
  • 网络Geochemical indicator
  1. 多种地球化学指标和参数的现场测量分析以及数据的处理、解释评价工作。

    Geochemical indicators and parameters of the site survey and analysis of data processing , interpretation evaluation .

  2. 在缺氧环境的研究中,地球化学指标如矿物、微量元素、同位素和有机地球化学指标最为重要。

    The geochemical indicators , such as mineral , trace element and isotopic geochemistry and organic geochemistry indices , are of the most importance in the study of anoxic environment .

  3. 通过太湖MS沉积岩芯元素地球化学指标的分析,对太湖沉积物污染历史进行了系统的讨论。

    The pollution history of Taihu Lake is studied based on the geochemical characteristics in Core MS sediments .

  4. 结果表明,花沟地区的CO2气和CH4气具有不同的地球化学指标组合异常特征,在热蚀碳酸盐、荧光光谱及CO2气含量等指标上有明显的差异。

    The result indicates that there are obvious differences between CO2 and CH4 gas reservoirs on value of thermal etching carbonate , fluorescence spectrum and CO2 gas content in Huagou area .

  5. 岩相学和地球化学指标显示三叠纪火山岩为玄武岩,MgO含量均很低(范围在4.27%~7.72%),属于演化岩浆。

    The Triassic volcanic rocks are belonging to basalt based on the petrographical and geochemical indicators . Low contents of MgO ( 4.27 % ~ 7.72 % ) for these basalts indicate an evolved magma .

  6. 而热卤水同生沉积型矿床中,Ba的含量特别高,它可作为海底热液活动的证据之一及寻找此类矿床的地球化学指标。

    However , Ba content is very high ( > 2000 × 10-6 ) in Ag-Pb ore deposit of thermal brine and syngenetic type . It is therefore feasible to regard the anomaly of Ba in rocks as one of the evidences of submarine hydrothermal activity and a geochemical indicator .

  7. 不同成因类型天然气的Ar40/Ar36比值、δ13C1值、甲烷同系物碳同位素组成以及氢同位素分布等地球化学指标,具有各自不同的特征,而且煤成气的组分以干气为主。

    Different kinds of natural gas have different geochemistry characteristics which include Ar40 / Ar36 , δ 13C1 , carbon isotope of methane homologue and hydrogen isotope . The main composition of coal-formed gas is dry gas .

  8. 埃达克岩的定义指的是一系列地球化学指标,年轻的板片熔融是对Adak岛的埃达克岩的一种解释,并非埃达克岩定义的一部分。

    Therefore , the definition of adakite is meaningful when it refers to the chemical characteristics of the rock , the " young slab melting " in the definition is just an explanation for those formed in Adak island , which should not be included in the definition .

  9. 极地冰雪环境地球化学指标及其指示意义

    Environmental geochemical index in polar snow and ice and its significance

  10. 珠江口现代沉积物磷酸盐的地球化学指标

    The sedimentary phosphate geochemical sign in modern sediments of Zhujiang Estuary

  11. 页岩气勘探的地球化学指标及测井分析方法初探

    Geochemical Parameters for Shale Gas Exploration and Basic Methods for Well Logging Analysis

  12. 用灰色关联分析法遴选油气地球化学指标

    Hydrocarbon Geochemical Indices Selection by Grey Correlation Analysis

  13. 有机地球化学指标的分析

    The Analysis of Organic Geochemistry Indexes

  14. 87Sr/86Sr是进行沉积物来源示踪的重要地球化学指标之一。

    The index 87Sr / 86Sr is a commonly used geochemical proxy for tracing back sediment source .

  15. 花岗岩层岩性与水文地球化学指标映震能力的探讨

    Preliminary study on the lithologic character of granitic layer and the ability reflecting earthquake through the hydrogeochemical index

  16. 利用低变质煤的有机地球化学指标探讨氧化还原作用的特征及其对成熟度评价的影响

    Characteristics of oxido-reduction and its influences on the estimation of maturity through organic geochemical parameters of low metamorphic coals

  17. 该数据库的创建可以存储大量刑侦案件土壤指纹特征地球化学指标数据信息。

    This database created to be able to store large amounts criminal investigation cases the geochemical index of soil fingerprint characteristic data and information .

  18. 本文利用TGD-3000pH/H微量差热热重分析仪对现代花粉进行加热,并对加热的花粉进行红外光谱分析、热解分析和元素的测定,获得一系列地球化学指标。

    In the experiment modern pollen specimens were heated on a TGD-300 PH / H DTA-DTG analyzer , followed by IR spectroscopic , pyrolytic and elemental analyses .

  19. 氧、碳同位素是碳酸盐岩的重要地球化学指标之一,是沉积和成岩流体信息的重要载体之一。

    Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes , as one of the most significant geochemical parameters of carbonates , can serve as vital tools for evaluating both sedimentary and diagenetic fluids .

  20. 基质系统的地球化学指标指示了半深水深水的外陆棚斜坡相沉积环境,而外来系统的地球化学指标指示浅水台地相的沉积环境。

    The geochemical indices of the matrix system reflect a bathyal-abyssal , outer shelf-slope facies sedimentary environment , while those of the exotic block system indicate a neritic platform facies environment .

  21. 应用生物标志化合物参数判识512铀矿床古沉积环境并结合沉积环境的无机与有机地球化学指标,重建了生油岩沉积时的古沉积环境。

    APPLICATION OF BIOMARKER COMPOUNDS TO ASSESSMENT OF PALEOENVIRONMENTS OF 512 URANIUM DEPOSITS IN ILI BASIN Geochemical indicators were used to determine the sedimentary environment during the age in the region .

  22. 根据贺兰山汝箕沟玄武岩的地质构造位置、产状特征、岩石组构和地球化学指标等,将其划归为大陆裂谷玄武岩系列,它代表了典型的陆内拉张环境。

    According to geologic structural location , features of occurrence , rock fabric and geochemical index of basalt in Ruqi clough of Helan Mountain , it can be regarded as continental rift basalt .

  23. 各种有机地球化学指标综合判识表明,该岩心剖面沉积有机质碳同位素组成变化未受有机质性质和成岩作用的影响,主要与古气候变迁关系密切。

    Various indexes of organic geochemistry indicate that the organic carbon isotopic compositions in the core section are not affected by nature of the organic matter and diagenesis , and their changes are closely related to palaeoclimate cycles .

  24. 最后,通过有机地球化学指标,镜煤反射率的测定和该区下白垩统海相地层中含有丰富的生物,指出该地层有良好的生油、储油气的可能性。

    Finally , in accordance with organo-geochemical index , vitrain reflectivity , and abundant organism in the marine stratum of lower Cretaceous , it is indicated that there could be good prospects of oil and gas in the stratum .

  25. 事件地层中普遍存在富勒烯,表明天然富勒烯可以作为地层中发生过重大灾变事件的重要的地球化学指标,而具有异常稀有气体同位素组成的富勒烯则是地外撞击事件的最直接证据。

    The wide occurrences of fullerenes in the event strata suggest that fullerene can be one of the important geochemical indicators of strata events and fullerene with abnormal noble gas isotopic composition a direct indicator of extraterrestrial impact events .

  26. 从其沉积特征、形成机理,以及地球化学指标变化规律看,是陆相盆地中一个不可忽视的找油相带。

    According to the characteristics of deposition , the mechanism of formation and the rule of variation of geochemical index , the unit mentioned above is an important facies zone of the continental basin for the prospecting of oil .

  27. 结合元素地球化学指标及其矿物组成特征可以初步得出巫山:第四纪沉积物可能是风成沉积物,而且大部分来源于我国北方干旱的地区。

    Combined with the indicators of element geochemistry and mineral composition features , we can roughly know that the Quaternary sediments from Wushan maybe the Aeolian sediments , and the most part are from the drought region of the north in our country .

  28. 油气的物性和低分子正构、异构烷烃、芳烃、非烃及碳同位素资料均是较好的天然气运移地球化学指标,它们的垂向变化规律显示天然气垂向运移的特征。

    The geochemical parameters of natural gas migration in the Pinghu gas field , Xihu Sag , East China Sea , suggest that low molecular n-alkane , isoalkanes , aromatics , carbon isotopic compositions and non-hydrocarbon gas content could be used as geochemical parameters of the natural gas migration .

  29. BTEX指标异常与油气藏直接相关,与烷烃类指标相比具有高分辨、高精度特点,是有价值的海洋油气地球化学勘探指标。

    The BTEX anomaly is directly related to reservoir and gives higher resolution and accuracy than paraffin indicators , which is a valuable geochemistry indicator for marine oil and gas resource exploration .

  30. 油气源对比应遵循的原则,首先是能够解释地质实际,其次应符合烃源岩评价结果,再次是合理解释地球化学对比指标。

    Works on petroleum source correlation should comply with the following rules : the correlation results should first conform geologically to petroleum distribution , then conform to the evaluation of source rock .