
  • 网络Council of Economic Advisers;Council of Economic Advisors;the White House Council of Economic Advisers
  1. 白宫经济顾问委员会(councilofeconomicadvisers)的这份报告所引用的研究显示,总体而言,移民还对政府的财政有“微小的积极”影响。

    The report by the Council of economic advisers cites research showing immigrants on average also have a " slightly positive " impact on government finances .

  2. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)和白宫经济顾问委员会(WhiteHouseCouncilofEconomicAdvisers)的数据显示,家里父母都至少有兼职工作的孩子的比例,从1965年的40%,上升到了现在的60%。

    Sixty percent of children now live in households where all the parents at home work at least part time , up from 40 percent in 1965 , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the White House Council of Economic Advisers .

  3. 在就任美联储主席之前,他曾担任过美联储理事和白宫经济顾问委员会(whitehousecouncilofeconomicadvisors)主席。

    He served as a fed governor and chairman of the White House Council of economic advisors before becoming fed chief .

  4. 白宫经济顾问委员会主席奥斯登古尔斯比(austangoolsbee)表示,美国正在关注局势发展,但美国经济对燃料价格的敏感程度已经有所降低。

    Austan Goolsbee , chair of the White House Council of economic advisers , said the US was monitoring developments but that the economy had become less sensitive to fuel prices .

  5. 在奥巴马发表演讲之前,白宫经济顾问委员会主席艾伦克鲁格(alankrueger)辩称,这个规则将防止美国经济被扭曲,有利于解决收入不平等加剧的问题和帮助减赤。

    Ahead of a speech by Mr Obama , Alan Krueger , chairman of the White House Council of economic advisers , argued that it would prevent distortions in the US economy , help tackle rising income inequality , and contribute to deficit reduction .

  6. 最近10任白宫经济顾问委员会主席,都是哈佛或麻省理工的博士(最近一位不是来自这两间学校的是1999年离职的珍妮特·L·耶伦,她是在耶鲁取得博士学位)。

    The last 10 people to serve as chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers have all had a Ph.D. from either Harvard or M.I.T. ( the last without one was Janet L. Yellen , who left the job in 1999 , and received hers from Yale ) . Among the Ph.D.

  7. 克里斯蒂娜。萝藦,白宫经济顾问委员会首席顾问表示,我们已经可以看到经济复苏的“迹象”了。

    Christina Romer , the head of the White House Council of Economic Advisors , said there was a " silver lining " to the figures .

  8. 美国白宫经济顾问委员会周四表示,如果没有7870亿美元刺激计划的支持,8月份的失业人口可能会高出100万人。

    White House : Stimulus Saved or Created One Million Jobs The White House Council of Economic Advisers said Thursday that one million more people would have been out of work in August without programs funded by the $ 787 billion stimulus plan .

  9. 沃尔克有时候作为白宫经济复苏顾问委员会(EconomicRecoveryAdvisoryBoard)主席为美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)提供咨询。

    Volcker , an occasional adviser to President Barack Obama as Chairman of the President 's Economic Recovery Advisory Board , said the U.

  10. 拜登还任命美国进步中心主席兼首席执行官妮拉·坦登为白宫行政管理和预算局(简称OMB)局长,任命普林斯顿大学公共及国际事务学院院长塞西莉娅·劳斯为白宫经济顾问委员会主席。

    Biden also selected President and CEO Neera Tanden of the Center for American Progress as director of the Office of Management and Budget ( OMB ) , while Cecilia Rouse from the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs was named to lead the White House Council of Economic Advisers .