
  • 网络fossil fuel
  1. ABB项目的交付,将在北方产生更多的水力发电馈入中部电力网,有助于减少来自石化燃料的二氧化碳和氮氧化物的排放量。

    ABB 's delivery will contribute to a reduction in CO2 and NOx emissions from fossil fuels by enabling more hydropower generated in the north to be fed into the central electrical grid .

  2. 观测卫星(OCO)的测量数据可以给我们一个指标,以现在我们燃烧石化燃料的速度还能有多久。

    OCO measurements could give us an indication of how much longer we can burn fossil fuels at the rate that we 're burning them now .

  3. 动力设备如汽车在很大程度上依赖于石油资源。石化燃料燃烧产生的CO2引起了温室效应,而CO、NOx和烃类危害人体健康。

    Burning of fossil fuel produces CO_2 , which give rise to greenhouse effect , and CO , NO_x and hydrocarbons , which jeopardize people 's health .

  4. 汽车消耗石化燃料,排出大量的温室效果气CO2,引起了地球温暖化问题,使地球环境遭到破坏。

    Automobiles are consuming a great quantity of fossil fuel , emitting a great quantity of greenhouse gas CO 2 . This has caused the global temperature rising problems , leading to the damage of global environment .

  5. 当石化燃料燃烧不完全时便会产生一氧化碳。

    Carbon monoxide is produced when fossil fuel is incompletely burnt .

  6. 在这片广阔的大陆上,石化燃料非常丰富。

    Fossil fuels are abundant in the vast continent .

  7. 为了减少对石化燃料的消耗,我们应该制造更加高效的汽车。

    To cut back on fossil fuels , we should build more efficient cars .

  8. 有没有可能是人类燃烧石化燃料,导致甲烷的脉冲式喷发活动?

    How likely is it that humans will cause methane burps by burning fossil fuels ?

  9. 由于石化燃料原料储量有限,发展可替代能源成为当务之急。

    The development of alternative energy was the urgent affairs of humans due to the lack of fossil fuels .

  10. 一些散发二氧化碳到大气的人类活动包括石化燃料的燃烧。

    Some of those human activities that are emitting carbon dioxide in our atmosphere include the burning of fossil fuels .

  11. 他们说,世界对石化燃料的依赖,是心肌梗塞和中风增加的主要原因。

    They say the world 's dependence on fossil fuels is largely responsible for increased risk of heart attack and stroke .

  12. 联合国表示农牧业跟燃烧石化燃料的危害一样大,因为这两项的消耗都伴随着经济成长而快速增加。

    The UN says agriculture is on a par with fossil fuel consumption because both rise rapidly with increased economic growth .

  13. 随着石化燃料不断减少与环境保护压力日益增大,风能的开发利用迅猛发展,风力发电机组的装机容量迅速增加。

    Wind power utilization and wind turbine capacity is increasing rapidly with the steady declining of fossil fuels and increasing environmental pressures .

  14. 现存石化燃料的不可再生性和社会对能源的大量需求使得人们对替代能源进行了探索。

    The high demands for energy together with the non-renewable of the fossil fuel reserves have result in exploration of alternate energy sources .

  15. 同时,利用醇燃料替代部分石化燃料,可以缓解石化燃料的供需矛盾,符合我国能源政策。

    Meanwhile , burning alcohol in diesel engine can reduce the petroleum fuel consumption , which caters to the energy policy in our country .

  16. 不过,这些机构的呼声和影响力,比起保守企业利益数十年来拖延弃用石化燃料的高层次政治游说,仍微不足道。

    But their voices and influence are still heavily outweighed by decades of high-level lobbying by entrenched corporate interests delaying the shift away from fossil fuels .

  17. 有关项目以堆填区沼气作为替代燃料,可减少在煤气生产过程中使用石化燃料用量和减低温室气体的排放量,有助改善空气质素。

    The project helped cut the use of fossil fuel in town gas production and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases , thus improving air quality .

  18. 尽管可再生能源将是未来燃料组合中增长最快的组成部分,但石化燃料仍将占据主流。

    While renewable sources of energy will make up the fastest-growing segment of the fuel mix in the future , fossil fuels will remain the dominant source .

  19. 前言:文章介绍了美国能源部石化燃料办公室2001年报告的部分内容。

    It was introduced that part of the report " Environmental Benefits of Advanced Oil And Gas Exploration and Production Technology " by Office of Fossil Energy , U.

  20. 通过爆破水下压缩的空气,科学家们可以绘制出海底的地下分布图。从而开发出新的石化燃料矿藏分布带以及获得其它方面的重要信息。

    By exploding compressed air underwater , scientists map the subsurface of the seafloor . The process can reveal new deposits of fossil fuels and other important information .

  21. 投资绿色科技一直是奥巴马政府试图使经济回到正轨,减少美国对石化燃料的依赖的关键。

    Investing in green technology has been key to the administration 's attempts to get the economy back on track and reduce the nation 's dependency on fossil fuels .

  22. 预料到会受到环境保护者的批评,他表示,希望将美国经济对石化燃料和外国石油的依赖转移到国内生产的燃料和清洁能源方面。

    Anticipating criticism from environmental campaigners , he said he wanted to move the American economy away from fossil fuels and foreign oil towards home-grown fuels and clean energy .

  23. 随着环境的恶化和石化燃料的枯竭,氢能作为一种清洁无污染的可再生二次能源正日益受到人们的关注。

    With increasingly serious environmental deterioration and fossil fuel depletion , Hydrogen , one of regenerative and ultimate clean secondary energy , has been attracting much attention by scientists .

  24. 目前,能源危机和环境问题日益突出,生物柴油作为替代石化燃料备受各国关注,具有广阔的应用前景。

    With the energy crisis and environment problem increasingly prominent , bio-diesel as an alternative to fossil fuels has received worldwide attention recently , and it has broad application prospects .

  25. 中国和美国是两大温室气体排放国,两国的石化燃料产生了世界一般的二氧化碳排放。

    China and the United States are the top two emitters of greenhouse gases and , together , produce one half of the world 's carbon-dioxide emissions from fossil fuel .

  26. 下周,我将会见参议院的两党联合工作组来讨论我们如何从现在依赖石化燃料过渡到未来的清洁能源。

    Next week , Ill be meeting with a bipartisan group of Senators to discuss how we can transition away from our dependence on fossil fuels and embrace a clean energy future .

  27. 随着地球上石化燃料的不断消耗和环境问题的日益严重,风能作为一种安全、洁净且无限的能源为改变全球能源结构提供了机会。

    As fossil fuel consumption is unceasing and environment problems are becoming serious in the Earth , wind energy , as a safe , clean and limitless energy , provides the opportunity to change the global energy mix .

  28. 近年来中国的经济飞速发展,石化燃料大量的使用造成了空气、水、土壤中的多环芳烃含量急剧的增加。植物能够吸收环境中的多环芳烃,在生理和形态上发生一些变化。

    In recent years , the content of PAHs increases dramatically in the soil and other environment as the development of booming economic growth in China , especially the wide use of fossil fuels . Plants can absorb and transport PAHs from air , water and soil .

  29. 在阿布扎比峰会上发表讲话时,扎尔达里总统将他的国家描述为“世界能源危机的例子”。巴基斯坦最近遭遇了一系列自然灾害的袭击。扎尔达里相信,这些灾难至少与燃烧石化燃料引发的全球变暖存在一定的关系。

    Speaking at the Abu Dhabi summit , Asif Ali Zardari described his country as " an example of the world 's energy crisis " " Pakistan has been hit by a number of recent natural disasters and Zardari believes that they are at least connected to global warming caused by the burning of fossil fuels . "

  30. 以催化裂化废催化剂为原料生产了LSH-03喷气燃料脱色吸附剂,在中国石油化工股份有限公司洛阳石化喷气燃料精制系统上进行了工业应用试验。

    A jet fuel decolorizing adsorbent LSH-03 prepared from spent catalytic cracking catalyst was commercially applied in the jet fuel treatment at Luoyang Petrochemical Company .