
  • 网络unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing;UAVRS
  1. 而无人机遥感技术以高分辨率、数据快速处理、对地实时调查、低价位等优势,被广泛应用。

    But the unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing technique by high superiority and so on resolution , data fast processing , to place real-time investigation , low end , is widely applied .

  2. 基于平行-透视投影的无人机遥感系统视频图像的立体镶嵌

    Parallel-Perspective Stereo Mosaics of Video Images from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing System

  3. 基于SIFT算法的无人机遥感图像配准

    The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Remote Sensing Image Registration Based on SIFT Algorithm

  4. 基于IDL的无人机遥感影像拼接研究与实现

    The UAV Remote Sensing Image Mosaic Research and Implements Based on IDL

  5. 针对无人机遥感有效载荷的特点,利用系统集成的方法,设计了一套实用的无人机大面阵CCD相机遥感系统。

    Based on the features of unmanned aircraft remote sensing payloads , a set of digital frame CCD camera was designed by integration of optical , mechanical , and electrical hardware to reach the requirements of good performance and practicability .

  6. 旋翼无人机遥感图像几何纠正的初步研究

    Primary study on geometric correction of remote sensing image from unmanned gyroplane

  7. 无人机遥感应用及红外载荷研究

    Research on Remote Sensing Application and Infrared Payload of UAV

  8. 无人机遥感系统的集成与飞行试验研究

    The integration and flight experiment of UAV remote sensing system

  9. 无人机遥感数据压缩解压缩系统的设计和实现

    The design and implementation of the unmanned aerial vehicles remote sensing data transfer system

  10. 支持无人机遥感影像的场景多树组织与跨源调度技术

    An UAV remote sensing image-supporting technique for scenes ' multi-quadtree organization and inter-source dispatch

  11. 但是无人机遥感技术,可以弥补卫星遥感、航空遥感时效性差的不足。

    UAV remote sensing technology can remedy detects of satellite remote sensing , aerial remote sensing .

  12. 无人机遥感监测系统研究

    Research on UAV Remote Sensing System

  13. 嵌入式遥感图像压缩系统是无人机遥感数据传输系统的核心部分之一。

    Embedded remote sensing image compression system is one of the core parts of remote sensing data transmission system .

  14. 大重叠度无人机遥感影像的三维建模方法研究

    Research on the 3-dimensional modeling method for remote sensing images of big degree of overlap acquired by unmaned aerial vehicle

  15. 无人机遥感系统是指采用无人飞行器作为遥感平台进行低空监测和摄影测量的遥感系统。

    The unmanned aerial remote sensing system is to make the low altitude measurement and photography through the unmanned aircraft platform .

  16. 无人机遥感数据传输系统是无人机航空遥感系统的重要部分之一。

    Unmanned aerial vehicles remote sensing data transfer system ( UAVRSDTS ) is a key component of UAV aerial remote sensing system .

  17. 而运用无人机遥感可以在多云雾地区低空飞行,获取高分辨率遥感影像。

    The UAV ( Unmanned aerial vehicles ) of flying at low altitude can obtain high-resolution remote sensing image in more clouds areas .

  18. 但与此同时,由于无人机遥感图像分辨率较高、不规则等特征,给它的实际应用带来了相当大的难度。

    At the same time , the UAV platform for remote sensing image pixel numerous , irregular , and its practical application considerable difficulty .

  19. 近年来,无人机遥感技术作为航空遥感的有益补充,发展迅速,应用广泛。

    In recent years , as a useful addition of Aerial remote sensing UAV remote sensing technology , remote sensing has a rapid development and wide range of applications .

  20. 本文对无人机遥感影像的目标匹配问题进行了研究和探讨,深入研究了基于特征点的匹配算法,围绕特征点提取,基于特征点的特征描述和特征匹配三个方面进行了研究和实验。

    We do further research in object matching for UAV RS images , especially in feature point matching , including feature point extraction , feature point descriptor and feature point matching strategy .

  21. 无人机遥感在数字城市建设、重大灾害救灾中拥有着较大优势,并且已经发挥了不可替代的作用。

    Unmanned aerial vehicles ( UAV ) remote sensing has a large advantages in the construction of digital cities , major disaster rescue and so on . Now , UAV remote sensing are playing an important role in these areas .

  22. 此外,无人机遥感影像像幅小、数量多、影像预处理工作量大、效率低,严重影响了最终影像拼接的效果和灾害信息提取质量,制约了无人机遥感数据的应用。

    Moreover , the final image mosaic effect and the quality of disaster information extractions are degraded seriously by UAV images features of small image range and large quantity and the heavy work burden and low efficiency in images preprocessing .

  23. 综合评价表明,利用所设计的几何校正算法,可在缺少控制点的情况下快速获取具有良好校正效果的高分辨率遥感影像,提高了无人机遥感影像数据处理的质量、速度和精度。

    Comprehensive assessment has illustrated geometrical rectification algorithm can help to obtain high resolution remote sensing images with good rectification effect immediately and improve the quality , speed and accuracy of UAV remote sensing data processing and quantified disaster information extraction .

  24. 本文的研究将着重于由传感器造成影像的内部误差纠正。首先,分析和总结了几种具有代表性的适用于获取无人机遥感影像的传感器,即数码相机的校正的方法和存在的不足。

    This study will focus on the resulting image from the sensor to correct the internal error . First , several representative apply for UAV remote sensing image sensor , which digital camera calibration methods and shortcomings were be analyzed and summarized .

  25. 无人机航空遥感系统关键技术研究

    Research on key techniques of aerial remote sensing system for unmanned aerial vehicles

  26. 当前,无人机低空遥感在很多领域有着越来越广泛的应用。

    Currently , low altitude remote sensing with unmanned aerial vehicles ( UAV ) plays a more and more important role in many realms .

  27. 无人机低空遥感影像处理在汶川地震地质灾害信息快速勘测中的应用

    Applications of remote sensing images processing of unmanned air vehicle on the low attitude in quick acquirement of geological disasters information in Wenchuan earthquake

  28. 简要介绍了无人机低空遥感影像数据的处理流程,研制了一套专门针对无人机低空遥感影像的数据处理系统。

    A brief introduction of the process of using low-altitude UAV remote sensing image data . Developed a data processing systems specialized in low-altitude UAV remote sensing .

  29. 研究了将无人机低空遥感系统和移动道路测量系统相结合的快速定位方法和作业流程。该方法缩短了摄影测量作业周期,提高了作业效率。

    Researched on the fast positioning method and working process by combining unmanned aerial vehicle low altitude remote sensing system with mobile road surveying system which shortened the period of photogrammetric work and improved efficiency . 5 .

  30. 由于无人机低空遥感系统具有机动灵活、经济高效的优势和对地快速实时的调查监测,已广泛应用于各种资源勘探、灾害监测等领域。

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ( UAV ) Low Altitude Remote Sensing System has been applied widely in various resources prospecting , disaster monitoring , etc , because of its advantages in flexibility , economy , high efficiency and real time monitoring .