
  • 网络Geological and mineral exploration;exploration of geology and mineral resources
  1. 因此进一步加强对X荧光技术在固体样品快速分析中的应用研究不仅有助于X荧光技术的应用于推广,而且对于地质矿产勘查效益的提高意义重大。

    Therefore further strengthening the application research of X-ray fluorescence technology in quick analysis for solid sample can not only help X-ray fluorescence technology expanding widely in all areas , but also has great significance for the improvement of geology and mineral resources exploration benefit .

  2. 地质矿产勘查标准经济效果评价

    Estimation to the economic returns of Geology & mineral prospecting specifications

  3. 关于地质矿产勘查项目投资评估的探讨

    Thought on Evaluation for the Investment in Geological Mineral Resources Exploration Projects

  4. GB/T17228-1998地质矿产勘查测绘术语

    Terminology of surveying and mapping for prospecting to geology and mineral resources

  5. 地质矿产勘查开发局

    Bureau of Geological and Mineral Resource Prospecting & Development

  6. 建国以来广西地质矿产勘查工作简史

    Brief history of geological exploration work in Guangxi since the founding of China

  7. 地质矿产勘查是矿业权产生的源头和子产业。

    Mining authority is derived from mineral exploration which is superiority of geological exploration organizations .

  8. 回顾了山东省地质矿产勘查开发局走过的光辉历程。

    Glorious history of Shandong Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources is reviewed in this paper .

  9. 安徽省地质矿产勘查局经历了50年的发展,在管理体制和运行机制上形成了一定的特色。

    Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration of Anhui Province has experienced 50-year development , whose management system and operation mechanism has formed certain features .

  10. 研究区位于内蒙古自治区东北部,属于大兴安岭中段,地质矿产勘查程度较低。

    With little mineral exploration , the study area in the northeast of Inner Mongolia is belonging to the middle segment of the Da Hinggan Mountains .

  11. 为满足经济发展的需求,新理论、新技术被应用于地质矿产勘查中,形成丰富了成矿理论,并获得了较好的找矿成果。

    In order to meet the needs of economic development , new theories , new technologies are used in mineral exploration geology , the formation of enriched mineralization theory , and obtained better results prospecting .

  12. 地理信息系统理论与方法的发展,对于地质矿产勘查水平的提高、矿产资源储量估算及其管理的智能化和自动化具有重要的意义。

    The rapid development of Geographical Information Systems ( GIS ) is tremendously significant to the enhancement of geological and mineral resource prospecting , the reserving estimation of the mineral resources , and the , automatic and intelligent management .

  13. 本文从新疆的地质矿产勘查开发现状、矿产资源优势和地质矿产勘查开发存在的问题出发,提出了进一步加强新疆矿产资源勘查开发、实现新疆矿产资源优势转换战略的对策和政策建议。

    According to current situation of geological mineral prospecting and advantage of mineral resources , the paper puts forward the countermeasures on further strengthening the geology and mineral prospecting and fulfilling the transform of advantage of mineral resources in Xing Jiang province .

  14. 本文分析了我国地质矿产勘查项目投资评估的现状和存在问题,指出在地质矿产勘查项目投资决策中引入投资评估具有重大意义和作用。

    The paper analyses the current situation and existing problems in evaluation for the investment in geological and mineral resource exploration projects . It indicates important significance and function of evaluation for the investment in the investment decision of geological and mineral resource exploration projects .

  15. 本文针对地质矿产勘查标准不同于一般产品生产技术标准的特点,对这类标准经济效果的评价原则、评价的主要内容以及评价的时间等方面作了探讨。

    The paper , in view of the situation that the Geology Mineral Prospecting Specifications is different of the other Products Development Technology Specifications , approach the economic returns of Geology Mineral Prospecting Specifications from different aspects : the principle , the main contents and the appropriate time .

  16. 关于地质矿产科研勘查开发一体化问题的几点认识

    Some thoughts on the integration of scientific research-exploration and prospecting of Geology and mineral resources

  17. 本文重点介绍了瞬变电磁法技术在有色地质系统金属矿产勘查中的进展及应用效果。

    This paper mainly reports the progression and application effect of the transient electromagnetic method used in nonferrous metallic mineral exploration .

  18. 矿化异常作为成矿、控矿条件和找矿标志等综合的近矿标志,在地质矿产的前期勘查中常被作为重要信息参与靶区优选,并提供工作部署服务。

    Mineralization anomalies , which include ore-forming or ore-controlling factors and mineralization indications , were widely used as significant information in target optimization and exploration deployment .

  19. 这将改变原认为这套片麻岩形成于太古宙的认识,对该区区域地质调查和矿产勘查评价具重要意义。

    This age will change the original idea that this suite of gneiss formed in the Archean and has great significance for the mineral exploration and evaluation in the area .

  20. 鄂尔多斯盆地是一个多种能源矿藏(床)同盆共存的大型沉积盆地,在基础地质研究和矿产勘查方面积累了大量的资料和数据。

    Ordos Basin is a large sediment basin in which include multi-energy source mineral deposits ( oil / gas pool , coal bed , uranium deposits , etc ) . There are a lot of data in geology study and mineral exploration .

  21. 为适应经济和社会的可持续发展,本文对贵州的地质矿产调查、勘查、研究和管理提出几点建议:进一步加强贵州省地质矿产勘查工作投入;

    In response to sustainable progress in economy and society , several proposals for investigation , exploration , research and management works on geology and minerals of Guizhou are offered . These include further strengthen investment in the exploration work of geology and minerals in Guizhou ;

  22. 3855229乙级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查。

    Class B : areal geology survey ; solid mineral exploration .

  23. 结晶级聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯2156050甲级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查;勘查工程施工。

    Crystallizable PET Class A : areal geology survey ; solid mineral exploration ; establish mineral exploration infrastructure .

  24. GB/T13908-1992固体矿产地质勘探规范总则地质矿产勘查开发局

    General requirements for solid mineral exploration Bureau of Geological and Mineral Resource Prospecting & Development

  25. 本文简要介绍了1999年实施国土资源大调查以来,江西省在基础性、公益性地质调查和战略性地质矿产勘查工作中取得的主要新进展。

    This paper briefly introduces the main new progress in basic public welfare and strategic geological and mineral survey in Jiangxi province during the whole country survey in land and resource since 1999 .

  26. 加强地质勘查,实现地质找矿突破&访甘肃省地质矿产勘查开发局局长孙矿生

    Reinforce Geological Prospecting to Achieve A Real Breakthrough in the Search of Mines