
  1. 通过生活体验写作,中小学教师将成为一个敏行的教育学实践者。

    Through writing of lived experience , primary and secondary school teachers will become agile educational practitioners .

  2. CMOS图像传感器将图像像敏逻辑阵列、行驱动器、时序控制逻辑、A/D转换器等几部分集成在同一块硅片上。

    CMOS image sensor consists of image array logic registers , row drivers , timing generation and logic control , A / D converter and so on .

  3. 方法吸取780例肺炎患儿下呼吸道分泌物,用Microscan全自动微生物分析仪进行细菌培养、鉴定及药敏试验,同时行呼吸道常见病毒、衣原体抗原、肺炎支原体抗体测定。

    Methods Bacteria identification antibiotics sensitivity test were performed in samples of lower respiratory tract secretions from 780 cases by microscan automatic analysis machine . At the same time , respiratory virus , chlamydial and mycoplasmal pneumoniae were tested .