
  • 网络Religious Principles;Usul al-Din
  1. 本产品是依据中国宗教的原理与现代科技研发而成。

    Our product is combined Chinese 's religion keystone and modern technologies .

  2. 然后在时空建构上,由空间叠合、异界时殊、空间大小状貌对比三方面分析了其时空观的异化,探究其民间和宗教思维原理。

    Secondly , I analyse the time-space Construction when the space-time crossing occurs by researching spatial overlapping , time difference and Spatial Difference in size and appearance , and investigate the folk thought and religious thinking mode which the cause these phenomena .

  3. 他基于佛教与他宗教的和谐原理提出的佛教理论,是超越了人的平等思想、慈悲与宽容精神、差别与对立观念的缘起的世界观。

    Thus he pro - posed a Buddhist theory based on the harmony between Buddhist and other religions , which surpassed the world outlook of all human beings ' equality , benevolence and tolerance , difference and contrast .