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  • genosome
  1. 以营养基因体策略探讨食品中活性成分之保健效应

    Inquiry of Hygienical Effects of Active Ingredient in Food by Tactic of Nutritional Genosome

  2. 以营养基因体策略来探讨食物活性成分对人体硫化代谢作用之影响。

    Effects of sulfuration metaboly of active ingredient in food were inquiried by tactic of nutritional genosome .

  3. PCR是1985年兴起的一项基因体浙江大学硕土学位论文外扩槽的分于生物学新技术,多年来在生命科学研究领域发挥了前所未有的作用。

    PCR founded in 1985 , as a amplification technology in vitro , it acts in life science study importantly in recent ten years .

  4. 转GFP基因体细胞核移植克隆牛胚胎的研究

    Study on Transgenic GFP Gene in Bovine Embryos Production by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

  5. 人肺腺癌细胞A549转导HSV1-TK基因体内外表达研究

    Study on HSV 1-tk gene expression in vitro and in vivo after it is transduced into human pulmonary adenocarcinoma cell A549

  6. 结论TTGE是筛选线粒体基因体细胞性同质性突变和各种比例异质性突变的一种敏感方法。

    Conclusion TTGE is an effective method for screening acquired homoplasmic mitochondrial gene mutation and its different percentage .

  7. 在过去的20年里,出现了一些新的转基因方法,包括精子介导、反转录病毒介导、携带外源基因体细胞的核移植、ES细胞基因打靶技术等。

    In the past 20 years , some new approaches have been used . These include sperm mediated DNA transfer , retroviral mediated DNA transfer into oocytes , somatic cell carrying exogenous genes nuclear transfer , the use of embryonic stem ( ES ) cell .

  8. 本文将提供以火蚁基因体定序计画所得之启发。

    I offer insight gained from the fire ant genome project .

  9. 中国人乳腺癌患者线粒体基因体细胞性突变

    The somatic mutations of mitochondrial genome in Chinese patients with breast cancer

  10. 《基因体》一本良好的生物学方面参考书籍。

    Brown , T.A.Genomes . A good biology reference .

  11. 胞嘧啶脱氨酶基因体外特异性前药转换抗大肠癌作用研究裸鼠体内组织特异性胞嘧啶脱氨酶抗人类肿瘤的基因治疗

    Human Colorectal Carcinoma Tissue-specific Anti-tumor Gene Therapy by Using Cytosine Deaminase Gene in vitro

  12. 比较河鲀与人类基因体序列来定出可能的转录调节要素。

    Identification of Potential Transcriptional Regulatory Elements by Comparison of Human and Pufferfish Genomic Sequences .

  13. 管理基因体中心质谱仪核心设施主要工作是维护设施正常运作与人员管理。

    Management of mass spectrometry core facility maintains facility to operate normally and personnel management .

  14. 本文提供了几个多肽配体及受体的比较基因体分析的范例。

    This article provides some examples of comparative genomic analyses of polypeptide ligands and their receptors .

  15. 免疫球蛋白基因体细胞高突变对慢性淋巴细胞白血病预后的影响

    Impact of Immunoglobulin Gene Somatic High Mutation on Prognosis of the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia & Review

  16. 最后,讨論以火蚁基因体序列为基础,进行后续研究计画的方法。

    Finally , I discuss an approach undertaken in a follow-up project based on the fire ant genome sequence .

  17. 人类寄生性病原体的基因体分析,特别是疟原虫与利什曼原虫。

    Leishman - donovan bodies Genomic analysis of parasitic human pathogens , particularly Plasmodium falciparum , and Leishmania major .

  18. 主要的研究工作在于合成各种具有生物活性的寡醣分子,来支援基因体中心有关醣晶片的研究课题。

    My laboratory works are mainly focusing on the synthesis of biologically active oligosaccharides to support GRC glycan array research programs .

  19. 主要工作是负责开发新的质谱技术及管理基因体中心质谱仪核心设施。

    Main job is responsible for the development new mass spectrometry technology and management mass spectrometry core facility in Genomics Research Center .

  20. 后基因体世界中的心理学:它将是前所未有的重要〉,《美国心理学协会观察》第13期,2000。

    Plomin , R. " Psychology in a Post-genomics World : It will be More Important than Ever . " American Psychological Society Observer , 13.2000 .

  21. 基因体学研究中的一个重要的方面,是了解全部基因的相互关系,进而最终可以了解基因的功能。

    One of the most important aspects of genomic research is the understanding of the entire gene repertoire , thus eventually allowing a full understanding of gene functions .

  22. 基因晶片技术是针对基因体科学而发展的创新研究,连结物理科学,生物医学,电子工程,与光电技术综合领域的高等科技。

    Biochip technology , an innovation for genomic science , is an interdisciplinary high technology involving physical sciences , biomedical science , electronic engineering , and optoelectronic technology .

  23. 背景:自从2003年「人类基因体计画」完成后,全球开始进行构建国家生物资料库的新风潮。

    Background : In recent years , rapid development of biotechnology and the completion of the " Human Genome Project " in2003 , there is a trend of building national biobank worldwide .