
  • 网络a sense of achievement;sense of success;feeling of success;sense of accomplishment
  1. 美术教学中成功感的心理培养

    The Development of a Sense of Achievement in Art Education

  2. 另一方面,收入超过这点后,人们的总体成功感或满足感会随着收入的提高而增强。

    On the other hand , peoples overall sense of success and well-being continued to rise as their earnings grew beyond that point .

  3. 所以,情感教育可从让学生体验到成功感着手。

    We can begin with helping the students to experience success .

  4. 从让学生体验到成功感着手。

    To start with students ' sense of success .

  5. 学习成功感的影响因素研究

    On the Influencing Factors of Feelings of Academic Success

  6. 运动员成功感量表的初步编制

    Development for feelings of success scale of athlete

  7. 情境也通过学生的抱负水平和归因而间接地影响学生的学习成功感。

    Positive situations have indirect influence on FOAS through level of aspiration and attribution .

  8. 中学生学习成功感量表的初步研究

    An Initial Research on the Scale for Middle School Students ' Feelings of Academic Success

  9. 情境对学习成功感有直接的影响;

    Situation directly affects FOAS ;

  10. 中学生学习成功感和抱负水平关系研究

    The Research of the Relation between Feelings of Academic Success and Level of Aspiration in High School Students

  11. 数学学习情感与数学成绩的相关性的性别差异主要体现在成功感和焦虑感方面。

    The gender differences between the relevance of mathematics learning emotion and mathematics score are mainly embodied in the fulfillment and anxiety .

  12. 不”。如果委员会没有提供给你至少一次个满足感或成功感,你会退出。

    If that committee you 're on isn 't providing you a sense of fulfillment or accomplishment as it once did , quit .

  13. 毕业后的就业压力,多少冲淡了通过残酷入学考试进入大学的那份成功感。

    The lack of employment opportunity after graduation also dilutes the sense of joy of having successfully entered university after the harsh national entrance examinations .

  14. 指导原则起引导作用的原则、兴趣或抱负中学生学习成功感和抱负水平关系研究

    A guiding principle , interest , or ambition . The Research of the Relation between Feelings of Academic Success and Level of Aspiration in High School Students

  15. 在对有关理论进行研究的基础上,初步提出以下理论构想:(1)个体的抱负水平的高低对学习成功感有直接的影响;

    Based on the relative theories , the author primarily put forward the following hypotheses : ( 1 ) level of aspiration has direct influence on FOAS ;

  16. 偏向内控性的学生其学习有关的积极情感和他人有关的积极情感相对较高,能够更多体验到学习成功感。

    ( 3 ) Positive emotion of introversion students about their learning and other people is comparatively higher . They can experience the Feeling of Academic Success more .

  17. 学习成功感研究是一个来自实践的课题,是在参与成功教育的理论和实践研究过程中逐步确定的,是一项开拓性的、创新性的研究。

    This project , the study of feelings of academic success ( FOAS ), resulted from the theoretical and practical study of Success Education and might be pioneering and innovative .

  18. 没有什么成就和成功感可以超过你面对恐惧,穿越和战胜恐惧后的感受。

    There 's no greatest feeling of accomplishment and success than running right at your fear and coming out on the other side of it , knowing you beat it .

  19. 因素分析表明成功感分量表可以分为:与学习本身有关的积极情感、与他人有关的积极情感、满意感和学业自我效能感四个因子;

    Factor analysis shows the sub-scales of FAS may involve four factors : positive feelings from study itself , positive feelings concerned with other people , feelings of satisfaction and academic self-efficacy ;

  20. 它可以配合课堂教学内容,通过学生亲自动手做实验去探索并获取知识,从而获得解决问题的成功感。

    It can cooperate with class teaching content , through students doing the experiments by themselves to explore and obtain knowledge ; therefore , they can get the fulfillment of solving problems .

  21. 第三,加强运用信息技术与中职数学课程整合。第四,多方位多角度寻找切入点,数学课程教学与专业教学相结合。第五,改进教学模式,增强学生的成功感体验。

    Fourth , to find the breakthrough points multi-angle and directions and to combine mathematics curriculum teaching and professional teaching . Fifth , to improve the teaching mode for enhance students ' success experience .

  22. 它不仅吸引了学生的注意力,而且激发了学生内在的表演欲望和潜能,获得一种学习的成功感。

    Not only role play is given more attention by students , but also it stimulates the students ' internal desires for play and potential abilities , which leads to a sense of success .

  23. 第一章研究概述主要介绍研究的背景、研究的理论意义和实践意义、本研究的主要概念如学习成功感等的界定,并概述研究目标和研究方法。

    This chapter mainly introduced the background and theoretical and practical significance of the study , defined the primary concepts , such as feeling of academic success , and summed up the main purposes and methods .

  24. 一是好奇,另一个是出于个人的成功感,成就感。而现在对某些人来说却成了买卖。

    One is curiosity . Another is the personal feeling of success , of achievement . And nowadays , for some people , it is a business . I just won 't like to be alone .

  25. 研究一的结果表明:通过抱负水平指导,可以使学生的抱负水平与实际成绩之间的差距变小,从而帮助学生提高学习成功感,并使其行为变得更为积极。

    Study One revealed that after students were advised to set appropriate level of aspiration , the gap between their aspiration and actual performance became small and their FOAS was improved and behavior became more positive .

  26. 研究公务员英语口语培训策略,旨在分析学习者的特点、英语水准、分析教学任务构成的要素,有针对性地选择学习策略进行培训,使学习者体验成功感

    The purpose of studying training strategies is to analyse leaders ' characteristics , English standard , task components of teaching task , and to choose learning strategies to train the leaders and let them have accomplishment

  27. 人格因素对学习成功感总分以及各因子都有不同程度的影响,并与学习动机、自我投入和目标达成有关。

    ( 2 ) Personality factors have the impact to the different extent of the Feeling of Academic Success and the factors , Relate to the learning motivation , self-investment and goal achievement are affected as well .

  28. 不仅使学生在创作的过程中体验到无穷的快乐与成功感,也使学生更好的展示了自己的创造意识和想象力,为最大限度发挥他们的创新能力搭建一个平台。

    The creative process not only to experience a sense of happiness and success , but also to enable students to better demonstrate their creative consciousness and imagination develop their ability to build a platform for innovation .

  29. 学习中没有成功感和自信,导致女生在对篮球课的教学中学习兴趣降低,课上练习的积极性不高。

    In the study has not succeeded the feeling and self-confident , causes the female student in the study interest to reduce to the basketball class teaching , in the class practices the enthusiasm is not high .

  30. 积极的用户体验可以使用户轻松自如、高效地完成任务,增加亲切感、舒适感和成功感,从而提高用户满意度、提升品牌信誉。

    Since positive users ' experiences not only allow users to deal with tasks conveniently and efficiently , but also increase the sense of intimacy , comfort and success , which can enhance customer satisfaction and the brand reputation .