
  1. 抱鼓石发展了宅门的功能构件门枕石,其等级是由门的等级决定的;

    Drum-shaped bearing stone develops door bearing stone , which is a functional component of gates of grand houses .

  2. 浅析影响汉画像石艺术发展的几个因素

    Analysis of Factors to Influence the Development of Han Figure Stone Art

  3. 硅粉对水泥石强度发展影响规律

    Law of silica powder influence on cement stone strength development

  4. 论牙形石的发展与条件

    Discussion of conodont development and conditions

  5. 不同批样水泥由于化学成分等的差异导致其水泥石强度发展曲线不同。

    The dosage of such cement additives as accelerator , retardant and different composition could also affect the developing of cement compressing strength .

  6. 临时香港科学园有限公司现正积极筹备在大埔白石角发展占地22公顷的香港科学园。

    The Provisional Hong Kong Science Park Company Limited is now actively planning for the development of a 22-hectare Science Park at Pak Shek Kok , Tai Po .

  7. 文中结合工作实际,对中州铝厂民采石灰石现状进行了客观分析,并对民采石灰石的发展提出了一定的看法和对策。

    Combining with practices , this paper analyzed private mining situation of limestone , and set forth some opinions and countermeasures in view to the development of limestone mining .

  8. 这两个前提在魏晋南北朝都发生了变化,因此画像石的发展受到了影响,最终走向衰亡。

    However , changes occurred to these two premises in Wei , Jin , Northern and Southern dynasties , which produced great impact on the development of stone relief and led to the final decline .

  9. 在贵州高原向北、东、南三面倾斜的斜坡上,乌江期地貌发育形成的峰丛峡谷、峰丛洼地中,内外自然营力作用是石漠发展的主要因素;

    The internal agent and external agent are the main factor of stony desert development on the slope of Guizhou plateau , which has peak cluster canyon and peak cluster depression formed in the " Wujiang River " period .

  10. 介绍了四川地区PVC产业的发展动态,对该地区PVC产业高速发展的原因及电石法的发展优势进行了分析。

    The development trends of PVC industry in Sichuan area were introduced . Results of high development on PVC industry in this area , and development advantage of calcium carbide method were analysed .

  11. 我国铁矿石选矿技术发展特点及展望

    Development Features and Prospects of China 's Iron Mineral Processing

  12. 植被退化是石漠化发展的重要原因和标志。

    The vegetation degradation was the important reason and sign of development of rocky desertification .

  13. 同时,汉代礼乐的盛行,对汉画像石艺术的发展起到了积极的推动作用。

    In the meantime , the prevalence of Han rite and music played an important part in this art style .

  14. 近十年,随着石文化的发展,国内外掀起了一股潜在力较强的藏石风。

    Nearly a decade , with the stone and cultural development , setting off a potential international force Cangdan strong wind .

  15. 本文在高强度石砌体研究发展的基础上提出和研究了一种新的桥梁形式&RC-石砌体组合拱桥。

    This paper presents and studies a new type of bridge - RC-masonry combination arch bridge Based on the development of studying the high strength masonry .

  16. 铁矿石掉期的发展迄今一直较为缓慢,多数铁矿石掉期交易是在伦敦进行的,且参与者不包括贸易商或钢铁生产商之类的铁矿石消费者。

    The development of the iron-ore swap has been slow until now , with most iron-ore swap deals conducted in London and not involving consumers such as trading houses or steelmakers .

  17. 随后介绍了我国铁矿石烧结的发展现状及存在的问题,指出我国烧结工艺技术取得了很大的改善,但同时存在着能耗、环保、铁矿石资源缺乏等问题。

    Then the development of iron ore sintering technologies in China was also introduced . The results suggest that the iron ore sintering technologies have developed greatly but still have some significant problems .

  18. 并介绍了磁力、浮游力力场结合的磁选-浮选分选法的应用前景以及铁矿石磁选的发展方向。

    The application prospect of magnetic separation - flotation method that combines the magnetic force field with that of floating and the development orientation of the magnetic separation of iron ore are pointed out .

  19. C2S在后期则具有一定的水硬性,它对水泥石的长期强度发展是有益的;

    C2S contributed to the later strength of cement because of its activity at later hydration stage .

  20. 我国宝玉石业现状及发展前景

    Present situations and developing trends about gemstones trade of China

  21. 试论锰矿石生产技术的发展与前景

    Development and prospects of production technique for manganese ore

  22. 我国铁矿石反浮选技术发展综合评述

    Review of the Development of China 's Reverse Flotation Technology for Iron Ore

  23. 这些问题的存在对花石镇的可持续发展带来严重的制约。

    The existence of these problems on the sustainable development of the characteristic town serious constraints .

  24. 我国锰矿石选矿技术及发展计算机在选矿计量中的应用

    Manganese Ore Processing Technology and Its Development in China Computer Application for Measuring in Ore Processing

  25. 这是根据埃舍尔1953年的一幅石版画而衍生发展的空间模型。

    This is a space mode deriving and developing from a piece of lithograph of Escher in1953 .

  26. 目前,铁矿石作为国民经济发展必须的大宗矿产是不可替代的。

    At present , Stone of Iron is necessary and irreplaceable in the Process of development of economic .

  27. 本文主要研究石建筑的历史发展、基础知识、运用方式及表现。

    This article is a study about the history , basic knowledge and the methods of construction and expression of stone architecture .

  28. 锰矿石是国民经济发展中重要的战略金属,是钢铁工业发展重要的基础性大宗原材料。

    As an important strategic metal in our national economic development , manganese and alloys are also an essential basic bulk raw material in iron and steel industry .

  29. 虎眼石和发晶协助发展对建立在统一之上领导方式的理解,其中每个成员都将其才能和天赋贡献给整个群体。

    Rutilated quartz and tigers eye assist in developing an understanding of leadership founded upon unity where each contributes their gifts and talents unto the whole of the group .

  30. 通过搜集、统计航运情报,对市场中各种船型的现有运力、新造船订单等做了深入研究,结合世界主要干散货船东的船队情况,分析铁矿石运输船舶的发展趋势。

    By gathering and statistics of shipping market information , the situation of bulk carriers by size and fleet structure of main dry bulk shipowners is researched in depth , such as the capacity and orderbook .