
  1. 詹姆斯·赫里奥特,英国的乡村兽医,在英语为母语的国度里很受欢迎的作家。

    James Herriot , a country veterinarian in England , has been a very popular writer in the England-speaking world .

  2. 在赫里奥特的晚年,他把在英国约克郡当乡村兽医时的经验写了许多。

    Later in his life , James Herriot wrote a lot about his experience as a country vet in Yorkshire , England .

  3. 于是提米很快的沿着乡村小路到达了兽医居住的那个美丽的小房子。

    So Timmy was hurried along the country lanes to the pretty little house where the vet lived .