
  1. 对敏化的不锈钢电极,在不同的电极电势范围内,钝化膜显示出n-型或p-型半导体的特性。

    The results of the photocurrent measurements indicated that the passive films on sensitized stainless steel showed characteristics of n type or p type semiconductors , respectively , under various potential region .

  2. 通过电化学技术,采用模拟贫铬区的钢种研究了敏化奥氏体不锈钢在H2S2O6介质中的应力腐蚀破裂机理。

    The stress corrosion cracking ( SCC ) mechanism of sensitized austenitic stainless steels in polythionic acid solutions was studied by means of electrochemical technique , using the sensitized steels to simulate the chromium depleted region .

  3. 并进行了不同敏化状态的奥氏体不锈钢在此溶液中的EPR测试。

    In addition , EPR testings in the above solution for the stainless steels with various sensitization conditions were performed .

  4. 用电化学测试技术研究了不同敏化处理的304不锈钢的耐孔蚀性能,探讨了Cl-浓度、温度和pH值对孔蚀电位Eb的影响。

    The pitting corrosion resistence of different sensitized 304 stainless steels was investigated by means of electrochemical technology . The effect of NaCl concentration , temperature and pH on pitting potential ( E b ) was discussed .

  5. 用电化学方法(EPR法)研究了不同材料和各种敏化条件对奥氏体不锈钢敏化程度的影响,并采用摸拟贫铬区的Fe-11%Ni-Cr(6~18%)钢,研究了EPR法的特性。

    By means of electrochemical method ( EPR method ), the effects of various materials and different sensitizing conditions on sensitization degree of Austenic stainless steels are investigated , using the Fe-11 % Ni-Cr ( 6 ~ 18 % ) stainless steels as simulated chromium depleted region .