
  1. 加入WTO后我国地区产业调控机制和模式的转型研究&兼论区域产业群落理论和地域生产综合体理论的替代关系

    A study on transit of the mechanism and development model in controlling Chinese regional industries after China joins the WTO

  2. 地域生产综合体理论:概念、原理及评价

    The theory of territorial production complex : its concept , frame and comment

  3. 过去三种主要区域经济发展理论:梯度推移、增长极与地域生产综合体理论,都存在着明显的不足。

    Obvious defects exist in the three traditional theories of regional economic development : Disparity Transference , Development Poles and Regional Production Complexes .

  4. 国外有关聚集的研究已经取得了许多成果,包括增长极理论、地域生产综合体理论、产业聚集理论、新产业区理论等。

    There are many a research achievement regarding agglomeration , such as growth pole , regional production integrity , industrial agglomeration and new industrial district .

  5. 阐述区域产业群落理论、区域产业结构关联理论、地域生产综合体理论、核心边缘理论、市域空间结构理论以及国内外区域规划的最新理论和发展。

    Elaborate theory of regional industrial community , regional industrial structure theory , theory of regional production complex , the core edge of the theory of the City spatial structure theory and the latest domestic and regional planning theory and development .