
  • 网络buy-out
  1. 即便假设针对新加坡石油公司(singaporepetroleumcompany)其余股份的强制性全面收购要约进展顺利(这并非十拿九稳:周一该股收盘价低于要约出价),此笔交易也微不足道。

    Even assuming a mandatory offer for the remainder of Singapore Petroleum Company proceeds smoothly ( not a given : shares on Monday closed below the offer price ) , this is small beer .

  2. 伊坎唯一的风险(至少短期内是这样)是,如果全面收购计划被否后,迈克尔•戴尔备选的“B计划”得到接受。

    The only way the purchase goes south for Icahn at least in the short-term is if the buyout gets voted down and Michael Dell has a " plan B " recap of his own that gets accepted .

  3. 据信中石油不太可能对bp发起全面收购,主要是由于政治上的障碍,但可能会以合资企业的形式加入这一英国集团,或是购入bp资产。

    PetroChina is seen as unlikely to make a full bid for BP , mostly because of political obstacles , but could join the British group in joint ventures or purchase assets from BP .

  4. 由亿万富翁李嘉诚控股、业务范围从港口到零售的香港综合企业集团和记黄埔(HutchisonWhampoa),正考虑发起全面收购,将旗下亏损的电信子公司私有化。

    Hutchison Whampoa , the Hong Kong ports-to-retail conglomerate controlled by billionaire Li Ka-shing , is considering making a possible buyout offer to take its lossmaking telecoms subsidiary private .

  5. 上月,国有采矿企业中国铝业(chinalco)购入力拓9%的股份,令市场感到意外,很多人认为此举将是该公司全面收购力拓的前奏。

    Last month , state-owned mining company Chinalco surprised the market by buying a 9 per cent stake in Rio , a move which many saw as a prelude to a full bid for the company .

  6. recofdata总经理yokoyoshitomi表示,既然一家中国企业现在已拥有东京证交所(tse)一部上市的renown的大量股份,下一步可能就是全面收购一家东京证交所的上市公司。

    Now that a Chinese company has taken a large stake in renown , which is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange , the next step could be a full-scale acquisition of a TSE-listed company , says Yoko Yoshitomi , general manager of recof data .

  7. 与全面收购不同,合资交易没有官方记录。

    Unlike full bids , there is no official record .

  8. 为什么董事会应该抵制任何全面收购?

    Why the board should resist any takeover ?

  9. 全面收购在情理之中。

    A full takeover makes sense .

  10. 收购委员会还表示,他们应该知道此举会引起强制性全面收购。

    It also said that they should have known this would trigger a mandatory general offer .

  11. 澳政府可以以国家利益为由,阻止全面收购或收购大宗少数股权。

    Canberra can block a takeover or the purchase of a significant minority stake on the grounds of national interest .

  12. 阿里巴巴集团于周五宣布全面收购优酷土豆——中国一家领先的网络视频公司。

    Alibaba Group announced Friday its proposal to take full control of Youku Tudou Inc , a leading Internet video company in China .

  13. 但是,全面收购类似美光这样的国际芯片巨头,代表着中国芯片行业更加雄心勃勃的扩张。

    But a full-blown acquisition of a significant international player like Micron would represent a far more ambitious expansion of China 's chip sector .

  14. 在香港,控股股东在不触发全面收购要约的情况下,每年增持股份不得超过2%。

    In Hong Kong , controlling shareholders may not increase their stake by more than 2 per cent per annum without triggering a general offer .

  15. 中信泰富的股东还将被要求批准一项象征性的豁免,允许中信集团在不提交全面收购要约的情况下增持股权。

    Citic Pacific shareholders will also be asked to approve a whitewash waiver allowing Citic Group to increase its stake without making a general offer .

  16. 根据一项暂停收购协议,力拓目前还无法对艾芬豪发起全面收购,但该协议将于明年到期。

    Rio is also blocked from mounting a full takeover bid for the Canadian miner through a standstill agreement but that deal expires next year .

  17. 这位首席执行官斥资120亿美元全面收购这家公司的股份是为了在不受股市压力影响的情况下扭转它的经营状况。

    The CEO is buying out his company for $ 1.2 billion in order to implement a turnaround away from the pressures of the public market .

  18. 本月,阿里巴巴继续其收购步伐,宣布对在线视频网站优酷和土豆网剩余的股份进行全面收购。

    This month , Alibaba continued its acquisition streak by making an offer to buy the remainder of a Chinese online video site , Youku Tudou .

  19. 过去18个月里英国和澳大利亚的律所达成了多起联合,从共享品牌到全面收购。

    There have been several tie-ups between UK-based and Australian firms over the past 18 months , ranging from a brand share to a full takeover .

  20. 中国网通和西班牙电话公司的持股比例略低于30%,因此不必向所有股东发出全面收购要约。

    By coming in at just under 30 per cent , Netcom and Telef ó nica do not have to make a general offer to all shareholders .

  21. 而在现行规定下,如果收购人购入一家公司30%的股权,则它必须发出收购该公司全部剩余股份的全面收购要约。

    Under current rules , if an acquirer purchases a 30 per cent stake it must make a general offer for all outstanding shares in a company .

  22. 联合声明指出,30余家荣耀代理商、经销商完成对荣耀品牌相关业务资产的全面收购。荣耀是华为旗下一款经济型手机品牌。

    Over 30 agents and dealers of Huawei 's Honor brand have acquired all business assets of the budget cellphone brand , according to the joint statement .

  23. 需要做出判断的问题是,阿塞洛-米塔尔与韩敬远是否一致行动,以及是否必须因此向中国东方的所有股东提出全面收购要约。

    At issue was whether ArcelorMittal and Mr Han were acting in concert , and therefore obliged to make a general offer to all China Oriental 's shareholders .

  24. 我的建议是如果微软重新修改其全面收购报价,那么同意伊卡恩和微软的计划吧,不要相信杨致远能够重振雅虎。

    My advice is to go with Mr Icahn and Microsoft , if it will renew its full bid , rather than trust Mr Yang to fix Yahoo .

  25. 上周五,阿塞洛-米塔尔与韩敬远决定化不利为有利,发起收购委员会要求的强制性全面收购。

    On Friday , ArcelorMittal and Mr Han decided to make the best of a bad situation and launch the mandatory general offer required by the takeovers panel .

  26. 但中国国有石油公司全面收购美国油气资产的可能性不大,虽然如今美国对能源安全的担心程度可能有所降低,但美国同中国的竞争远远不止于此。

    Full takeovers remain unlikely , though . The U.S. might not worry quite so much about energy security these days-but rivalry with China spans much more than that .

  27. 根据英国上市规则,如果任何一方收购非洲巴里克黄金超过30%的股份,则必须对该公司发出全面收购要约。

    Should any party acquire more than 30 per cent of African Barrick , the buyer would have to make an offer for the whole company , under UK rules .

  28. 这家软件公司上个月放弃了对雅虎的主动全面收购,但后来就部分交易方案与雅虎重返谈判桌。

    The software company last month abandoned an unsolicited offer to buy all of Yahoo but has since returned to the table with a proposal for an alternative partial transaction .

  29. 谈判的成功完成,将为微软对雅虎长达18个月的追求划上句号。18个月前,微软主动提出全面收购雅虎,震惊了互联网世界。

    Successful completion of the talks would mark an end to Microsoft 's 18-month pursuit of Yahoo , which began with an unsolicited full takeover bid that rocked the internet world .

  30. 而根据现行法律,如果收购人收购一家国内上市公司30%或以上的已发行股份,则必须发出收购其所有已发行股份的全面收购要约。

    Under current law , if an acquirer purchases 30 per cent or more of the outstanding shares of a domestic listed company , it must make a general offer to purchase all outstanding shares .