
  1. SWOT与军队房地产经营管理的策略规划

    SWOT and military real estate management

  2. 房地产经营管理专业在我院专业整合中的SWOT分析

    SWOT of analyses the actually developmental situation of the specialty how to operate and manage the real estate

  3. 房地产经营管理中的若干法律问题

    Several Legal Problems in the Management and Administration of Real Estate

  4. 文化因素在房地产经营开发中的应用探析

    Research on the Cultural Factors Applied in Real Estate Management and Development

  5. 基于循环经济的房地产经营管理研究

    The Study on Management and Administration of Real Estate Based on Recycle Economy

  6. 房地产经营进入文化竞争阶段。

    The real estate operation has entered into the phase of cultural competition .

  7. 东风汽车公司房地产经营关键是经营战略选择

    The Key to Running the Real Estate of the Dongfeng Automobile Company is Strategy Selection

  8. 房地产经营管理。

    Real estate operation and management .

  9. 房地产经营管理人才培养刍议

    The view on training the person with the ability about management and operation on real estate

  10. 高职房地产经营与估价专业培养目标定位研究&以福建省为例

    Research on Training Target of Higher Real-estate Management and Assessment Major & Case study of Fujian province

  11. 房地产经营分析

    Real Estate Management Analysis

  12. 因此,针对房地产经营活动中可能出现的金融风险进行研究,对于一国宏观经济的顺利发展和消费者利益的保障具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , it is significant to do research in Real estate operations for the smooth development of economy .

  13. 本文论述了房地产经营与管理专业产学研相结合的人才培养模式的主要内容及实施效果。

    The paper analyses the major content about real estate management of man 's talent education model and execution result .

  14. 探索了未来中国房地产经营开发企业进行资金融通时的新方式及所处的新环境,以帮助企业及时适应资本时代所带来的融资观念的快速变化。

    Exploring the new way of financing in the new conditions in order to help the enterprises to change their traditional conception of financing .

  15. 目前仍有许多房地产经营管理人员认为房地产企业不需要战略,这种错误观念是非常令人担忧的。

    At present , it is still many realty managers think that realty enterprises do not need strategy . That wrong concept is very worried .

  16. 公司拥有一批高素质、高水准的建筑师和实践经验丰富、精通房地产经营开发的高级专业人才。

    The corporation holds a lot of architects with high-quality and a number of senior professionals with rich experiences and skilled at real estate management and development .

  17. 您想购买价廉物美的商品房吗?为什么不让世界上最大的房地产经营组织帮助您呢?

    Why not let the world 's largest real estate sales organization help you if you want to Buy a good commodity house at a lower price ?

  18. 房地产经营与估价主要是眼光、细致、周密,其计算公式相信初中数学就能胜任。

    Estate is managed as main as appraisal it is eye , meticulous , careful , its computation formula believes maths of junior high school can be competent .

  19. 为抑制高地价,政府针对土地竞拍颁布了更为严格的措施,勒令78家央企退出房地产经营。

    With a view to reining in high land prices , more stringent requirements on land bidding were stipulated , and78 SOEs were ordered to withdraw from real estate business .

  20. 公司房地产经营的市场定位是主要从事高档写字楼、业地产、档及中档偏上住宅商品房的项目开发和物业管理。

    The company positions its realty business mainly in the development and management of the up-market office buildings , business estates , and the residencies for middle and higher consumptions .

  21. 它可以被看成是为投资者从事其自身的资金和管理能力所不能及的房地产经营活动的一种融资形式。

    It can be thought as a financing form of real estate business activity , which own capital and management ability can not reach that , for investors to engage it .

  22. 对土地使用权实行商品化经营,在理论上是个独立的问题,但在实践中与房地产经营密不可分。

    It is an unique problem in theory to carry out commodity management to the right use of land , but it is inseparable with the management of the real estate in practice .

  23. 本文在分析房地产经营机制的基础上,从土地供给和住房需求入手,对综合开发活动中房地产的供求经营问题做了探讨。

    This article after analysing the operating mechanism of the realty industry , discusses the supply and demand management , in realty industry in terms of supply of urban land and housing demand in comprehensive development .

  24. 随着旅游业与房地产业的进一步深化结合,旅游住宅地产经营模式正在被众多企业广泛采用,成为城市房地产开发的主流之一。

    With the close combination of tour industry and estate industry , tour housing estate management mode that has become one of the mainstreams in urban estate development is adopted extensively by more and more enterprises .

  25. 房地产经营在近代就显现出与金融业越来越密切的关系,金融业不但向房地产界放款,还直接向房地产业投资。

    In modern times the real estate industry was related closely with the financial sector , with the financial sector not only making loans to the real estate operators but also directly investing in the real estate industry .

  26. 介绍了一个自己开发的以电子地图取代了纸地图,以数据库取代了档案袋,可以用电脑选房购房和做房地产经营的系统。

    The system developed by writer is introduced which can be used in choosing and buying house by computer and real estate management , and of which the paper map is instead of by electric map and files by database .

  27. 全球房地产业也开始了一场深刻变革,一方面是智能化住宅走入普通人的生活,另一方面房地产经营方式开始步入信息时代。

    The Real Estate industry has also experienced profound change . On the one hand , intelligent housing has been stepping into our common life , on the other side ; the business mode for dealing real estate has entered into a new era of information .

  28. 两家公司说,它们将与上海市静安区房地产开发经营公司(JinganDistrictLandDevelopment)合资,开发上海中心地段的四块地皮。

    The two companies said they would form a joint venture with Shanghai Jingan District Land Development to develop four sites in central Shanghai .

  29. 7.2发展包括REITs在内的房地产信托经营;

    7.2 . develop business of realestate trust including REITs ;

  30. 然后重点探讨了房地产开发经营中的客户关系管理(第3章),强调CRM在房地产开发经营中的市场定位、施工建设、销售、物业管理等全过程中的应用;

    Then , in the third chapter , it analyses the application of the market orientation , the construction , the sales and the property management in the course of the real estate development and operation .