
  • 网络Method acting
  1. 在英国学派的诸位干将之中,赫德利·布尔(HedleyBull)是一位重要的人物,他不仅是国际社会思想的核心阐发者,也是国际关系理论发展史上第二次大辩论中经典方法派的主力。

    Among the English School writers , Hedley Bull is one of the most preeminent figures , and it is him who expounds the idea of international society .

  2. 美国表演方法派在中戏的实践和拓展

    Practice and Adaptation of the Method in the Training in the Central Academy of Drama

  3. 此事的讽刺意味在于,至少在开始的时候,英国石油似乎采取了教科书上有关如何应对企业危机的标准方法派首席执行官到第一线主事,负起清理油污的责任,并补偿受害者。

    The irony of this is that , early on at least , BP appeared to be adopting a textbook approach to corporate crises dispatching its chief executive to lead from the front , taking responsibility for cleaning the spill and compensating victims .

  4. 关于种植西红柿的最佳方法有几派不同的意见。

    There are different schools of thought on the best method of growing tomatoes .

  5. 一旦搜寻小组更加接近可疑残片,更多传统方法就可派上用场。

    More traditional methods may be employed once search teams are get closer to the suspected wreckage .

  6. 我们的通信员提到,实际上,党内分化为想让公共营运保障系统的一派和担心这种借鉴来的方法的一派。

    But in practice , the party is deeply divided between those that want a publicly-run insurance scheme and those alarmed by the borrowing necessary to fund it , our correspondent says .

  7. 近代中国从西方输入近代科学方法始于维新派,他们对实验方法、逻辑方法、数学方法均进行了一定程度的传播和运用。

    The introduction of modern scientific method into China can be traced back to the Reformists in 1898 , who to some extent disseminated and applied the experimental method , logical method and scientific method .

  8. 我们的对手有一种新的加工方法,我想派个人去探个究竟。

    Our rivals have a new process and I want somebody to smoke it out .

  9. 其研究方法显现出考证派与小说批评派合流的趋向。

    Its research technique appears the research to send with the novel criticism to send the confluence the trend .

  10. 采用增加系统氧气压力的方法,研究了派生物合成的工艺条件。

    The technology conditions for synthesizing the derivative compound was researched by means of increasing the oxygen pressure in the system .

  11. 把这些事实直接纳入公设,是「明」唯一方法,推理完全派不上用场。

    The only way to prove such facts is to assume them directly as new axioms , without using reasoning at all .

  12. 在系统规格验证方法上,以派区网路推论系统错误有其可行性,但仍缺乏规格可能出现之完整推论与验证。

    The number of processes defines the size of the system . A parameterized system may be regarded as an infinite family of instances , namely one for each size .

  13. 从天人合一到天人唯一:作为方法的暗斋派朱子学相识满天下,知心唯一人。

    From Tien Jen Ho Yin to Tien Jen Wei Yin : Ansai School of Zhu Zi Doctrine As Method ; Friends like you come along once in a life time .