
  • 网络All-Cause Mortality;all cause mortality
  1. 二尖瓣舒张期充盈速度比对非裔美国人的全因死亡率和心血管发病率的预测价值:社区动脉粥样硬化风险(ARIC)研究

    The prognostic value of the mitral diastolic filling velocity ratio for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular morbidity in African Americans : the Atherosclerotic Risks in Communities ( ARIC ) study

  2. Dobnig等表示,所有这些结果显示了低25-羟维生素D水平可以认为是全因死亡率的一个强的风险指示。

    Dobnig et al say that these results show that a low25-hydroxyvitamin-D level can be considered a strong risk indicator for all-cause mortality in women and in men .

  3. 目的探讨介入治疗是否降低首次ST段抬高的急性心肌梗死患者1~5年全因死亡率。

    Objective To assess the influence of intervention therapy on 1-5 year mortality of acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) with ST segment elevation .

  4. 高蛋白摄入量与较低的全因死亡率和癌症特异性死亡率相关。

    High protein was associated with lower levels of all-cause and cancer-specific mortality .

  5. 预防医学计划中全球风险评分和运动试验对预测全因死亡率的作用

    Global risk scores and exercise testing for predicting all cause mortality in a preventive medicine program

  6. 磺脲类和二甲双胍联合治疗是否增加心血管病或全因死亡率?

    Is the Combination of SUs and Metformin Associated with an Increased CVD OR All-Cause Mortality ?

  7. 使用全因死亡率进行估算

    Estimates using all-cause mortality

  8. 联合用药对于缺血性心脏病患者全因死亡率的影响:巢式病例对照分析

    Effect of combinations of drugs on all cause mortality in patients with ischaemic heart disease : Nested case-control analysis

  9. 结论:代谢综合征使得心血管预后的风险增加了2倍,全因死亡率增加了1.5倍。

    Conclusions : The metabolic syndrome is associated with a2-fold increase in cardiovascular outcomes and a1.5-fold increase in all-cause mortality .

  10. 研究人员表示:“下一步工作将评估长期口服降糖药是否能降低全因死亡率或者死因死亡率”。

    " Future work should assess whether long-term exposure to oral antihyperglycemic medications reduces all-cause or cause-specific mortality ," the investigators note .

  11. 我们的研究表明在中国成人中,低脂蛋白浓度与脑卒中和全因死亡率间存在低斜率的风险阈限关系。

    Our findings suggest a threshold relationship with little gradient of risk across lower Lp values for stroke and all-cause death in Chinese adults .

  12. 心力衰竭患者中心力衰竭失代偿和全因死亡率与双室起搏百分比的关系:是否有必要实现100%双室起搏的目标?

    Heart Failure Decompensation and All-Cause Mortality in Relation to Percent Biventricular Pacing in Patients With Heart Failure : Is a Goal of100 % Biventricular Pacing Necessary ?

  13. 研究发现,当考虑到所有50岁以上的参与者时,蛋白质摄入量与全因死亡率、心血管疾病死亡率以及癌症死亡率中的任何一项均无相关性。

    It found that there were no associations between protein consumption and death from all causes or cardiovascular disease or cancer individually when all participants over age 50 were considered .

  14. 在犯过心脏病的人(主要是中年男性)当中,运动疗法降低了27%的全因死亡率和31%的心脏病死亡率。

    For people ( mostly middle-aged men ) who had had a heart attack , exercise therapy reduced all causes of mortality by 27 percent and cardiac mortality by 31 percent .

  15. 研究涉及美国南部和上海的超过20万名男性和女性,结果发现,人们吃的坚果越多,他们的全因死亡率,尤其是心脏病和中风死亡率就越低。

    Their study , conducted among more than 200000 men and women in the Southern United States and Shanghai , found that the more nuts people consumed , the lower their death rates from all causes and especially from heart disease and stroke 。

  16. 其结论是“久坐与全因死亡率无关”。总而言之,影响健康的元素很多,不仅仅在于是否在工作时久坐。最能体现健康状况的是锻炼情况。

    Their conclusion was that " sitting time was not associated with all-cause mortality risk . " Basically , more elements are in play than just whether you 're sitting down at work , and your levels of physical activity are the greatest health indicator .

  17. 对涉及近80万人的12项研究进行综合分析后发现,每天食用70克粗粮——相当于一大碗粥¬——可降低22%的全因死亡率以及20%的癌症死亡率。

    A meta-analysis of 12 studies involving nearly 800000 people found that eating 70 grams of whole grains a day - the equivalent of a large bowl of porridge - lowers the risk of all-cause death by 22 percent and death from cancer by 20 percent .

  18. 《循环》杂志(Circulation)上的另一篇文章使用14项预期性研究(这些研究共有786076人参与)的数据发现,食用全谷物最多的人的全因死亡率比食用最少的人低16%,心血管疾病死亡率低18%。

    The other analysis , in Circulation , used data from 14 prospective studies with 786076 participants and found that compared with those who ate the least whole grain foods , those who ate the most had a 16 percent reduced risk for all-cause mortality and an 18 percent reduced risk for cardiovascular mortality .

  19. 研究者们使用45项研究的数据计算出,每天食用90克全谷物的人比完全不食用全谷物的人的全因死亡率(all-causemorality)低17%。

    Using data from 45 studies , researchers calculated that compared with eating none , eating 90 grams of whole grains a day reduced the risk for all-cause mortality by 17 percent .