
  1. 高等学校科技创新联盟及体系研究

    Research on Scientific and Technological Innovation Alliance and System of College

  2. 技术标准在白酒产业科技创新联盟中的支撑作用

    The Supporting Effect of Technical Standard in Liquor Industry Technology Innovation Alliance

  3. 应急型科技创新联盟的组织与管理&基于非典联合科技攻关的分析

    The Organization & Management of Contingency Type Scientific and Technological Innovation Alliance

  4. 政府主导京津冀科技创新联盟研究

    Study on Scence and Technical Innovation Alliance of Hebei Tianjin and Beijing Supported by the Government

  5. 首先,通过与领域内外的合作创新组织对比,分析并界定文化遗产保护科技创新联盟。

    Firstly , this article analyzed and defined the innovation alliance on cultural heritage protective technology through comparative analysis with the relative cooperation organization .

  6. 任何额外的书面法则和指示将会成为大田第6届世界科技城市联盟高新技术交易会规定条款中的一部分,参展商应当遵守。

    B.Any additional written regulations and instructions shall form part of the terms and regulations for participation in6th WTA Daejeon Hi-tech Fair and they shall be binding on the exhibitors .

  7. 医疗产业;全民健保;资讯科技;策略联盟。

    Healthcare Industry ; National Health Insurance ; Information Technology ; Strategic Alliance .

  8. 产业规模集群效应的区域科技虚拟研发联盟

    Industry cluster size of the effect of regional science and technology of virtual R & D Alliance

  9. 通过对理论的梳理,结合实地访谈和案例分析,初步提炼出影响国防科技工业产学研联盟技术创新的30个因素。

    Through combing the theory , combining with field interviews and case studies , the author extract 30 impact factors of technical innovation in industry-university-research alliance of defense industry .

  10. 结果表明,青岛市科技企业孵化器联盟网络化运作是可行的。

    The result is to support the feasibility of the operation of science and technology enterprises incubator alliance in Qingdao .

  11. 论企业竞争情报与科技文献资源战略联盟信息资源网络化下科技情报(信息)事业的对策

    Discuss on alliances of competitive intelligence in enterprises and science and technology resources ; Countermeasures for Technological Information Industry Under Network-based Information Resources

  12. 网络化管理是一种低成本,高效率实现科技企业孵化器联盟的途径,能最大程度上实现资源的共享,促成科技成果的转化。

    Networking management is a low cost method for enterprises incubator alliance with high efficiency . It maximizes the degree of resource sharing and the transformation of science and technology achievement .

  13. 在此基础上论文提出青岛市科技企业孵化器联盟的方案,进行联盟网络服务平台构建并对联盟网络化管理及运营系统进行研究。

    So this paper proposals a program to build Qingdao science and technology enterprises incubator alliance and its network service platform , then have a detailed study of its management and operation system .

  14. 根据我国中小科技企业发展现状,提出区域网络是实现中小科技企业动态联盟的关键,我国的中小科技企业动态联盟应优先选择集聚区域内的企业作为联盟对象;

    This article indicates that the region network is crucial to dynamic alliance of small-and middle-sized techno-enterprises ( SME ) according to developing actuality of SME in our country . The SME dynamic alliance may preferential choose the enterprises of the region as leaguer .