
  • 网络Fund shares;Share Classes
  1. 金融市场互助基金股份

    Monetary market mutual fund shares

  2. 目前,向国际主权财富基金出售股份,已成为美国收购集团青睐的一种方式,使它们既能从迅速发展的业务中获利,又能扩大在新市场中的影响力。

    Selling stakes to international sovereign wealth funds has become a popular way for US buy-out groups to cash in on their booming businesses while expanding their influence in new markets .

  3. 多数主权基金持有的股份都很多,因此很难匆忙卖出。

    Most sovereign stakes are large - so hard to sell in a hurry .

  4. 证券公司持有基金管理公司股份的比例对基金业绩具有显著的负向影响;

    It finds that there is significant negative relationship between the performance of the fund and the proportion of the shares held by the security company in the fund management company .

  5. 五只中国投资基金将持有其余股份。

    Five Chinese investment funds would hold the remainder .

  6. 基金会已成为股份有限公司。

    The foundation had become a limited company .

  7. 由于担心持续疲软的中国A股市场将减少“平安保险”的盈利,本基金卖出了其股份。

    We sold Ping An Insurance on concerns that the weak A-share market will reduce earnings .

  8. 无人知晓“奥马哈圣人”是否真的会收购这些主权财富基金所收购的股份。

    Nobody knows whether the sage would have bought any of the stakes purchased by sovereign wealth funds .

  9. 我们的基金是由私人股份、险资本、市股份和调控债务资产组成的。

    Our family of funds includes private equity , venture capital , public equity and leveraged debt assets .

  10. 在后者上市之后,该基金卖出了部分股份,并保留了不明数量的股份,从而获得逾10亿美元盈利。

    It sold some shares after the listing , making a profit of more than $ 1bn , and retains an undisclosed amount of shares .

  11. 如果共同基金卖出所持股份来满足投资者的赎回需求,抛售很可能还会加剧。在这些投资者眼中,共同基金更像是投机性股票,而不是长期投资。

    The sell-off could be exacerbated as mutual funds dump their holdings to meet redemption demands from punters who treat them more like speculative stocks than long-term investments .

  12. 过去几年中,许多外国投资者都有意收购中国基金管理公司的股份,但他们在价格方面迟疑不决。

    Over the past couple of years there has been a lot of interest in buying ( into Chinese funds ) but foreign investors have balked at the price .

  13. 对投资者来说,购买对冲基金管理公司的股份而非对冲基金份额,使他们能够在一个快速增长的行业中分得一块蛋糕。

    For investors , buying shares in a hedge fund manager rather than a hedge fund allows them to own a piece of a fast-growing industry to which they have not hitherto had access .

  14. 价值型基金(占35%股份)可能也会认同这一观点:即新保诚上调评级的可能性要大于单个保诚,甚至大于被分拆的业务。

    Value-focused funds ( 35 per cent ), too , might buy the argument that the chance of a re-rating for New Pru is higher than that of Pru solo , or perhaps even that of a break-up scenario .

  15. 但企业律师表示,这些有效期为3年的措施,将阻止投资者和对冲基金大量购买花旗股份,同时阻止现有股东增持。

    However , corporate lawyers said the measure , which will last three years , would have the effect of preventing investors and hedge funds from building up a large stake in Citi as well as deterring existing shareholders from increasing their holdings .

  16. 自2003年以来,亚行加快了私人股本基金投资,目前持有大约40家基金的股份。

    The ADB has accelerated Private Equity Fund ( PEF ) investments since 2003 and now has stakes in about 40 funds .

  17. 许多上市顾问称,marshallwace等一些对冲基金管理公司正在各欧洲交易所发行所管基金的股份,以此作为试探这是将管理公司上市的先行措施。

    Some hedge fund managers , such as Marshall WACE , are testing the waters by issuing shares in the funds they manage on European exchanges precursors to listing the management companies , according to many advisers .

  18. 尽管雷曼内部尚未达成决策,但它一直在邀请私人股本公司竞购其资产管理部门(包括基金管理公司neubergerberman),及其在一些对冲基金中的少数股份。

    Although it has not reached a decision , Lehman has been soliciting bids from private equity firms to gauge interest in its asset management arm , which includes Neuberger Berman , the fund manager , and minority stakes in several hedge funds .

  19. 证交会指控称,古普塔通过投资于帆船集团的一只基金获利该基金持有从内幕交易中获利的其它帆船基金的股份。

    Mr Gupta benefited , the SEC alleges , through his investment in a galleon fund that had stakes in other galleon funds that profited by the trades .

  20. 一位为对冲基金提供上市咨询服务的英国银行家表示:所有人都有兴趣购买对冲基金股份。

    Everyone is interested , says one British banker who advises hedge funds on going public .

  21. 颇有影响力的对冲基金经理人大卫??埃因霍温(DavidEinhorn)公开呼吁微软上层改朝换代,称鲍尔温先生“固步自封”,埃因霍温先生的基金拥有微软的股份。

    David Einhorn , a prominent hedge-fund manager whose fund holds shares in Microsoft , has publicly called for a change at the top of the firm , arguing that Mr Ballmer is " stuck in the past . "