • [villager] 旧称乡村的百姓

  1. 某些土地所有者目无法纪。他们横行霸道,鱼肉乡民。

    Some of the landowners were a law unto themselves . There was nobody to check their excesses and they exploited the people .

  2. 乡民们涌入了临近的城镇。n.小树枝

    Rural populations swarmed into nearby towns . twig

  3. 这些淳朴的乡民来自于一个偏远的乡村。

    The honest villagers came from a lonely village .

  4. 在我们的旅程中,我发现乡民们非常友善及热心。

    During our travels we found the villagers to be very friendly and helpful .

  5. 乡民自治:农村治理模式的一种选择

    Villager Self-government : One Choice of Countryside Governing

  6. 现代化影响下的乡民,自觉或无意的寻找一种价值归属与认同。

    Village men influenced by modernity are searching for moral belonging and identity consciously or subconsciously .

  7. 庙的传说与乡民的行为规范及意义世界表达

    The legends of temple , the behavior standards of farmers and the expressions of meaning world

  8. 读者还是喜欢伊桑?布兰德而讨厌故事里那些土头土脑的乡民。这他是阻止不了的。

    He cannot prevent the reader from preferring Ethan Brand to the cloddish villagers of the tale .

  9. 乡民对国家法律缺乏信仰,直接影响到法治建设的成败。

    Country people lose faith in formulated laws , which directly influences the success of rule of law .

  10. 它刷新了读者的审美视野,让人感受到了作者对一方乡民的温情关怀。

    It renews the reader 's aesthetic view and makes him feel the author 's feeling towards the ordinary people .

  11. 在纠纷过程中,乡民会根据具体情况运用相应的行动策略和话语表达。

    In the dispute process , the countryman always utilized corresponding motion strategy and the words expression according to the special details .

  12. 王鲁彦以现代意识来审视故乡,发现乡民对现代文明充满了隔膜。

    Observing his hometown through the eyes full of modern sense , Wang Lu-yan found that the villagers were not accustomed to modern civilization .

  13. 不同于其它建筑类型,少数民族传统聚落和建筑基本上出自乡民之手并自然形成。

    Different from other architectures , the traditional settlement and architectures of minority people are basically out of the local villagers and develop naturally .

  14. 片面地强调旅游公司、政府或当地乡民等开发主体当中某一方的利益,都有失偏颇,不利于旅游业的持续发展。

    One-sided emphasis on the main interest of the Tourism Company , government or local villagers is biased not conducive to the sustainable development .

  15. 樊水科(2007)。乡村仪式传播与乡民生活世界&对樊沟村婚礼仪式考察与省思。兰州大学硕士学位论文。

    Fan Shuike ( 2007 ) . The ceremony Communication and Living in Village-The Investigation and Reflection on Wedding Ceremony of the Fangou Village .

  16. 鄂西北的南漳县境内至今存留着大量的堡寨聚落,这些堡寨在历史上曾对保卫乡里、庇护乡民发挥过积极的防御作用。

    Amount of fort-type settlements spread all over Nanzhang County in Hubei Province , which had played an important role of defensive in warfare in history .

  17. 耕读传家是中国传统社会中以村落社区为文化地理空间,以家族为单位的乡民自发读书学习、耕读结合的教育习俗与文化传统。

    Part-time learning and self-study are educational customs and cultural tradition which took place in the tribes or villages in which families can be viewed as groups .

  18. 唯自家有厕所的印度乡民代表会候选人,才能准予参选,农民发展部长说。

    Village council candidates in India should be allowed to stand for election only if they have a toilet at home , the rural development minister says .

  19. 乡民、农民、卖牛奶的和城里人,他们在这古老的街道里,不用谈话,而用另外的方式来做买卖。

    The yeomen , farmers , dairymen , and townsfolk , who came to Transat business in these ancient streets , spoke in other ways than by articulation .

  20. 越南乡规民约是基于越南乡村这一特定区域内人们的共同意志,在生产、生活的实践中形成的,由乡民自愿遵行以调节乡民之间关系的行为规范。

    The Vietnamese Village rules is the legal concept of a certain area villager controling themselves during the produce and the living in order to arrange villagers relationship .

  21. 对相关资料进行梳理与总结,找出影响乡民营建能力发展的问题所在,并由此提出对乡土建筑未来发展的相关对策。

    To sort out relevant information and summary identify affected villagers Building ability development problems . and the resulting pair of Vernacular Architecture future development of relevant countermeasures .

  22. 培植乡民对法律的需要,从体制上根治司法腐败,加大对乡村的法律服务供给,实为乡村社会建构法治秩序之前提。

    Cultivating the need of laws , radically curing the misuse in justice power and increasing the support of law services are the foundation of founding rule of law in country .

  23. 以张炜、赵德发与李贯通的乡民小说为例,我们发现乡民社会在三位作家的文学梦想中代表着不同的精神旨归。

    We can take the " Native novels " of Zhang Wei , Zhao Defa and Li Guantong for examples and we find that " native society " has different mental belongings .

  24. 其次,乡民在其话语表达中也通过表达对国家的认同以达到对权利追求的合法化,进而维持自身利益。

    At the same time , the countryman also achieved to the pursuit of their right legalization through the approval to the expression of the nation , then maintained their own benefit .

  25. 自古以来,从乡民俗乐到贵族雅乐,从宫廷礼仪到百姓祭奠,它都发挥着特有的功能。

    Since ancient times , from the rural folk music to the nobility gagaku , from court etiquette to the people to hold a memorial ceremony , it plays an unique function .

  26. 浙江嘉兴北部和江苏吴江南境接壤地带,农村家庭丝织业素称发达,织绸为乡民的主要副业。

    The border area between northern Jiaxing of Zhejiang and southern Wujiang of Jiangsu has long witnessed its booming rural household silk weaving industry , which is a major sideline of the villagers .

  27. 风土建筑作为地域文化的载体,反映着广大乡民的理想与追求,记录着社会最基层人们的生活与行为。

    Endemic buildings , as the carrier of the regional culture , reflect the ideal and pursuit of a mass of local people and record the life and behavior of the grass roots .

  28. 此外,乡村社会的经济发展水平、乡民的传统价值观念以及当地风俗习惯等诸多因素对传统乡规民约也产生了不同程度的影响。

    In addition , other elements including economic development of the rural society , the traditional value of the local people and traditional moral-ethical ideas all affected the traditional village rules in different degrees .

  29. 当下中国,农村社会中存在着两种规则治理机制,一种是国家确立的法律机制,另一种是由乡民维持的民间规则。

    In contemporary China , there are two rule management mechanisms in rural society . One is the legal mechanism established by the country , and the other is the folk rules maintained by villagers .

  30. 如果可以将乡村故事视为乡民的历史记忆,那是因为它们对于理解和解释现在我们所见到的乡村生活具有其独特的意义;

    Given that village legends are in a sense the historical memory of the villagers , it is because they bear special significance for our understanding and interpretation of what we see today in rural life .