
  • 【化】heterojunction material
  1. GaAs基异质结材料MBE生长及应用

    MBE Growth of GaAs-Based Heterojunction Materials and Their Application

  2. 采用GaAs/GaAlAs双异质结材料制作的光开关可以得到较低的开关电压,而且采用GaAs/GaAlAs异质结材料的光传输损耗很小。

    The optical switch with double-heterostructure GaAs / GaALAs has low switching-voltage and light loss .

  3. 综述了SiGe/Si异质结材料的基本性质,SiGe/Si异质结光电器件的结构、性能、应用及其光电集成。

    The structure of SiGe / Si heterostructure devices and their performance , applications , and OEIC are reviewed in this paper .

  4. 本文在GaAs/GaAlAs双异质结材料上采用BOA型结构进行波导型光开关的集成光学芯片的研制。

    In this dissertation , a BOA-type waveguide optic switch with double-heterostructure GaAs / GaALAs has been researched .

  5. 高温AlN插入层对AlGaN/GaN异质结材料和HEMTs器件电学特性的影响

    Influence of high-temperature AlN interlayer on the electrical properties of AlGaN / GaN heterostructure and HEMTs

  6. AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMTs),是以AlGaN/GaN异质结材料为基础而制造的GaN基器件。

    AlGaN / GaN high electron mobility transistor ( HEMT ) is a kind of GaN device based on the AlGaN / GaN heterojunction .

  7. 采用O2等离子体及HF溶液对AlGaN/GaN异质结材料进行表面处理后,Ni/Au肖特基接触特性比未处理有了明显改善,反向泄漏电流减小3个数量级。

    After pre-metallization processing of AlGaN / GaN heterostructure with O_2 plasma and HF solution , the Ni / Au Schottky contact characteristics were improved obviously and reverse leakage current reduced by three orders .

  8. 作为第二代硅,Si基异质结材料为世人所嘱目,Si基光电子器件及光电集成(OEIC)是当前世界范围的热门课题。

    Si based heterostructure materials , as the second generation of Silicon , are more and more attractive , so Si based optoelectronic integrated circuits ( OEIC ) as well as Si based optoelectronic devices become the key research projects over the world .

  9. 主要的工作和成果如下:1、通过对不同成核层GaN基异质结材料C-V特性的比较分析,得出了AlGaN/GaN异质结中GaN缓冲层漏电与成核层的关系。

    The major research work and results are as follows : ⅰ . Firstly , correlation between buffer leakage current and different nucleation layers of AlGaN / GaN heterostructure have been analyzed by comparing depletion capacitance of C-V characteristics in GaN-based heterostructures .

  10. 采用MBE方法生长了8nm基区的InGaP/GaAs双异质结材料,研制成具有负阻特性的异质结晶体管。

    A thin base ( 8nm ) InGaP / GaAs dual heterojunction material is grown by MBE and a heterojunction bipolar transistor ( HBT ) with negative differential resistance ( NDR ) is fabricated .

  11. AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMTs)就是基于AlGaN/GaN异质结材料制造的GaN基器件,该类器件在高跨导、大饱和电流以及高截止频率方面有着很出色的表现。

    AlGaN / GaN high electron mobility transistor ( HEMTs ) is a kind of GaN device based on the AlGaN / GaN heterojunction , and they own the outstanding performances of high transconductance , high output saturation current and high cutoff frequency .

  12. 铁磁/半导体异质结材料MnSb/Si的物理气相沉积生长

    Physical Vapor Deposition Growth of Ferromagnet / Semiconductor Heterostructure Material & MnSb / Si

  13. 用AES/XPS对异质结材料的研究

    Study on Heterojunction Material by AES / XPS

  14. 采用一种新的生长铁磁/半导体异质结材料的方法&物理气相沉积方法生长了一种铁磁/半导体异质结材料MnSb/Si。

    A new method for growing ferromagnet / semiconductor hybrid structure & physical vapor deposition is applied to prepare MnSb / Si .

  15. 近年来,宽禁带半导体异质结材料由于其在光电子器件方面的显著应用,已经引起了人们的广泛关注。

    Recently , the wide-band gap semiconductor heterostructures have attracted much attention due to their conspicuous device applications both in electronics and optoelectronics .

  16. 用于Si(1-x)Gex异质结外延材料生长的高真空化学汽相外延炉

    High Vacuum Chemical Vapour Deposition Furnace for the Growth of Si_ ( 1-x ) Ge_x Heterostructure Epitaxial Material

  17. 本论文中研究基于CdSe的半导体异质结纳米材料的可控制备和振动性能研究。

    In this dissertation , we mainly focus on the controllable synthesis and vibrating properties of CdSe based nanowire heterostructures .

  18. 应变异质结外延材料的缓冲层厚度与Frank-Read源的关系研究

    Read and match Frank - Read Sources and Buffer Layer Thickness for Strained-Layer Heterostructures

  19. 连续波电光检测法用于检测超薄层异质结外延材料均匀性的研究

    Research on Growth Uniformity of Ultrathin Heterojunction Epitaxial Wafer Materials Using CW Electro-optic Probing Technique

  20. 二次电子成分衬度成像方法在异质结半导体材料和器件的微结构研究中的应用

    Applications of Secondary Electron Composition Contrast Imaging Method in Microstructure Studies on Heterojunction Semiconductor Devices and Materials

  21. 金属、半导体同质结/异质结纳米材料因其新颖的结构、独特的光电特性和在纳光电子领域应用的巨大优势和潜力而受到广泛的关注和重视。

    Metal and / or semiconductor homojunctions or heterojunction nanostructures have drawn worldwide attention due to their novel structures , unique electrical and optical properties , and potential applications in future optoelectronic devices .

  22. 将这种技术与通常的透射电子衍射衬度方法进行了比较,讨论了它在异质结半导体材料和器件中的应用前景。

    The characteristics of the image were compared with the ordinary transmission electron diffraction contrast image . The prospects of applications of the imaging method in heterojunction semiconducting materials and divices were also discussed .

  23. 2~4μm波长的InAsPSb异质结激光管材料的液相外延

    Liquid phase epitaxial growth of inaspsb / inas heterojunction for laser diode in the 2-4 μ mwavelength region

  24. GaInAsP/InP双异质结发光管材料的研究

    The study of gainasp / inp double heterojunction LED material

  25. 纳米异质结光催化材料在环境污染控制领域的研究进展

    Nano-Heterojunction Photocatalytic Materials in Environmental Pollution Controlling

  26. 该工作表明,材料的电子传输路径和异质结结构对材料光催化性能的有着明显的影响。

    This work demonstrate that the electron-hole transmission way and material structure have obvious influences on material photocatalytic performance .

  27. 分子束外延AlGaN/GaN异质结场效应晶体管材料

    AlGaN / GaN Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor Materials Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy