
  • 网络Rural Construction Movement;Rural Reconstruction Movement
  1. 中国基督教乡村建设运动研究(1907&1950)

    A Study on Christian Rural Reconstruction Movement in China ( 1907-1950 )

  2. 民国时期的乡村建设运动

    The Rural Reconstruction Movement during the Republican period

  3. 关于民国乡村建设运动的几个问题

    Several Issues on the Rural Construction Movement in the Republican Period

  4. 梁漱溟乡村建设运动的文化诠释

    The Cultural Explanation on Liang Shuming 's Movement of Rural Construction

  5. 苏维埃运动、乡村建设运动与中国农村的社会变迁比较

    A Comparison on Rural Social Changes : Soviet and Constructing-Country Movement

  6. 梁漱溟与民国时期山东的乡村建设运动

    Liang Shu Ming and Country Construction of Shandong in Republic of China

  7. 实现建立新社会组织的道路,要靠乡村建设运动。

    Rural construction movement was the key to building a new social organization .

  8. 化农民与农民化:乡村建设运动中大众传媒的功能与策略分析&以《农民》报为中心

    The Role of Mass Media and Strategy in Village Construction Movement : An Analysis

  9. 二十世纪三十年代初,中国历史上出现了大规模的乡村建设运动。

    In the early 1930s , a large-scale village-building movement appeared in Chinese history .

  10. 民国福建乡村建设运动研究

    Study on Fujian Rural Construction Movement during the Period of the Republic of China

  11. 第三部分描述了梁漱溟乡村建设运动的实践内容;

    In the third part we describe Liang Shuming ' practice contents of country building movement .

  12. 都市化:民国乡村建设运动中的青岛模式

    Urbanization : the Qingdao Mode in the Rural Construction Movement During the Period of the Republic of China

  13. 实验主义与邹平、定县所代表的乡村建设运动的理论和实践有很多联系。

    The pragmatism has many affiliations with the movement of country-construction which is represented by Zouping and Dingxian .

  14. 民国乡村建设运动中的环境卫生事业探析

    On the Improvement of Environmental Sanitation during the Rural Reconstruction Movement in the Period of the Republic of China

  15. 乡村建设运动对农村政治结构的影响&对湖南省衡山县的实证研究

    The Impact of Rural Construction Movement on Rural Political Structure & a positive research of Hengshan county , Hunan province

  16. 民国时期的镇平县自治运动,是当时乡村建设运动的重要组成部分。

    In 1930s , The self-government movement in ZhenPing County was an important part of Republic China Rural Construction Movement .

  17. 直到1931年沈鸿烈担任青岛市长后,青岛的乡村建设运动才真正发展起来,并在沈氏的领导下取得了巨大成就。

    Until Shen Honglie served as mayor of Qingdao in1931 , the village constructions began to develop really and had great success .

  18. 梁漱溟大胆地走向社会,将理论运用于实践,它所开展的乡村建设运动,是企图解决传统文化与现代化关系问题的一次尝试。

    Liang Shuming 's movement of the rural construction is an attempt to settle the problem between the traditional culture and the modernized one .

  19. 晏阳初是中国现代史上一位著名的平民教育家,乡村建设运动主要代表之一。

    Dr James Yen was an eminent mass educator as well as one of the representatives of the Rural Reconstruction Movement in modern Chinese history .

  20. 苏维埃运动和乡村建设运动大约同时出现并活跃于中国的农村,它们都促进了所在农村的社会变迁。

    Soviet and Constructing country Movement both emerged in the rural area almost at the same time and both of them accelerated social change of villages .

  21. 梁漱溟是20世纪上半叶乡村建设运动的领袖,他提出乡村建设思想有其特定的社会历史条件以及文化背景。

    Liang Shu-min is the leader of Countryside Construction Movement in the first half of the 20th century . His idea of countryside construction has its fixed social and historical condition and cultural background .

  22. 民国时期的福建乡村建设运动是福建现代史上一场重要的谋求农村现代化的社会改良运动。

    The rural construction movement in Fujian Province during the period of the Republic of China is a significant movement of social reform that seeked for rural modernization in the modern history of Fujian Province .

  23. 梁漱溟在20世纪20年代所开展的乡村建设运动,旨在探索一种从农业引发工业的乡村建设模式,并以此走出一条中国式的工业化道路。

    Liang Shu-ming started the rural construction movement in the twenties of the 20th century in order to explore a rural constructional mode of " solicitation from agriculture to industry " and walk out a Chinese industrialization road .

  24. 这场以救活农村为宗旨的乡村建设运动,首先是由一批从海外学成归国的学者和国内一些有识之士为拯救破败的农村积极奔走并进行实践而兴起的。

    In the " rural life " for the purpose of rural construction movement , first by a group when learn homecoming scholars from overseas and domestic some insight to save the dilapidated rural positive and practice run arisen .

  25. 论文从福建乡村建设运动的性质、内容评估、特点及历史意义等方面阐述福建乡村建设运动的历史定位,并对现实的三农问题提出若干思考。

    The thesis tries to elaborate the historical position of the Fujian Rural Construction Movement from different angles such as evaluation of its content , its features and historical significance , etc. The thesis also proposes some thoughts on the practical " problems of agriculture , village and peasants " .

  26. 高等农业院校在近代乡村教育与建设运动中的作用研究

    On the Functioning of Higher Agricultural Colleges and Universities in the Modern Rural Education and Construction Campaign

  27. 第三章,主要是联系当时中国乡村社会的实际,分析《大地》中的乡村中国的真与假,并且联系当时以晏阳初为代表的乡村建设运动,分析晏阳初和赛珍珠的文化认同。

    Chapter three mainly devotes to discussing the " truth " and " falseness " of " rural China " of The Good Earth through connecting it with the facts of Chinese countryside at that time .