
  • 网络Valley Girl
  1. 每周,她都会通过Skype与巴基斯坦的一个儿时朋友聊上数小时,了解斯瓦特山谷女孩受教育的状况,以及家乡的小道消息。

    She spends hours on Skype each week with a childhood friend in Pakistan , catching up on girls ' education efforts in the Swat Valley but also hometown gossip .

  2. 以购物商城为导向的电影也紧随其后,犹如风中的孢子散播着山谷女孩一族的文化。

    Mall-oriented films followed , spreading the Valley girls ' culture like spores in the wind .

  3. 80年代初期,当我还是青少年的时候,《山谷女孩》出现了。

    When I was a tween in the early " 80s , the Valley Girl was born .

  4. 其中一种习惯是“用升调说话”,这种山谷女孩式的语调每一句话都使用升调,就像是在问问题一样,非常令人讨厌。

    One of these is " uptalk , " that annoying valley-girl intonation that makes every sentence turn up at the end like a question .

  5. 而在同一年代的后期,影片《独领风骚》中的山谷女孩又使这个词广为流行。如今,这一词汇仍然很常用,它在年轻人中尤为流行。

    Immortalized in song by Nirvana (" oh well , whatever , nevermind ") in1991 , popularized by the Valley girls in " Clueless " later that decade , it is still commonly used , often by younger people .

  6. 她的努力工作鼓舞了斯瓦特山谷的许多年轻女孩。

    Her hard work encouraged many young girls in Swat Valley .