
  • 网络Religious Studies;study of religion;Religion/Religious Studies
  1. 明年暑假劳拉将参加戏剧和宗教研究两门课的高级程度考试。

    Laura is taking A levels next summer in theatre and religious studies .

  2. 于君方教授在宗教研究领域中有卓越的地位。

    Professor Chun-fang Yu has led a distinguished career in the field of religious studies .

  3. 跨文化视角下的中西宗教研究

    The Study of Oriental and Occidental Religions from a Cross-cultural Perspective

  4. 他的宗教研究是他的社会学理论的组成部分。

    His religious research is an integral part of his sociological theory .

  5. 近代科学:对宗教研究传统的反叛与继承

    Modern Science : The Rebellion and Inheritance towards the Tradition of Religious Researches

  6. 笔者也希望它能对跨文化和跨宗教研究有所启示。

    I hope this may also in some way enlighten cross-culture and cross-religion studies .

  7. 宗教研究在我国一直是一个被忽视的领域。

    The research on religion has always been a neglected field in our country .

  8. 宗教研究中的理论和材料:从单一到多元

    Theory and Data in the Study of Religions : From the Singleness to the Plurality

  9. 近代以来的西南少数民族宗教研究&以国外学者研究为中心

    Original Religion Researches on the Ethnic Groups in the Southwestern Part of China in Modern Times

  10. 因此,原始文化研究与原始宗教研究紧密相关。

    Hence the study of primitive culture is intimately bound up with that of primitive religion .

  11. 中国民族宗教研究的学术架构&基于民族学/人类学的思考

    On Academic Frame of Ethnic Religion Studies in China & Thinking Based on Ethnology and Anthropology

  12. 甘南多元宗教研究

    A Study on Muti-religion of Gannan

  13. 涂尔干的宗教研究是他的社会学方法在宗教学领域的运用。

    Religious research of Durkheim is the application of his sociological methodology in the field of religion .

  14. 本文从宗教研究的角度来谈巴赫汀的对话学。

    This study discusses , from the perspective of religious studies , Bakhtin 's theory of dialogism .

  15. 了解这些墓碑的内容,对滇西古代社会研究特别是古代宗教研究具有十分重要的意义。

    These gravestones and the inscriptions on them are valuable in the study of ancient history and religions .

  16. 神学院是宗教研究机构,也是培养宗教领袖的专业学院。

    A theological seminary is a graduate school of religion and a professional school for training religious leaders .

  17. 这所学校位于洛杉矶东部,提供跨宗教研究和穆斯林领袖硕士学位。

    The university is east of Los Angeles . It s master 's degree programs in interreligious studies and Muslim leadership .

  18. 18世纪后期在俄国建立的虔敬派团体的一员,强调宗教研究的重要性。

    A member of a Hasidic community founded in Russia in the late18th century that stresses the importance of religious study .

  19. 从文化而伦理,从伦理而结构,这是当代中国宗教研究范式的三段式演进。

    The study of contemporary religion in China follows " three phases ": from " culture " through " ethics " to " structure " .

  20. 任廷黎〔图〕,中国社会科学院退休研究员,二零零五年退休前担任该院世界宗教研究所基督教研究室主任。

    Ren Yanli headed the Christian Studies ´ section of the World Religions Institute at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing before retiring in2005 .

  21. 目前,新范式开始运用于中国、印度等国家的宗教研究,似乎要成为普世性的理论模式。

    Now some scholars begin to apply the new paradigm into the studies of Chinese and Indian religions , and it seems to become a general theoretical model .

  22. 专研范围中国宗教研究、道教研究、佛教研究、圣经研究、基督教研究中国基督教研究及宗教、教育与社会。

    Fields of specialization include Chinese religions , Taoist studies , Buddhist studies , biblical studies , Christian Studies Christianity in china , and religion , education and society .

  23. 瑞克·考尼什先生获得丹佛神学院宗教研究博士学位,此外还获得内布拉斯加大学希腊古典文学和历史学的硕士和学士学位。

    Rick Cornish has a doctorate degree in Religious Studies from Denver Seminary as well as masters and bachelors degrees in Classical Greek and history from the University of Nebraska .

  24. 华盛顿公共宗教研究所的丹尼尔·考克斯说,某些基督教徒不愿支持罗姆尼,对他可能造成伤害。

    However , Romney might be hurt by the reluctance of some Christian voters to support him , says Daniel Cox with the Public Religion Research Institute here in Washington .

  25. 稻作民族的典型农耕祭祀以哈尼族梯田祭祀为例傣族原始宗教研究的新视点金沙江河谷傣族的稻作与祭祀

    The Typical Rice-growing Farmers Sacrifice Offering & Taking Sacrifice-offering of Hani Terraced Fields as an Example ; New perspective of the research of the primitive religion of the Dai people

  26. 本文强调,当前的宗教研究,只有正视这个矛盾,宗教与人类的关系及其对人类生活的意义,才能被正确看待。

    This paper stresses that only present religious research faces this contradiction , the relationship between religion and human being and religious significance for the human life could be correctly treated .

  27. 并得出结论:上帝存在假说论证作为一个成功的科学与信仰关系整合模型,为科学&宗教研究提供了深广的新视角。

    The conclusion is that " God existence " argument offers a new angle more profound and vast to study the relationship between science and religion as a possible science & religion integration model .

  28. 事实上在他的一生中,牛顿写的圣经注释和宗教研究比他主要的科学数学理论多得多。

    He was an unorthodox Christian , and during his life he actually wrote more on Biblical hermeneutics and religious studies than on science and mathematics , the subjects he is primarily known for .

  29. 在这一根本问题上,舍勒批判了宗教研究中的心理主义和主体主义倾向,并认为宗教行为自律的本质特征在于其世界超越性、否定性和接受性。

    In respect to this fundamental problem , Scheler criticizes the psychologism and subjectivism in the religious studies , and holds that world-transcendence , negativity and receptivity are characteristics of the autonomy of religious acts .

  30. 他的解释人类学已渗透到了文化研究的各个领域,在哲学、语言学、宗教研究、文学批评等各方面产生了深刻的影响。

    His interpretation anthropology has permeated every sphere of culture study , such as philosophy ; linguistics , religion study , literature criticism and so on . It has produced a deep influence on these spheres .