
  • 网络developer;Property Developer
  1. KEN拥有一间经营十分成功的建筑公司,同时还是个很出色的地产发展商。

    Ken is a very successful owner of a construction company And real estate developer .

  2. 房地产发展商应保持诚信,加速行业标准的形成;

    Real estate developer should keep honest and accelerate the formation of trade standard .

  3. 像这样的数据让中国的地产发展商垂涎三尺。

    Statistics like these make China 's property developers drool .

  4. 个别住宅发展项目的出售时间,实属地产发展商按其销售策略作出的商业决定。

    The timing of the sale of individual residential developments is a commercial decision based on their marketing strategies .

  5. 在土地拍卖中,该地产发展商成功投得的机会较主要对手高。

    The odds are in the favor of the estate developer than its arch rival in the land auction .

  6. 工程大多来自地产发展商及政府,包括房屋委员会、房屋协会及医院管理局。

    Most works come from property developers and the government including the housing authority , Housing Society and hospital authority .

  7. 多家银行或独自推出,或与地产发展商携手合作向客户提供定息按揭。

    A number of banks , some teamed up with property developers , have offered fixed rate mortgages to their customers .

  8. 我们的经营目标是向地产发展商,建筑师,园景设计师,政府部门,学校,幼儿园及高级会所等提供我们最优质的产品及服务。

    Our objective is to provide our best products and services to property developers , architects , landscape architects , Government departments , school and club houses .

  9. 这不是悲观的人生思考,而是欧洲经济新气象,它受到人口学家、房地产发展商和广告商这类人的普遍欢迎。

    This isn 't the stuff of gloomy philosophical meditations , but a fact of Europe 's new economic landscape , embraced by demographers , real-estate developers and ad executives alike .