
  1. 为避免缺氧,对于有自主呼吸的患者,吸引时间不宜超过30s,无自主呼吸的患者,不宜超过20s。

    The paper suggested that the suction time should be less than 30 seconds for patients with autonomous respiration and it should be less than 20 seconds for patients with apnea .

  2. 方法:对意识不清、呼吸微弱且不规则或深昏迷、无自主呼吸者立即行MV,根据血气分析结果调整呼吸机参数。

    Methods : MV was promptly applied to the patients with symptoms of unconsciousness , deep coma , irregular breath and no autonomous respiration , and adjustment of MV parameter was made based on the blood gas analysis .

  3. 方法:31例无自主呼吸的患者,用高频喷射呼吸机持续、常频、控制呼吸,通气频率16~20次/min,持续通气时间12~72h。

    Methods : Normal frequency ventilation of high frequency jet respirometer was used to control breath continuously for 31 cases without autonomous breath , the ventilation frequency : 16 ~ 20 times / min with continuous ventilation time 12 ~ 72 hours .

  4. 术后7例患者均带气管插管回病房,其中6例呼吸循环稳定,1例无自主呼吸需机械控制呼吸,血压不稳定需多巴胺持续泵注维持血压。

    All of the seven cases were back to the ward with endotracheal intubation , six cases of seven were stability with respiratory and circulatory , but one case have no spontaneous breath and controled breath with ventilator , and maintained blood pressure with dopamine .