
bǎo bèi
  • baby;treasure;darling;pet;jewel;cowrie;treasured object;good-for-nothing or queer character;rare shell
宝贝 [bǎo bèi]
  • (1) [rare shell]∶贵重少见的贝壳

  • (2) [treasure]∶珍奇的东西

  • (3) 很有价值并当爱物保藏起来的东西

  • 这个花瓶是他的宝贝

  • (4) 被认为是少有的或宝贵的人

  • 我的女儿是个宝贝

  • (5) [darling]∶对亲爱者的昵称。心爱的人,多用于小孩儿

  • (6) [good-for-nothing or queercharacter]∶对人的谑称或蔑称。指无能或奇怪荒唐的人

  • 这个人真是个宝贝

  • (7) [cowrie]∶腹足纲前鳃亚纲宝贝科(Cypraeidae)宝贝属( Cypraea )海产螺类

宝贝[bǎo bèi]
  1. 他们爱他,把他当作自己的宝贝。

    They loved him and regarded him as their treasure .

  2. 它们是你的宝贝。

    They are your treasure .

  3. 她动不动就哭,而且神经紧张,总为她的小宝贝担心。

    She was weepy and nervy , anxious about her baby .

  4. 我没碰你那辆宝贝车!

    I didn 't touch your precious car !

  5. 你见到我的钥匙了吗,宝贝?

    Have you seen my keys , honey ?

  6. 她的女儿是她心爱的宝贝。

    Her daughter is very dear to her .

  7. 鲁思,宝贝,你在吗?

    Ruth , lovey , are you there ?

  8. 可怜的宝贝!

    You poor lamb !

  9. 我的宝贝女儿。

    My darling daughter .

  10. 当过兵的人大概是雇主们寻找的宝贝了。

    Ex-forces personnel could be the manna from heaven employers are seeking

  11. 彭妮的独子是她的心肝宝贝。

    Penny 's only son was the apple of her eye .

  12. 嘘,宝贝,没事了。

    Hush , my love , it 's all right .

  13. 他称宝丽来照相机是老天爷特意为他的工作赐予的宝贝。

    He called the Polaroid camera a godsend to his work

  14. 我们不知道宝贝儿子长大了会怎样。

    We wondered what the future would hold for our baby son .

  15. 我第一句话是,“宝贝,你看起来真是美极了。”

    I opened by saying , ' Honey , you look sensational . '

  16. 我很爱这个小宝贝,因为它肯定是我最后一个孩子了。

    I want this baby very much , because it certainly will be the last .

  17. “你还想要?”克莱尔吼道。“想都别想,宝贝。”

    ' You want more ? ' roared Claire . ' Forget it , honey . '

  18. 超级宝贝詹妮·麦卡锡暗示了在乌烟瘴气的好莱坞演艺圈内年轻女演员必须经历的种种考验。

    Uber-babe Jenny McCarthy has hinted at the trials young actresses must undergo in Hollywood 's seedier realms

  19. 宝贝,我知道怎么能让你感觉好些,我给你讲个故事。

    I know how to make you feel better , sugar . I 'll tell you a story .

  20. 她走过来搂着我。“可怜的宝贝,出什么事儿啦?”

    She came and put her arms around me . ' You poor lamb . What 's wrong ? '

  21. “爸爸,我想和你一起去。”——“好吧,好吧,小宝贝。”

    ' I want to go with you , Daddy . ' — 'Now , now , sweetheart . '

  22. 这些果树是约瑟夫的宝贝。

    The black currant trees were the apple of joseph 's eye .

  23. 这婴儿是全家的心肝宝贝。

    The baby is the family darling .

  24. 我们这位新来的老板,也就是上帝赐予英国工业界中的宝贝,他的成功之处,就是使我们所得的利润比他未到任之前还要少。

    Our new boss , god 's gift to British industry , has succeeded in making our profits even less than they were before he arrived .

  25. B:当然不,宝贝!快点!这边,楼下!

    Of course not , baby ! Come on ! This way , downstairs !

  26. 盒子里有一些非常重要的信和她所有的宝贝。

    There were some very important letters and all her treasures in the box .

  27. Babylag(宝贝时差)指因照顾小孩导致的睡眠不足引发的极度疲惫和精神不集中。

    Baby lag refers to extreme fatigue1 and disorientation due to the sleep deprivation2 associated with parenting a baby .

  28. 这种现象也被称为“温室培育”和“超级宝贝综合征”。

    This is also called hothousing and the superbaby syndrome .

  29. 兄弟们都为他们发现的宝贝感到惊讶。

    The brothers were amazed at the treasures they found .

  30. 但是,这个宝贝使整个房子着了魔似的。

    But it cast an enchantment over that house .