
  • 网络Foundation Degree;basic degree
  1. 英国基础学位及其对我国高职教育的启示

    Foundation Degree in Britain and its Inspiration to Higher Vocational Education of Our Country

  2. 第二章对英国《基础学位计划》政策背景进行了综合分析。

    Chapter two analyses the background of policy Foundation degree prospectus .

  3. 同时,概述了英国旅游高等教育的基础学位和研究生教育。

    Also , it discusses the Foundation Degrees and postgraduate education in tourism .

  4. 英国基础学位政策的现实意义

    The Significance of the Implementation the Policy of Basic Degrees in Great Britain

  5. 学士学位:属于普通和基础学位,在完成大学或学院的课程后而取得。

    Bachelor Degree : a common and basic degree granted when completing an undergraduate curriculum of a college or university .

  6. 本文在立足本土,放眼世界的基本思想指引下,从国际比较的视野出发,对英国《基础学位计划》(2000)进行了系统的政策分析。

    The aim of this dissertation is to analyze British policy Foundation degree prospectus systemically , from international comparative perspectives , by applying educational economics theory of the U.K.

  7. 《材料加工过程自动控制》是材料科学与工程专业硕士研究生的一门专业基础学位课程,也可以作为机械工程相关专业的非学位选修课。

    " Automatic Control of Materials Processes " is basic course for Master degree students of Materials science and engineering , also is elective course for school of mechanical engineering .

  8. 该机构希望,通过更广泛地储备高级实习生(使雇员们可以接受在职培训),以及通过基础学位交易(新的2年职业课程),能够改善人才供应状况。

    Improvement in supply could come , the body hopes , through more widespread provision of Advanced Apprenticeships , which allow employees to train while in work and through foundation degrees , the new vocational two-year programmes .

  9. 位于斐济的南太平洋大学在首都阿瓦阿,加岛提供职业,基础和学位课程。其中一些课程会运用多媒体技术与斐济中心保持联系。

    The Fiji-based University of the South Pacific maintains an extension centre in Avarua , Rarotonga and provides vocational , foundation and degree courses , some using video links with the Fiji centre .

  10. 说明:辅修学位要在辅修专业课的基础上增加学位课并完成毕业设计(论文)。

    Note : A group of courses should be added and the graduation design ( paper ) has to be finished on the base of subsidiary curriculums for subsidiary major .

  11. 另外一些大学还提供了基于职业基础的预科学位,有代表性的是读两年,主要是为那些想获得第一学位同时一边工作的人提供。

    Some universities offer a vocationally-based Foundation degree , typically two years in length for those students who hope to continue to take a first degree but wish to remain in employment .

  12. 在分析工业质量方式和国际高教同行经验的基础上,为学位质量管理展示了可供借鉴的方式和途径。

    The paper also demonstrates valuable approach to degree quality management by analyzing quality approach in industry and referring to international experience of higher education .

  13. 在此基础上,本学位论文还选取了神化文本和影像文本来做文本的典型,进一步研究它们的独特之处。

    On this basis , this degree dissertation has also selected " deifying text " and " icon text " as typical texts for the further study of their uniqueness .