
  1. 与招收高分考生相比,设定较高的分数线是一件更棘手的事情。

    Compared with recruiting top scorers , setting a high cutoff score is a trickier business .

  2. 随后,北大招生组暗示道,清华曾用丰厚的奖学金成功招走近年来的两名高分考生:

    The Peking University team then alluded to how it said Tsinghua had succeeded in recruiting two recent top gaokao scorers with generous scholarships :

  3. 伯明翰只接受总分达到高考成绩80%的高分考生。除此之外,还需要达到学术性和英语语言的额外要求。

    Birmingham will only be considering high quality students who achieve a minimum 80 % Gaokao score and meet additional academic and English language requirements .

  4. 《南方都市报》和中国中央电视台周一晚间的节目《新闻1+1》对清华和北大之间的另一场较量进行了报道。在这场竞争中,广东省高分考生刘俊言就遭到了清华和北大连续三天的电话轰炸。

    In another showdown between Tsinghua and Peking , covered in the Southern Metropolis Daily as well as the CCTV program " News 1 + 1 " on Monday night , a high-scoring Guangdong student named Liu Junyan was bombarded by phone calls from both Tsinghua and Peking for three straight days .