
  • 网络Basic living expenses;the basic living cost
  1. 本文着重探讨了基本生活费用价格指数的编制方法。

    This paper emphasizes the method of the index establishment .

  2. 我也知道他们会把大量的学生贷款用在不必要的花费上,但也包含学费和基本生活费用。

    At the same time , I knew they were taking out massive student loans to fund their gratuitous consumption , along with tuition and basic living expenses .

  3. 首先,论文从编制基本生活费用指数的理论研究入手,根据生活费用指数理论,在位似偏好的条件下,可以利用拉氏价格指数和帕氏价格指数来近似估计生活费用价格指数。

    According to the theory of living cost index , in the condition of homothetic preference , Laspeyres and Paasche price index can be used to estimate the living cost index .

  4. 失业保险金,是指失业保险经办机构按规定支付给符合条件的失业人员的基本生活费用。

    Unemployed insurance gold , it is the basic living expenses of the unemployed personnel that shows orgnaization of unemployed insurance agency presses a regulation to pay to accord with a condition .

  5. 所谓贫困大学生,是指国家招收的普通高校本专科学生在校期间基本生活费用难以达到学校所在地最低伙食标准,且无力缴纳学费及购置必要学习用品,日常生活没有经济保障的大学生。

    The so-called ICS refer to those whose basic living cost is lower than the lowest food standard in the area , and who can not afford the tuition or the study necessities and who live without financial security .

  6. 对劳动报酬征税禁止过度,要遵循净所得和生存权保障原则,个人和家庭的基本生活费用应当扣除,低于最低生活费用的收入不属于征税范围。

    Taxation on labor payment should comply with net income and survival right protection principle , personal and family basic living cost should be deducted , income lower than lowest living cost is not within the scope of taxation .

  7. 在指数形式上本文对传统方法进行了改进,采用拉氏价格指数和帕氏价格指数构成的区间,对基本生活费用价格指数进行估计,这也是本文的创新之一。

    On the collection of the form , this paper changes the traditional way to use the range between Laspeyres and Paasche price index to estimate the price index of basic living cost , which is one of the innovations in this paper .

  8. 基础工资按大体维持公务员本人基本的生活费用确定的,各职务人员均执行一样的基础工资。

    Base salary by the general maintenance of the officer himself identified the basic cost of living , are the implementation of the official of the same basic salary .

  9. 城市居民最低生活保障标准由各地人民政府根据当地基本生活必需品费用和财政承受能力自行确定。

    Standard of safeguard of townsman lowest life is become by basis of government of each district people the ground is basic charge of necessaries of life and finance bear ability proper motion is affirmatory .