
  • 网络Squaric acid;squaraine
  1. 主链含方酸的PPV型共聚物与C60衍生物(PCBM)共混后,具有较好的光伏效应,是一类有前景的太阳电池材料。

    The devices made of the polymers containing squaric acid unit and blend C60 derivative ( PCBM ) have good photovoltaic effect , and prospect for application in solar cells .

  2. 方酸的合成方法

    Synthesis of Squaric Acid

  3. 1,3-N,N′-双-[4-(4′-硝基苯偶氮)苯基]异方酸二酰胺分光光度法测定味精中的谷氨酸根

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Glutamate in Sodium Glutamate with 1,3 N , N ′ Bis 4 ( 4 ′ nitrobenzenediazo ) phenyl squaraine

  4. 六元环硼氮烷对称取代方酸的电子光谱和非线性光学性质的DFT研究

    DFT Studies on Electronic Spectra and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Symmetric Squaraine Derivatives Linked with Borazine

  5. UV-Vis、FL、TGA、DSC测试结果表明方酸菁高分子是一种具有窄带隙、良好热稳定性的光学吸收材料。

    The UV-Vis , FL , DSC and TGA results show that the squaraine-based macromolecule is a low bandgap , good optical absorbing material with high thermal stability .

  6. 结果表明,与典型D-π-A结构的分子对硝基苯胺(PNA)相比,多数方酸衍生物具有更强的光学非线性。

    We found that most of these molecules have larger β value than p-nitroaniline ( PNA ), which has a typical D - π - A structure .

  7. 方酸菁掺杂PPV聚合物的光电性能和卟啉衍生物及其金属配合物的合成与性质研究铜酞菁的溶解及纳米铜酞菁薄膜的制备

    Blends of Squaraine and PPV s Photocurrent Properties & Syntheses as Well as Properties of Porphyrin Derivatives ; Disolution of Copper Phthalocyanine and Fabrication of Its Nano-Structure Films

  8. 利用从头算HF/6-31G方法对用苯并五元环取代的方酸衍生物体系SQ1~SQ15进行几何构型优化和电子结构计算。

    The geometry structures of squaraine derivatives substituted by benzo five-membered ring moi-ety were optimized and electronic structures were calculated with HF / 6-31G method .

  9. 方酸及其离子的结构与性质

    The Structure and its Property of Squaric Acid and its Anion

  10. 一种新型方酸菁近红外吸收染料的合成研究

    A Study on the Synthesis of Novel Near-Infrared Absorbing Squaraine Dyes

  11. 研究表明,目标方酸菁染料具有良好的光学吸收性能。

    The results reveal that squaraine dyes have good optical absorbing properties .

  12. 1,3-取代方酸衍生物的光谱研究及二聚体、簇集体的形成

    Spectroscopic study of 1,3-SUBSTITUTED squaric acid derivatives and its dimer , aggregate formation

  13. 方酸作桥联配体的双核铕螯合物的电致发光

    Electroluminescent Devices Based on Binuclear Europium Chelate with Square Acid as Bridge Ligand

  14. 1,3-双(N-取代苯氨基)方酸内鎓盐的合成

    Synthesis of 1,3-Bis ( N-substituted anilino ) squaraines

  15. 氮方酸合成方法研究

    Study on synthetic methods of nitrogen acid

  16. 氮方酸的酸化反应均无明显不良反应。

    No obvious side reactions were found .

  17. 1,3取代方酸分子非线性光学性质的有限场方法研究

    Investigation of the nonlinear optical properties of 1 , 3-substitued squaraine derivative molecules by finite field method

  18. 介绍了方酸(3,4二羟基3环丁烯1,2二酮)的各种合成方法,评述了有机化学、电化学、生物发酵等方法合成方酸的进展及应用前景。

    Different synthetic routes of squaric acid ( 3,4 dihydroxy cyclobutene 1,2 dione ) are summarized . The limitations and advantages of particular routes are discussed .

  19. 方酸以少见的μ-1,2,3配位模式桥联3个中心金属离子,并进一步组装成二维网状配位聚合物。

    The square bridging links three metal centers through a novel μ - 1,2,3 coordination model , and which is further assembled into 2D network coordination polymer .

  20. 为了研究分子结构与材料光学性能之间的关系,分别研究了喹啉类对称与不对称方酸菁的摩尔吸光系数、紫外最大吸收波长以及在溶液中的聚集效应。

    In order to study the relations between molecular structures and optical properties , the molar absorption coefficient , the wavelength of maximum absorption and aggregation effect of squaraine dyes were studied .

  21. 论文主要内容如下:1.综述了方酸菁染料的研究进展,详细探讨了对称、不对称方酸菁的研究现状、合成方法及应用。

    The main contents of this dissertation include the following points : 1 . The development of squaraine dyes and especially the status , synthesis method and application of the symmetrical and unsymmetrical squaraine dyes were reviewed in detail . 2 .

  22. 叙述了六方水合铝酸钙的合成条件和方法,并通过化学分析、TG-DTA分析和XRD分析对所合成的六方水合铝酸钙进行了表征。

    Synthesis condition and method of hexagonal calcium aluminate hydrate are described . The synthetic hexagonal calcium aluminate hydrate is characterized through chemical , TG-DTA and XRD analysis .

  23. 纳米六方水合铝酸钙的制备与应用

    Preparation and Application of Nanometer Hexagonal Calcium Aluminate Hydrate of Deep Desilication

  24. 六方水合铝酸钙的性质研究

    Property study of hexagonal calcium aluminate hydrate

  25. 补肾活血方配合玻璃酸钠注射治疗膝骨性关节炎的疗效观察

    Effects of the Chinese Recipe of Strengthening Kidney and Activating Blood Combining with Sodium Hyaluronate Injection for Knee Osteoarthritis

  26. 我方发现游离酸的含时超过了合同规定的最高量0.01%,因此我方不得不向贵方索赔5000英镑的损失。

    We find the free acidity exceeds the contract maximum by 0.01 % , so we have to ask you to indemnify us for a loss of £ 5,000 .

  27. 结论婴儿奶方中脂肪酸组成较牛光更接近于人乳,但不能完全替代人乳。

    Conclusions Compared with cow milk , the fatty acid composition of infant formulas was more close to that of human milk , but infant formulas can not completely substituted for human milk .

  28. 温阳活血方对慢性马兜铃酸肾病大鼠肾损害的干预作用

    Intervention of Wen Yang Huo Xue Fang on Kidney Damage in Rats with Chronic Aristolochic Acid Nephropathy

  29. 同时采用高效液相方法检测单味关木通药液、导赤散药液及导赤散拆方药液中马兜铃酸A溶出量。

    Dissolved amount of aristolochic acid A in the Decoctions of single GMT , Daochi San and separated drugs of Daochi San were detected with high performance liquid chromatography .