
  • 网络foundation engineering
  1. 武汉地区地基基础工程典型质量问题分析

    Analysis of typical quality problems of foundation engineering in Wuhan region

  2. 地基基础工程科学发展五十年

    Development of the Foundation Engineering Science in the 50 Years

  3. 桩基静载试验在地基基础工程中的经济效益分析

    Economic Analysis of Dead Load Test for Spile in Substructure Engineering

  4. 地基基础工程条件的评价在工程勘探中的应用及意义

    Application and significance of evaluation of foundation engineering conditions in engineering prospecting

  5. 软弱地基基础工程质量事故分析处理

    Analysis of Engineering Quality Accident and Treatment in Soft Base

  6. 换填法在软弱地基基础工程中的应用

    Application of exchanging - fill method in soft groundwork

  7. 本文初步提出地基基础工程事故发生的一些因素及原因。

    This paper points preliminarily out some factors and causes of the engineering accidents occurring in subgrade and foundation .

  8. 本文简述了针对该厂房所进行的地基基础工程勘察、地基挡墙加固设计和锚固施工技术。

    In this paper the geotechnical engineering investigation , strengthening programme of the retaining wall and construction technology of the anchoring system are described briefly .

  9. 地基基础工程对于高层建筑的安全及使用至关重要,其造价高、工期长。

    The ground foundation engineering and uses very important regarding high-rise construction 's security , its construction cost is high , the time is long .

  10. 《建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50202-2002)内容包括总则及基本规定;地基;

    Code for acceptance of construction quality of building foundation ( GB 50202-2002 ) includes general principle , basic specifications , foundation , pile , earthwork and excavation works etc.

  11. 在分析常用土岩组合地基基础工程处理措施的基础上,对某住宅小区的软土和岩石地基基础工程处理方法进行了介绍。

    Analysis of common soil and rock composition in the foundation treatment measures on the basis of a residential area of soft soil and rock foundation engineering approach was introduced .

  12. 本文以建筑地基基础工程质量检测标准为例,提出了建筑质量检测领域本体的层次结构。

    The building foundation quality inspection standard is taken as an example in this thesis . The hierarchical structure of the architectural ontology is put forward in building quality inspection .

  13. 锤击夯扩沉管灌注桩因施工简便、单桩竖向承载力大、经济效益显著而在我国建筑地基基础工程中得到广泛应用。

    Cast-in-place expanded pile with hammer driven casting is widely used in the foundation engineering because of its convenient construction , large bearing capacity of single pile and remarkable economy benefit .

  14. 因此,对拟建场区地基基础工程条件作出合理的评价显得十分必要。

    Therefore , it is very necessary to make a reasonable evaluation of the geological engineering conditions of the foundation in light of the data gained in or near the proposed building area .

  15. 地基基础工程不仅对高层建筑的安全及建成后的正常使用至关重要,而且所占的造价比重和工期比重均较大,科学合理的选用地基基础方案对工程建设有着重要的意义。

    Foundation Engineering is critical not only for the safety of construction but also for the use of built-up high-rise buildings . It is acknowledged that the construction cost and the construction period of foundation take a great proportion .

  16. 我国东南沿海广泛分布着海相沉积软粘土,软粘土流变性和结构性对固结有重要影响,给地基基础工程设计与施工带来困难,是岩土工程领域研究的重要课题。

    Soft clay of marine sediment extensively distribute near the littoral in southeast China . Rheological structured properties which are important research task of geotechnical field have important effect on soft clay consolidation resulting in mainly difficulties in design construction of groundwork .

  17. 复杂地基上基础工程最优设计方法和处理措施

    Optimal design and treatment of foundation with complex subgrade conditions

  18. 地基基础价值工程研究与应用

    Study on applying of value engineering to foundation

  19. 不均匀地基上基础工程的优化处理措施

    Optimal Treatment of Foundation with Uneven Conditions

  20. 地基与基础工程设计计算中的计算机图形处理技术

    The Computer Graphic Processing Technology Applied in Design and Calculation of Ground and Foundation Engineering

  21. 工程监理咨询事务所工业与民用建筑工程结构设计咨询、地基与基础工程设计咨询。

    Structural design consultation on industrial & civil building project , design consultation on groundwork and foundation project .

  22. 随着城市建设的发展,已成为当前地基和基础工程中的热点和难点问题之一。

    With development of city construction , this has been one of the hot and difficult problems in the groundwork and base engineering .

  23. 湿陷性黄土地基是基础工程中最为复杂的地基类型之一,采取可靠的工程措施以确保基础工程的安全稳定,是湿陷性黄土地区客运专线建设必须解决的技术难题。

    Collapsible loess area is one of the most complicated foundations of infrastructure . To construct passenger dedicated line in collapsible loess area , we must take reliable measures to ensure the safety and stability of infrastructure projects .

  24. 讨论了计算机图形处理技术(包括屏幕显示、字符处理、打印输出等)在地基与基础工程设计计算中的应用方法,及其设计计算和设计报告的编写等方面的集成技术。

    Computer graphic processing technology ( including screen display , character processing , printout ect . ) , and the method applied in design and calculation of ground and foundation engineering , and intergration technology are discussed in this article .

  25. 本文提出了基础工程可能产生的各种极限状态,并引进了基础工程设计的可控性概念,建立了求解天然地基上基础工程在各种极限状态下承载力的虚功率方程。

    Various possible limit states and the concept of controllability of the foundation engineering design are introduced . The virtual work rate equations were developed and used to determine the limit bearing capacities of foundation engineering on the natural subgrade .

  26. 结合施工实践,从地基与基础工程、主体工程、地面与楼面工程、装饰工程几个方面介绍了防治建筑工程质量通病的措施,解决了施工过程中的一些实际问题,提高了工程质量。

    Combined with practical engineering , the author introduces preventive measures for building engineering quality faults from foundation and foundation engineering , main body project , ground and floor project and embellishment work , and the author solves several practical problems in construction process to improve the construction quality .

  27. 天然地基筏形基础工程应用的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on Engineering Application of Raft Foundation on Natural Ground

  28. 地基基础是建筑工程的重要组成部分,其造价、工期和劳动量均占工程建设的较大比重。

    Foundation is the important component of construction , and plays a great role in investment , time limit for a project and quantity of work .

  29. 国内外建筑物地基基础发生了很多工程事故。

    Many project accidents occur in the foundations of domestic buildings and foreign buildings .

  30. 地基基础领域是土木工程中非常活跃的领域,也是非常有挑战性的领域,现代土木工程对复杂的工程地质情况要求日益严格。

    The foundation design is a real challenge because of the complex engineering geological conditions .