
wú tàn fù xiě zhǐ
  • Carbonless copy paper;NCR
无碳复写纸[wú tàn fù xiě zhǐ]
  1. 无碳复写纸的发展和技术进步

    The Development and Technological Progress of NCR

  2. 通过国内外无碳复写纸质量对比,探讨了今后产品的发展方向。

    Through the comparision with the quality of foreign NCR , the development direction of the product is discussed .

  3. 无碳复写纸的X射线衍射分析

    Examination of pressure - sensitive carbon paper by X-ray diffractometer

  4. 无碳复写纸CB涂料的研制

    Development of CB coating for carbon - free paper

  5. 无碳复写纸CB面抗挤压性研究

    A Study on Pressure Resistance of the Coated Back of Carbon Free Copying Paper

  6. 指出使用优质涂布原纸,优化CB和CF涂料配方,才能生产出高质量的无碳复写纸。

    It is showed that it is very important to use high quality base paper and optimize the coating formulae of CB and CF in the production of high quality carbonless paper .

  7. 引进BMB涂布机生产无碳复写纸的实践

    The Practice of the Production of the Introduced BMB Coated Paper Carbon Free Copy Paper Line

  8. 本文对无碳复写纸中页纸(CFB)的显色纸病进行了分析,并提出相应的解决措施,以提高纸张的表观质量。

    The article analyses the adverse color display problem of carbonless copy paper coated front and back , and puts forward some corresponding measures , so as to improve the quality on the surface of carbonless copy paper .

  9. 涂料性能对无碳复写纸质量的影响

    Effects of Coating Properties on the Quality of Carbonless Copy Paper

  10. 无碳复写纸用压(热)敏染料

    Pressure ( Thermal ) - sensitive Dye Used for Carbonless Copying Paper

  11. 无碳复写纸集装箱装运算法研究

    Research on the Calculation Method for Loading of Carbonless Copy Paper in Container

  12. 对国家标准中无碳复写纸原纸浸水时间的商榷

    Discussion on the Soakage Time of Carbonless Copy Base Paper in National Standard

  13. 壳聚糖作无碳复写纸用微囊壁材

    Preparation of Microcapsule by Using Chitosan for Carbonless Paper

  14. 我国海洋高新技术发展的战略对策发展中的无碳复写纸

    The Developing Strategy of Ocean High Technology in China

  15. 浅析打字机分辨率对无碳复写纸显色性能的影响

    Influence of Printer Resolution on the Color Display Behaviour of Carbonless Copy Paper

  16. 影响无碳复写纸用微囊粒度分布的因素及分析

    Analysis and Factors in Affecting the Size Distribution of Microcapsule Applied to NCR

  17. 二异丙基萘&生产无碳复写纸的新溶剂

    Diisopropylnaphthalene & a new solvent for carbonless copy paper

  18. 该技术工艺简便易行,所制得的微囊可符合无碳复写纸的使用要求。

    The micro-capsule made can accord with the requirement of carbon-less duplicating paper .

  19. 无碳复写纸的生产及其常见问题

    Production and Familiar Problems of Carbonless Copy Paper

  20. 影响无碳复写纸质量的因素

    Factors Affecting the Quality of Carbonless Paper

  21. 无碳复写纸包装的研究

    Study on Carbonless Copying Paper Package

  22. 无碳复写纸耐摩擦性能的几种评价方法探讨

    Discussion on Several Test Methods of Image-smudge Resistance of Carbonless Copy Paper colour fastness to rubbing off

  23. 某无碳复写纸专用树脂显色剂工程项目职业卫生学调查与评价

    Occupational health evaluation of a project related to production of resin color-developing agent specific-used for non-carbonic carbon paper

  24. 介绍了无碳复写纸生产过程中产生翘曲的原因。

    The reasons of the curling problem occurred during the production of NCR paper is introduced in the article .

  25. 结果表明了用壳聚糖制备无碳复写纸用微囊的可行性。

    The studies proved the feasibility of the preparation of microcapsule from chitosan for the use in carbonless paper .

  26. 无碳复写纸生产企业物流过程中的集装箱的装载问题,是产品运输中的一个非常重要环节。

    Carbonless copy paper product loading irrationally in container is an important tache for carbonless copy paper parts chromogenic breakage during logistics transport .

  27. 应用这些性质,可将粘土矿物制备成橡胶、环氧树脂补强填料及无碳复写纸显色剂。

    All these properties are useful in preparing rubber and epoxy resin strengthening filler and developer of non-carbon copying paper from clay minerals .

  28. 无碳复写纸是利用无碳复写纸原纸,经特殊涂布加工而成的特种纸。本文主要介绍了无碳复写纸的常用形式、用途、显色原理、加工要求及有待解决的问题。

    The paper primarily introduces the common form , purpose , displaying colour principle , processing request and perfectly resolving questions of NCR .

  29. 介绍了表面施胶剂在无碳复写纸中的应用实验,结果表明添加表面施胶剂进行表面施胶能较大程度的提高纸的抗水性能,并可减少浆内施胶剂的用量。

    The results indicated that the use of surface sizing agent can improve the water-resistance of paper and reduce the addition level of internal sizing agent .

  30. 介绍了一类结构为三芳甲烷苯酞系或荧烷系化合物的压(热)敏染料及其在无碳复写纸中的应用。

    A kind of Pressure ( Thermal ) - sensitive Dye and its application were introduced , which has the structure of triarylmethane phthalide or fluorane .