
  • 网络Sensitive strains;ZJS;MBC s
  1. 经测定高抗菌株和敏感菌株的EC(50)值分别为1479.11μg/mL和0.07244μg/mL。

    The EC50 values of the highly-resistant and the highly-sensitive isolate were 1479.11ug/mL and 0.07244ug / mL , respectively .

  2. 青霉素V钾适用于青霉素敏感菌株所致的轻、中度感染,包括链球菌所致的扁桃体炎、咽喉炎、猩红热、丹毒等;

    Penicillin V potassium penicillin-sensitive strains for induced mild to moderate infections , including Streptococcus caused by tonsillitis , pharyngitis , scarlet fever , erysipelas , etc.

  3. 对二者均表现抗性(RR)。结果表明,对多菌灵、乙霉威产生抗药性的田间突变菌株,其可溶性蛋白质电泳图谱中谱带数均比敏感菌株明显减少;

    Results showed that the number of electrophoretic bands of soluble protein of RR isolate were significantly less than that of sensitive isolate .

  4. 75株敏感菌株中,仅3株(4.0%)有突变,均发生在密码子533,包括一个新发现的突变基因型CTG(Leu)→ATG(Met)。

    Only 3 ( 4.0 % ) of 75 RIF-susceptible isolates showed mutations at codon 533 with one novel mutation type ( CTG → ATG ) .

  5. DNA序列对照表明中国的3个敏感菌株和3个抗药菌株的α-微管蛋白基因核苷酸序列同源性没有差异,多菌灵抗药性与α-微管蛋白无关。

    The DNA sequence comparison showed that there was no difference in the nucleotide sequence of α - tubulin gene amongst 3 sensitive and 3 resistant strains from China . This result demonstrates that there is no relationship between MBC-resistance and α - tubulin gene .

  6. 结果白念珠菌耐药菌株CDR1基因的表达量明显高于对应的敏感菌株。

    Results Higher expression of CDR1 gene was observed in the fluconazole-resistant isolates than that on the fluconazole-susceptible isolates .

  7. 结果表明,敏感菌株的最小抑制浓度(MIC)为0.110μg/mL,而抗性菌株在多菌灵500μg/mL下仍生长良好。

    The results showed that the minimal inhibitory concentration ( MIC ) of sensitive isolates were 0.110 μ g / mL. However , resistant isolates were able to grow well even on 500 μ g / mL carbendazim .

  8. 还发现在两株利福平敏感菌株的rpoB基因中也存在两处以上的突变位点,并分别位于不同的氨基酸密码子中,这可能是第二位点突变对菌株耐利福平突变产生抑制的结果。

    More than double mutations in different codons of one rifampin-susceptible strain were also detected , this may be the effect of suppressor mutation .

  9. 通过菌丝生长速率、产孢能力、致病性等性状的测定,比较诱导的高抗菌株HY2-1200、HY2-2070、DF2-2050、XY6-1140与其原始菌株及野生抗性菌株D1-3与敏感菌株的生物学特性差异。

    The biological characters such as mycelium growth rate , sporulation capacity and pathogenicity of resistant mutants were compared those of their original sensitive strains .

  10. 主动外排泵抑制剂CCCP在体外能增强FQNs的抗菌活性,主动外排机制不仅存在于FQNs耐药菌株,而且也存在于FQNs敏感菌株,但是CCCP对4种FQNs耐药菌株的影响更大。

    Efflux mechanism existed not only in FQNs resistant strains , but also in FQNs susceptible strains . But the effect of CCCP against FQNs resistant strains was much stronger than that of FQNs susceptible strains .

  11. 方法:以藤黄八叠球菌28001为敏感菌株,采用微生物法测定10名健康志愿受试者po单剂量克拉霉素胶囊和进口片剂(500mg)后血清中克拉霉素的浓度;

    METHODS : A microbiological agar diffusion assay using Micrococcus luteus ( ATCC 28001 ) was used as a bioassay for clarithromycin in serum following a single oral dose 500 mg of clarithromycin capsule and tablet respectively given to 10 healthy volunteers in an open randomized cross over test .

  12. 耐多药结核杆菌与药物敏感菌株蛋白质比较

    Comparison of proteins of multi-drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolate with drug-sensitive isolate

  13. 与敏感菌株比较,耐药菌株与毒力因子有更多的关联性。

    Resistant strains have more association with virulence genes than susceptible strains .

  14. 结果表明,用抗性菌株和敏感菌株混合接种,病原菌存活率最高,其存活率为100%;

    The survival rate of pathogen in the seed potato inoculated with mixed isolates was the highest ( 100 % ) .

  15. 而敏感菌株只对低渗透压(1%葡萄糖)和高渗透压(8%葡萄糖)相对较为敏感。

    However , the sensitive strain was more sensitive to 1 % and 8 % dextrose compared with 4 % dextrose medium .

  16. 乙霉威对多菌灵的高抗菌株表现负交互抗性或无交互抗性,但对敏感菌株不表现负交互抗性。

    High-MBC resistant isolates showed negative cross-resistance or no cross-resistance to diethofencarb , but MBC-sensitive isolates showed no negative cross-resistance to diethofencarb .

  17. 表明敏感菌株对低渗透压和高渗透压表现敏感,抗药菌株仅对高渗透压表现敏感,且抗药菌株与敏感菌株相比,对渗透压更敏感。

    This indicated that sensitive strain was sensitive to both low and high osmolarity but resistant strains were sensitive only to high osmolarity .

  18. 敏感菌株对种子的萌发抑制率大于抗性菌株,并且抗性水平越高,差别越大;

    Sensitive strains were greater than resistant strains on seeds germination controlling rates ; The higher resistance levels , the greater the difference ;

  19. 敏感菌株可通过已有基因中的突变产生耐药性,或可通过从另一个已经具有耐药性的生物体获得耐药基因来产生耐药性。

    Susceptible strains can become resistant either through mutations in existing genes or by acquiring a resistance gene from another organism that is already resistant .

  20. 在1000mg/kg速克灵浸泡的黄瓜片上,敏感菌株受到完全抑制,突变菌株则基本不受抑制。

    By soaking the slices with 1 000 mg / kg procymidone , the sensitive strain was inhibited entirely while the mutant was done little .

  21. 对不同敏感菌株虽然其敏感度不同,但绝大多数敏感菌株对阿雄粉煎液最佳稀释度为1∶10。

    Although the susceptibility of various susceptible strains was different the best diluted concentration of APD was 1 ∶ 10 to almost all of them .

  22. 抗性菌株在无速克灵的培养基上菌丝生长较敏感菌株弱,产孢量也明显少于敏感菌株;

    The mycelial growth rate of resistant strains on the medium without procymidone was less than that of sensitive strains and the quantums of spore-production was also less .

  23. 例如,在结核病患者或艾滋病毒感染者中,尤其是当治疗不够理想时,患者体内的敏感菌株可能发生新的突变。

    For example , in patients with tuberculosis or HIV infection , new mutations in susceptible strains can occur within a patient , especially when therapy is suboptimal .

  24. 适合度研究结果显示,抗性菌株的生长量、产孢量、孢子萌发率、致病力等适合度指标均明显低于敏感菌株。

    According to the result of fitness parameters of the mutants , the hyphal growth , sporulation , spore germination and pathogenicity , showed significantly lower than the sensitive strains .

  25. 结果表明,在离体条件下抗性菌株的菌丝生长速率、产孢量和产孢密度都显著低于敏感菌株。

    The mycelial growth rate , the total number of spores per plate and the spore density per unit area were significantly lower in resistant isolates than in sensitive ones .

  26. 抗性菌株的平均抑制率大约是敏感菌株的1/2。

    The average inhibitions to resistant isolates were 27.2 % , 23.1 % , 37.6 % and 24.7 % , about 1 / 2 as much as that to sensitive ones .

  27. 抗药菌株的相对电导率值大于敏感菌株,说明抗药菌株膜透性比敏感菌株大。

    In addition , the relative conductivity of resistant strains was larger than that of sensitive strain , which proved membrane permeability of resistant strains was bigger than that of sensitive one .

  28. 246株分离菌株中,有52株对萘啶酸、环丙沙星、恩诺沙星、沙拉沙星、洛美沙星、左氟沙星表现出轻度的耐性,其余菌株为敏感菌株。

    246 isolates , there are 52 pairs showed mild patience of nalidixic acid , ciprofloxacin , enrofloxacin , sarafloxacin , lomefloxacin , levofloxacin , and the remaining strains were sensitive strains .

  29. 实验中采用了4种氟喹诺酮类药物(环丙沙星,恩氟沙星,氧氟沙星,培氟沙星),8株临床分离的大肠杆菌(其中包括6株氟喹诺酮耐药菌株和2株氟喹诺酮敏感菌株)进行了研究。

    Here , we used four FQs ( ciprofloxacin , enrofloxacin , ofloxacin and pefloxacin ) and selected eight clinical isolates of E. coli containing six fluoroquinolone-resistant and two fluoroquinolone - susceptible .

  30. 甲霜灵抗性和中抗菌株是主要菌系,抗性、中抗、敏感菌株分别占测定菌株的51.2%、31.7%、17.1%。

    Resistant and moderately resistant isolates to metalaxyl were common lineages on tomato in Yunnan and the ratio of resistant , moderately resistant and sensitive isolates was 51.2 % , 31.7 % and 17.1 % respectively .