
  • 网络basic laboratory
  1. 谈计算机基础实验室的设备维护与管理

    Discussion on the Maintenance and Management of Equipment of Computer Basic Laboratory

  2. 基础实验室安全管理对策研究

    Research in Safety Management Measures for a Basic Laboratory

  3. 把基础实验室评估作为211工程建设的基础

    The Basic of 211 Project Drive-the Evaluation of the Fundamental Lab

  4. 基础实验室系管模式的思考

    To Think of Departmental Management Mode of Basic Laboratories SONG Shu-hui

  5. 自动化专业开放性基础实验室建设的探索

    Exploration on Establishment of an Opening Basic Lab in Automation Speciality

  6. 共建高校基础实验室项目的建设与管理

    Construction and management of elementary laboratory projects in jointly-funded colleges and universities

  7. 电视机原理基础实验室建设的探索与实践

    Exploration and ρ ractice for the Construction of Foundational Laboratory of TV

  8. 网络与通讯基础实验室设计方案探讨

    Probe into the Scheme Design of the Network & Communication Elementary Lab

  9. 基础实验室发展新模式的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice on the Development Model of Elementary Laboratories

  10. 加强基础实验室教学平台的建设

    Establishing Teaching Flatform of Basic Course Laboratories in University

  11. 建设面向新世纪的物理基础实验室

    Construction of Basic Physics Laboratory for the Next Century

  12. 生物基础实验室仪器设备管理模式的探讨

    Study on the Managing Modes of Biological Instruments and Equipments of Basic Lab

  13. 基础实验室是为本科生提供实验教学的重要场所。

    Fundamental Laboratory is an important place that provides experimental teaching for undergraduates .

  14. 高校计算机基础实验室目标管理

    Management Purpose of Computer Basic Education Laboratory in University

  15. 高职院校机械设计基础实验室建设的构想

    A Conception of Mechanical Design of Basic Course Laboratory Construction in Higher Vocational College

  16. 谈高校基础实验室的建设与改革

    On Construction and Reformation of College Elementary Laboratories

  17. 农业工程专业基础实验室建设与实验教学改革的探讨

    On Foundation Laboratory Construction and Experimental Teaching Reform for the Major of Agricultural Engineering

  18. 护理学基础实验室的管理

    Management of basic laboratory of nursing science

  19. 测量基础实验室建设的实施

    Construction of Survey in g Basic Laboratory

  20. 计算机基础实验室开放系统研究

    Computer Foundation Laboratory Open System Research

  21. 基础实验室合格评估后的思考

    Reflections on the Basic Lab Appraisal

  22. 电信系基础实验室为全国高校先进实验室。

    Our Basic Laboratory of College of Information and Electrical Engineering is among the model ones in China .

  23. 因而规划建设与设计好计算机基础实验室是非常重要的。

    As a result , the programming construction and the design of the computer foundation laboratory is very important .

  24. 仪器设备是高等院校基础实验室的重要组成部分,其管理的质量直接影响到实际的教学和科研状况。

    Equipment is an important part in elemental laboratory of university . The quality of its management directly affects the circumstance of teaching and science research .

  25. 优化整合基础实验室现有资源,发挥整体优势,在实验教学改革中实现资源共享和有效利用。

    Optimizing and integrating all resources about basic laboratories , embodying integrating advantages , the resources should be shared and utilized efficiently in experiment teaching renovation .

  26. 并从采用先进的基于网络的管理模式、构建教学资源和网络教学环境等方面提出了计算机基础实验室的建设思路及方法。

    And , the ideas of how to construct the labs , such as adopting network-based monitor system , building network-base teaching resources and environment , are suggested .

  27. 笔者就计算机基础实验室采用纯软件的形式实现多媒体网络教室环境展开讨论,并对新的辅导模式进行了探讨。

    This thesis discusses the realization of the environment of multi-media network classrooms coming from basic computer laboratories by just using pure software , and the new coaching method is investigated .

  28. 指标责任分工明确,且具有可操作性,是高校计算机基础实验室实现规范化、科学化管理的纲领和目标。

    The quota is explicit responsibility and obligation , and has the ability of maneuverability , which can be the-used to realize standardization and scientific management for computer basic education in university .

  29. 长春理工大学理学院的近代物理实验室在2003年底顺利通过吉林省双基实验室的检查验收,是合格的专业基础实验室。

    Modern Physics Laboratory of Science College of Changchun University of Science and Technology had passed examination of double basic Laboratory of Jilin province in the end of 2003 , and is eligibility basic laboratory of specialty .

  30. 面对21世纪高等教育的发展,加强学生实践能力和创新精神的培养,加快高校基础实验室的建设与改革,建立基础实验室教学平台。

    Strengthening the training of practical ability and creative spirit and strengthening the establishment and reform of basic course laboratory are important in the 21st century higher education . It is necessary to establish a teaching flatform of basic course laboratory .