
  • 网络Local Culture Research
  1. 南京地区报纸地方文化栏目研究

    The Theoretical Studying on the Local Newspaper Cultural Column in Nanjing

  2. 西北地方文化典籍研究中的音乐文献开发述评

    Commentary on the Development of Music Documentation in the Research of Northwest Local Classical Works

  3. 以此为方言学、汉语史、民俗学、地方文化的研究提供比较可靠的材料,同时为现代汉语的规范化尤其是对普通话普及提供一些依据和参考。

    As dialectology , the study of Chinese history , folklore , local cultural provide more reliable materials , at the same time for the modern Chinese standardization especially for Mandarin popularization to provide some basis and reference .

  4. 论地方审美文化的研究视域和学术意义

    On the Research Horizon and Academic Significance of Local Aesthetic Culture

  5. 如何翻译这些文化负载词,传播中国地方文化是本文研究的第一点。

    How to translate the culture-loaded words and transfer the Chinese culture is the first point in the thesis .

  6. 地方政府文化职能转变研究

    Studies on the Local Government Cultural Function Transformation

  7. 地方历史文化博物馆设计研究

    Design and Research of District History Museum

  8. 明初时期的岭南地方文化及社会的研究目前还比较欠缺,对岭南本土的历史人物的研究也不深入。

    At present , there is little study on the culture and society of south china in early Ming Dynasty .

  9. 赣南在地方历史和区域文化研究中有着重要意义,业已取得较大成果,引起学术界的重视。

    Gannan has an important significance in the local history and the regional cultural research , which has achieved much fruit and attracted the attention of the academic circle .

  10. 从阳泉方言地名的命名类型及地名所蕴涵的文化信息两个方面进行探析,对地方文化的建设与研究会有所裨益。

    An analysis on the naming type of places of Yangquan dialect and on the cultural information embodied in the toponym will be of benefit to the construction and study of the local culture .

  11. 《书乡漫录》一书以常熟地方藏书史与常熟地方文化为研究对象,系统总结了常熟地方文献历史,深入发掘了常熟地方文献史料并着力彰显了常熟地方文化。

    Rambling in the Book Hometown takes the history of Changshu 's local book collection and local culture of Changshu as the researching object , summarizes the history of Changshu 's local literature , explored its local historical materials thoroughly and displays its outstanding local culture in great effort .

  12. 开展这一文化现象的研究对于深入把握民间舞蹈与地方文化的关系,进而解读当地文化,保护优秀文化遗存、推进地方文化的研究都具有重要意义。

    The research into this cultural phenomenon is of great significance to stuffy further the connection between folk dance and local culture , interpret the local culture , protect excellent cultural heritage and promote the research of local culture .

  13. 在地方大学的图书馆建设中,首先要适应地方经济建设需要,突出特性,注意共性;其次要建立地方文化研究库,使地方大学图书馆成为地方文化研究的信息中心;

    Based on the local characteristics , local university libraries should set up its own documents and be built according to the political , economical and cultural features of local university .