
  • 网络country girl
  1. 虽然夏川里美是个来自冲绳石垣岛的乡下女孩,她的音乐却有能够疗愈人心的力量。

    Although she is a country girl from Ishigaki , Okinawa , Rimi 's music has the power to heal wounded hearts and souls .

  2. 另外一家出版基督教畅销小说的是著名的私营出版商蓝登书屋,它旗下的百老汇出版公司将在7月份发行新书《艾米丽的新天地》,该书讲述了一个乡下女孩来到纽约的故事。

    Another publisher offering Christian chick lit is privately held Random House whose Broadway imprint will release " Emily Ever After " in July , the story of a country girl coming to New York .

  3. 就是他遇见的那个乡下女孩。

    Hubert : Just some peasant girl he met .

  4. 为什么是一模一样的乡下女孩…

    Why , ' tis the selfsame peasant maid ...

  5. 乡下女孩?是谁?他在哪里到的?

    The peasant girl ? Who is she ? Where did he meet her ?

  6. 乡下女孩,她是谁?

    The peasant girl , who is she ?

  7. 啊,是长的一模一样的乡下女孩在昨天赢得了我们高贵的王子的心。

    Why , 'tis the selfsame peasant maid , who won the heart of our noble prince but yesterday .

  8. 这个乡下女孩羞得下巴抵到了胸前,两眼盯着地面,不情愿地跟着玛格丽特来到那间昏暗的办公室后排。

    With her chin on her chest and her eyes staring down , the reluctant farm girl followed Margaret to the back of the somber room .

  9. 密西西比州乡下女孩可谓屈指可数说实话今天早上当我坐在台上的时候

    And not too many little girls from rural Mississippi . Have made it all the way here to Cambridge , and I can tell you that I consider today as I sat on the stage this morning .

  10. 故事聚焦于乡下女孩贝儿(艾玛·沃森饰演)和她的野兽爱人(丹·史蒂文斯饰演)之间不可能的爱情故事。唱着新歌的“美女”魅力无限,而具有视觉冲击力的“野兽王子”则惊人的机智。

    Centering on the unlikely romance between provincial girl Belle ( Emma Watson ) and her monstrous love interest ( Dan Stevens ) , this " Beauty " casts a spell with new show tunes , and a visually impressive , surprisingly witty man-beast .

  11. 好像他爱上了一个乡下的女孩

    Seems he 's fallen in love with some ... peasant girl .

  12. 只要你想它就会将你的人性照亮作为一位来自密西西比州乡下的小女孩很久之前我就懂得做回真我

    That illuminates your very human beingness , if you let it . And as a young girl from the rural Mississippi , I learned long ago that