
  • 网络tumorigenicity
  1. 人永生化角质形成细胞系(HaCaT)不仅具有与表皮干细胞相似的表型、增殖和分化特性,而且其遗传特性稳定、不具有成瘤性,可作为组织工程皮肤种子细胞的理想候选者。

    Human immortal keratinocyte line ( HaCaT ) has genetically stable characteristics and high percentage of epidermal stem cell phenotypes without tumorigenicity .

  2. 裸小鼠体内侵袭实验表明,反义细胞克隆的成瘤性、生长性和侵袭性均显著受到抑制。

    The in vivo invasion experiment on mice showed the tumorigenicity , growth and invasiveness of MAS4 had been significantly inhibited .

  3. MTT法绘制细胞生长曲线,观察裸鼠卵巢癌皮下移植瘤的成瘤性。

    Cells were transplanted subcutaneously in nude mice to observe the tumorigenesis .

  4. 与C6胶质瘤细胞体外共培养后大鼠神经干细胞成瘤性的初步观察

    The Initial Observation on Malignant Transformation of the Rats Neural Stem Cells Co-cultured with C6 Glioma Cells in Vitro

  5. liscDNA在细胞中的稳定整合对细胞形态、生长特性、细胞周期、成瘤性等生物学特点并无明显影响。

    The stable integration of lis cDNA into cells had no significant impact in the cell morphology , growth , cell cycle , tumorigenesis and other biological characteristics .

  6. 目的观察空间诱变小鼠黑色素瘤B16细胞株的成瘤性,寻找免疫原性发生变异的细胞株。

    Objective To explore the oncogenesis of the melanoma B16 cell clones mutagenized by space environment , and find the B16 cell clones with remarkably mutated immunogenicity .

  7. 下调支气管上皮细胞中的的DJ-1蛋白的表达水平,对共培养的肺腺癌细胞增殖及成瘤性有抑制作用。

    Reduced bronchial epithelial cells of the DJ-1 protein expression , On the co-cultured lung cancer cell proliferation and tumorigenesis was inhibited .

  8. 结论:裸鼠高成瘤性多药耐药白血病细胞系K562-n/VCR具有其独特的生物学特性。

    Conclusion : A multi-drug resistant leukemia cell line K562-n / VCR , with high tumorigenicity and u-nique biological feature , had been established .

  9. 前期研究表明,IHH表现高增殖活性,可在微载体上高密度培养,体内不具有成瘤性。

    In the preliminary research , IHH showed high proliferative activity and could be cultured on microcarriers with high cell density .

  10. 非肥胖型糖尿病/重症联合免疫缺陷性小鼠(NOD/SCID)皮下注射MSC,病理切片检测第30d细胞体内成瘤性。

    MSC were subcutaneous injected into the human-nonobese diabetes / severe combined immunodeficiency disease ( NOD / SCID ) mice and carcinogenesises of the MSC in vivo were detected by pathological diagnosis .

  11. 目的探讨胰腺癌细胞(PC-3)胰岛素样生长因子-1受体(IGF-1R)基因的定量表达,及其与细胞凋亡、成瘤性的关系。

    Objective To explore Insulin like growth factor 1 receptor ( IGF 1R ) gene quantitative expression in human pancreatic cancer cells ( PC 3 ) and the relationship of IGF 1R with apoptosis ?

  12. 方法:通过逆转录病毒载体,将小鼠B71基因导入EL4淋巴瘤细胞中,研究EL4/B71在同系C57BL/6小鼠中的成瘤性及其诱导抗肿瘤免疫的效果。

    Methods : The EL-4 lymphoma was transduced with recombinant retrovirus containing the murine B7-1 gene . The effect of gene transduction on antitumor immunity was investigated .

  13. 这样就得到了C4-2和C4-2B细胞,它们与LNCaP细胞遗传背景相同,但却获得了雄激素非依赖的生长能力,并具有更强的成瘤性和骨转移能力。

    With the similar steps repeated , the new androgen independent C4-2 and C4-2B were obtained . They have the same genetic background as LNCaP , but acquire androgen - independent growth capacity and a stronger bone metastasis tendency .

  14. 观察其成瘤性的变化。

    Observe it become tumour change .

  15. 组织型纤溶酶原激活剂工程细胞系遗传特性及成瘤性分析

    The Analysis of Hereditary Feature and Oncogenicity for the Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator ( t-PA ) Engineering Cell Line

  16. 细胞软琼脂集落形成及接种裸小鼠检查成瘤性;

    Tumorigenicity of the cells was assessed by soft agar colony formation and by transplantation of cells into nude mice .

  17. 提示这些可能是扶正类抗癌中药抑制肿瘤干细胞成瘤性的部分作用机制。

    Show that these may be part of the centralizer class of anti-cancer traditional Chinese medicine inhibition of tumor stem cells into tumor mechanism .

  18. 所谓的癌症干细胞产生了不同类型的细胞群,其中一些是非成瘤性的,这也和人类胰腺癌肿瘤相类似。

    The purported cancer stem cells produced a diverse mixture of cells , some of which are not cancerous , that reflected an actual human pancreatic tumor , she said .

  19. 木研究为抑制人乳腺癌干细胞成瘤性的研究提供了新的研究领域和思路,同时进一步提升了中药抗癌作用研究的水平和深度。

    This study provide new areas and ideas of research in human breast cancer tumor stem cell tumorigenicity , further enhance the level and depth of research in the study on the centralizer class of anti-cancer traditional Chinese medicine inhibition of tumor .

  20. 肿瘤细胞战胜或逃脱宿主免疫反应在循环系统中穿行游走的过程,以及最终滞留于何处,能否增殖成转移瘤的难以预料性,恰与风者,善行而数变相吻合。

    The tumor cell defeats or escapes the host immune response and goes through in the circulatory system , as well as finally detains in where , and whether multiplies the metastasis is unpredictable , they are identical with " the wind , quickly move and change constantly " .

  21. MTT比色实验、Boyden侵袭小室法和裸鼠成瘤实验分别检测转染细胞体外增殖速度、体外侵袭力和体内成瘤性。

    MTT assay , Boyden chamber and tumor implantations experiment were used to detect the proliferation , invasion and tumorigenesis of the transfected cells in vitro and in vivo .