
  • 网络metallogenic province;metallogenic megaprovince;metallogenic district
  1. 低温成矿域中贱金属矿床是铊矿物的主要产出场所。

    Most thallium minerals occur in base metal deposits in the low-temperature metallogenic province .

  2. 此巨型成矿域以发育中、晚元古代及晚古生代成矿作用为其特点。

    This metallogenic province is characterized by the Mid-Late Proterozoic and the Late Paleaozoic mineralizations .

  3. 扬子地块西南缘低温成矿域Au、Sb、Hg、As矿床区域分布上的共生分异及控制因素

    Regional association and fractionation mechanism of au , sb , Hg and as deposits in vast epithermal mineralization area at the southwestern margin of the Yangtze block

  4. 全球巨型构造体系与成矿域的划分

    The division of global gigantic tectonic system and minerogenetic Province

  5. 摘要古亚洲成矿域矿产资源十分丰富。

    Mineral resources in the Paleo-Asia domain are extremely abundant .

  6. 讨论了优质富锰矿在各成矿域的形成方式、特点和找矿方向。

    Furthermore , the formation patterns of super quality & high grade Mn-ores $

  7. 新疆西准噶尔金矿成矿域矿床成因及矿床模式

    Genesis and model of gold deposit in western Junggar metallogenic provenance , Xinjiang

  8. 立足于寻找超大型矿床,提出了6个新的成矿域;

    Six new mineralization provinces for the exploration of SOD have been proposed .

  9. 中-东亚能源矿产成矿域区划和盆地类型

    Subdivisions of the Central-East Asia Multi-Energy Minerals Metallogenetic Domain and Types of Those Basins

  10. 试析地幔来源物质成矿域&以中亚造山带为例

    Metallogenic Province Derived from Mantle Sources : A Case Study of Central Asian Orogenic Belt

  11. 重点论述了中国铀成矿域、铀成矿省的成矿特征。

    Finally , uranium metallogenic characteristics of China 's uranium metallogenic domains and uranium metallogenic provinces are emphatically expounded .

  12. 中亚成矿域由若干个成矿省组成,其核心部分由阿尔泰成矿省、环巴尔喀什-准噶尔成矿省和中-南天山成矿省构成。

    This metallogenic domain comprises several metallogenic provinces and its core part is composed of the Altay , circum-Balkhash-Junggar .

  13. 本成矿域跨越多个大地构造单元,成矿作用是本地区最晚热事件之一;南岭西段为含锡多金属超大型矿床密集区。

    This huge epithermal area covers a number of tectonic units and mineralization was the latest thermal event in geological history .

  14. 通过近年来的研究,提出了全新的喜马拉雅构造-成矿域概念。

    Through the research in recent years , this paper put forth a fire new notion about Himalayan tectonic metallogenetic domain .

  15. 金矿床(点)主要分布在华北地台、扬子地台和特提斯三大构造成矿域中。

    The gold ore deposits are mainly distributed in the north China platform , Yangtz platform and Tethys , the three tectonic-metallogenic realms .

  16. 介绍了前苏联发明创造地浸法采铀后,中亚砂岩型铀矿一跃成为具有世界级铀成矿域和铀矿工业类型的地区,其铀储量达百万吨之巨;

    After making use of in-situ leaching technology , central Asia has become the world level uranium metallogeny and industry region , which holds million-tons uranium reserves .

  17. 云南会泽铅锌矿床位于扬子板块西缘川黔滇铅锌银多金属成矿域的中南部,严格受断裂带的控制。

    The Huize Pb-Zn deposits , Yunnan province is located in the central south of the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou Pb-Zn polymetal metallogenic realm and is strictly controlled by faulted zones .

  18. 通过分析认为喜马拉雅构造-成矿域内强烈的壳幔物质交换,下地壳翻天覆地的物质和流体交换,导致了在同一构造地质单元内可以有一个或多个超大型矿床的存在。

    We considered that the substance exchange between mantle and lower crust in Himalayan tectonic metallogenetic domain can produce one or several supper large deposits in a tectonic belt .

  19. 研究区位于西伯利亚板块东南大陆边缘晚古生代陆缘增生带,是古亚洲成矿域的重要组成部分。

    The survey region , an important part of Palaeo-Asia metallogenic domain , is located in the Late Paleozoic terrigenous hyperplasia belt of southeast continental margin of the Siberian plate .

  20. 以三江特提斯成矿域为例,简述了幔柱构造特征,提出了幔柱构造成矿体系新观点。

    Exemplified by the Sanjiang Tethyan metallogenic domain , the present paper has briefly described characteristics of the mantle plume tectonics , and advanced the new viewpoint of metallogenic system controlled by mantle tectonics .

  21. 西南大面积低温热液成矿域包括多种矿床类型,它们之间具若干重要共同之处,如成矿温度多小于200℃,物质组成常你中有我,我中有你,蚀变方式和受构造控制格局相似。

    The huge epithermal mineralization area of SW China comprises many ore deposits types , which often show important similarities : low ore-forming temperature ( usually < 200 ℃ ), similar alteration forms and structural control , and intimate relationship in ore constituents .

  22. 指出从石炭纪到二叠纪,广泛发育的原生金矿床构成了该造山带金的专属成矿域,所以原生金矿是砂金最主要的物源。

    It is pointed out that the extensive development of primary gold deposits from the Carboniferous Period to the Permian Period structured the gold-metallogenetic provinces of the Altay orogenic zone , so the primary gold deposits are the principal mineral origins for the placers .

  23. 辽河外围盆地大多属晚中生代早期发育的裂谷断陷型盆地。环太平洋成矿域分晚中生代活动陆缘成矿带和台湾古近纪新近纪岛弧成矿带。

    Most of the basins in the surrounding area of Liaohe River are of rift fault basin developed in Upper Mesozoic . and the Circum-Pacific metallogenic province into Upper Mesozoic ore-forming belt of the active continental margin and Paleocene-Pliocene ore-forming belt of the island arcs .

  24. 新疆西天山西段金铜成矿带&中亚成矿域东延

    Metallogenic belt of gold and copper deposits in the western section of Tianshan in Xinjiang & Oriental prolongation of the Central Asia metallogenic zone

  25. 矿床成矿时属环太平洋成矿域的东澳大利亚成矿带,经喜马拉雅运动位移至东南亚成矿带。

    The ore deposit belonged to Eastern Australia metallogenic belt during its formation , and then moved to Southeast Asia metallogenic belt by Himalayan movement .

  26. 试论幔柱构造与成矿系统&以三江特提斯成矿域为例

    A tentative discussion on the mantle plume tectonics and metallogenic system as exemplified by the Sanjiang Tethyan metallogenic domain

  27. 基于对云南境内区域构造格局和主要断裂构造特征的分析,阐述金的成矿特点,并划分为2大成矿域、2大成矿带和1大成矿区。

    Based on the analysis on the regional structure patterns and the features of the main fracture structure in Yunnan Province , the characteristics of gold deposit are elaborated , and a division is made into two big deposit regions , two big deposit zones and one big deposit area .

  28. 最后指出局部活性是成矿发生的必要条件,研究成矿发生应该从成矿系统参数域的局部活性研究入手。

    At last we pointed out that local activity is the necessary condition for the onset of ore forming .

  29. 最后,按成矿体系,成矿系列和矿床三级体制对三江特提斯成矿域主要矿床形成条件和成矿规律进行了全新分析。

    Finally , a completely new analysis of ore forming conditions and metallogenic regularity of main mineral deposits in the Sanjiang Tethyan metallogenic domain is made in accordance with the three level system composed of metallogenic system , metallogenic series and mineral deposit .

  30. 东南亚加里曼丹新生代金成矿作用及成矿动力学根据同位素测年成果厘定出特提斯向环太平洋构造成矿域转换的早期,即早侏罗世也存在一期重要的锡、金成矿作用。

    According to the results of isotopic age determination , it is confirmed that in the early Jurassic epoch , at the early stage of the transformation from Tethyan domain to Circum Pacific domain , there existed a period of important Sn and Au mineralization .