
jiā tínɡ xué
  • study of the family
  1. 主要的课程包括食品和时尚学,营销学,家庭学,营养学及相关课程。

    Core courses include food and fashion merchandising , marketing education , family education , nutrition , and related subjects .

  2. 日本家庭社会学研究现状及展望

    Present Situation and Prospect of Study on Family Sociology in Japan

  3. 家庭社会学二十年

    Sociology of Family for 20 Years

  4. 对择偶问题的研究一直是家庭社会学领域的一个重要课题。

    Mate selection is a long-standing popularity of the subject in the field of family sociology .

  5. 20世纪70年代,日本家庭社会学研究形成一个重要领域&家庭问题研究,无论在理论和体系上都取得一定的成果;

    During 1970s , Japanese family sociology formed an important research field & it is a study on family problems , and got some achievements in theory as well as system .

  6. 文章运用家庭社会学、社区研究以及人口与经济发展等有关理论,分析了我国人口老龄化的现状与发展趋势及其影响,提出应充分发挥老人社区服务在解决人口老龄化问题中的作用。

    This article applies some of the theories of family sociology , community study , demography and economy development to the analysis of the present situation and the trend of aging in China .

  7. 家庭社会学的研究便是以家庭为出发点,从观察家庭的总体发展变化人手,探索社会各领域的相互关系以及它们对社会及个人生活所产生的影响。

    From the prospective of family , Sociology of Family studies and researches , by observing the general changes of the family , the mutual relationships among the various fields in a society and their effects on the society as well as the personal life of the people .

  8. 婚姻家庭是社会学研究的重要领域。

    Marriage and family is an important sociological study area .

  9. 少数民族山区陪读家庭的社会学解读

    Unscrambling " Families of Accompanying Study " in Minority Mountainous Areas-from Sociological Perspective

  10. 中国丁克家庭的社会学透视

    On DINK home of China in sociology perspective

  11. 隆努力与学生建立交情,去做家庭访问并学着玩学生下课玩的游戏。

    Ron made an effort to connect with his students by visiting their families and learning their recess games .

  12. 232例家庭暴力损伤法医学鉴定分析

    Analysis on Forensic Identification of Family Violence in 232 Cases

  13. 我在家庭教师指导下学法语。由导师指导的教学实习

    I am tutoring in French . guided teaching practice

  14. 现代家庭体育的社会学分析

    The Sociological Analysis on Modern Family Physical Education

  15. 这男孩在家庭教师指导下学算术。

    The boy is tutoring in arithmetic .

  16. 现代家庭伦理的社会学构建

    Sociological Construction of Modern Family Ethics

  17. 古代家庭教育对官学教育的辅助、补助以及挽救功能是无与伦比的;

    The assistance , supplement and saving functions of Ancient Family Education to Official Education are unique ;

  18. 现时,他教授的科目包括家庭法、法律学、医学道德与法律、以及各种法律的抵触。

    He currently teaches family law , jurisprudence , medicine ethics and law and conflict of laws .

  19. 老有所为,老有所乐,研究老人参与家庭健身的社会学意义,将对老人、对家庭、对社会都有着极其重要的现实意义。

    Studying the sociology meaning of old people join family fitness will have very important practical significance to old people .

  20. 如《女诫》对中国后世家庭伦理以及女学等的影响,均结合作品和相关文献加以集中讨论。

    Such as influences the later generation literature , the female study as well as the family ethics view and so on .

  21. 著名的俄罗斯作曲家穆索尔斯基,1839年生于一个农奴主家庭,幼时随母学钢琴,并接受民间音乐的熏陶。

    The famous Russian composer Moussorgsky was born in a serf family in 1839 . He studied piano with his mother and accept influenced folk music .

  22. 结果社区家庭护理在护理学评价、生理、心理、社会干预等方面明显优于医院常规护理,且可有效降低医疗费用。

    Results The community family nursing interference does better than hospital nursing on nursing evaluation , physiological interference , social and psychological Interference . Furthermore medical expense is greatly reduced .

  23. 就连哈萨克斯坦的第一家庭也已为学汉语背书:哈萨克斯坦总统之女、该国副总理达丽加•纳扎尔巴耶娃(DarigaNazarbayeva)在2月表示,除了哈萨克语、俄语和英语,哈萨克斯坦儿童还应学习汉语。

    Even Kazakhstan 's first family has endorsed learning Chinese : Dariga Nazarbayeva , deputy prime minister and daughter of the country 's president , in February said that Kazakh children should learn Chinese in addition to Kazakh , Russian and English .

  24. 大学生正处在青春期发展的中后期,逐步完成从青少年向成年人的过渡和转变,开始摆脱对父母和家庭的依赖,学着独立,并渐渐走向成熟。

    Colleague students are now in the end of adolescence period , they are changing from youngsters to adults step by step , starting to get rid of dependency from their parents and family , learning how to be a independent and mature people .

  25. 家庭变迁研究是家庭社会学研究中最为重要的研究领域之一。

    The Research on Family Changes is one of the core braches in Family Sociology .

  26. 日本一些著名的家庭社会学家曾对战后日本的家庭社会学研究做过总结,20世纪60年代至90年代发表过许多研究成果。

    Some famous Japanese family sociologists have ever summarized the postwar family studies , and issued many achievements from 1960s to 1970s .