
  • 网络Abnormal lower limit;threshold of anomaly
  1. 基于分形方法确定合肥大兴地区土壤中Cd元素的异常下限

    The Determination of the Singularity Thresholds of Soil Cd in Daxing , Hefei Using Fractal Method

  2. 分形方法确定土壤中重金属异常下限&以合肥大兴地区Cu元素为例

    Determination of Metal Elements Thresholds in Soil with Fractal Method-A Case of Cu in Daxing Area , Hefei

  3. 异常下限为30×10-9,是Au低背景值区。

    The minimum value of the anomaly is 3 0 × 10 - 9 , belonging to the low background value area of Au .

  4. 研究区内7种元素应用多重分形方法所确定的下限值均高于用传统方法计算的异常下限,Au元素不具有多重分形特征。

    7 elements in the study area by using multifractal methods is higher than anomaly threshold of the traditional method of anomaly threshold , Au element does not have multifractal characteristics .

  5. 作者采用基于分形理论的含量面积法来确定地球化学元素的异常下限,同时以具有强大的数据处理能力和空间信息处理能力GIS技术为平台,构建出地球化学异常的自动圈定的新方法。

    The authors introduce a new technique to delineate geochemical anomalies automatically , adopt a content-area method based on fractal theory to find the low limit of geochemical anomalies , and take the technology of GIS as the platform of mass data and space information management .

  6. 背景值及异常下限的确定;

    Ascertainment of the background value & anomaly threshold ;

  7. 间隙统计法在识别地球化学异常下限中的应用

    Application of gap statistics to recognition of geochemical threshold

  8. 矿产勘查中化探异常下限的多重分形计算方法

    Multifractal method of geochemical threshold in mineral exploration

  9. 化探异常下限计算方法在矿产勘查和资源预测中非常重要。

    The calculating methods of geochemical anomaly thresholds are very important in mineral exploration and resource prediction .

  10. 全省11个构造分区15种元素的平均含量、离差及异常下限值。

    Common difference and abnormality prescribed minimum of 15 kind of elements in 11 structure areas of province .

  11. 分形方法在澳大利亚新南威尔士地区地球化学异常下限确定中的应用

    Application of fractal method in lower threshold definition of geochemistry anomaly in New South Wales area , Australia

  12. 区域化探数据处理中,重点是确定地球化学异常下限,异常下限的确定是勘查地球化学的一个基本问题。

    During the disposal of regional geochemical data , the key is confirmation of anomalous threshold , which is also a fundamental issue in explorative geochemistry .

  13. 消除这些干扰因素的最简单方法是分区统计背景值,或者用不同异常下限或用衬度值圈定异常。

    The simplest way to eliminate disturbing factors is part statistics of the background values or delineating the anomalies by using the different anomaly thresholds or contrast values .

  14. 针对金矿化的具体地质特征,研究了确定背景值、异常下限和异常分级的一套方法。

    Aking into account of geological characteristics of gold mineralization , the authors has proposed a series of methods to define the background value , threshold and anomaly classification .

  15. 分母体统计的结果表明:矿床内深部地下水中铀含量的自然底数值和浅部地下水中铀含量的异常下限值很接近。

    Statistical results on the denominator body show that the natural base number of uranium contents in deep groundwater in the ore deposits may approach to the anomalistic lower limits of uranium contents in shallow groundwater .

  16. 对高精度磁测数据进行了日变改正、高度改正、水平梯度改正、基点改正和正常场改正,异常下限确定,地形改正,分量提取,切线法及正演拟合。

    High-precision measurements of the magnetic data were changed to correct date , correct height , horizontal gradient correction , base correction and normal market correction , threshold in determining the terrain correction , component extraction , tangent method and the forward fitting .

  17. 目前可用传统的方法(非线性参数估计法、对数坐标图解法和剩余分析法)确定测区各元素的背景值和异常下限,处理结果与实际资料有一定差异。

    At present we already use tradition method ( non-linearity parameter estimate method - , logarithm coordinate graph explain method and surplus analysis method ) ascertain measure area 's every element 's background value and abnormity lower limit , manage result is difference between real data .

  18. 利用水井测温方法确定恒温层温度,以恒温层的温度值作为湖顶地热异常区的下限值,用内插法勾绘温度等值线图,高于该下限值范围的即为地热异常区。

    By using well thermometry method , temperature of constant temperature strata is determined . Regarding temperature in constant temperature strata as the threshold value , geothermal abnormal areas are determined .

  19. 传统上异常浓集中心是以异常下限值的1~2倍圈出的区域。

    Traditionally , anomaly consistence focus is an area , which is marked out by the abnormal limit of 1 ~ 2 times .

  20. 对比传统方法和求和法的多重分形方法来研究区域内主要成矿元素地球化学异常场的地球化学异常下限,并对研究区域内地球化学异常做出评价,结合地质特征探讨其找矿前景。

    Compared to the traditional method and multifractal statistical methods of summation to the study area forming elements within the field of geochemical anomalies in geochemical anomaly threshold , and geochemical anomalies within the study area to make assessment of the geological features of its exploration Prospects .

  21. 子区中位数衬值滤波方法解决了低背景区和高背景区弱小异常的识别问题,克服了采用全区统一异常下限给异常识别带来的困难。

    The Subinterval area median contrast filtering method that can recognize weak anomalies of the low-background area and high-background area resolves the problem .