
Research on Scientific and Technological Innovation Alliance and System of College
The Supporting Effect of Technical Standard in Liquor Industry Technology Innovation Alliance
The Organization & Management of Contingency Type Scientific and Technological Innovation Alliance
Study on Scence and Technical Innovation Alliance of Hebei Tianjin and Beijing Supported by the Government
Firstly , this article analyzed and defined the innovation alliance on cultural heritage protective technology through comparative analysis with the relative cooperation organization .
B.Any additional written regulations and instructions shall form part of the terms and regulations for participation in6th WTA Daejeon Hi-tech Fair and they shall be binding on the exhibitors .
Healthcare Industry ; National Health Insurance ; Information Technology ; Strategic Alliance .
Industry cluster size of the effect of regional science and technology of virtual R & D Alliance
Through combing the theory , combining with field interviews and case studies , the author extract 30 impact factors of technical innovation in industry-university-research alliance of defense industry .
The result is to support the feasibility of the operation of science and technology enterprises incubator alliance in Qingdao .
Discuss on alliances of competitive intelligence in enterprises and science and technology resources ; Countermeasures for Technological Information Industry Under Network-based Information Resources
Networking management is a low cost method for enterprises incubator alliance with high efficiency . It maximizes the degree of resource sharing and the transformation of science and technology achievement .
So this paper proposals a program to build Qingdao science and technology enterprises incubator alliance and its network service platform , then have a detailed study of its management and operation system .
This article indicates that the region network is crucial to dynamic alliance of small-and middle-sized techno-enterprises ( SME ) according to developing actuality of SME in our country . The SME dynamic alliance may preferential choose the enterprises of the region as leaguer .