
  1. 近些年麻省水管处官员才做出的水文地质勘查报告,梭罗早就通过私下观察数年前解决了。

    The result of the recent survey of the Water Commissioners appointed by the State of Massachusetts he had reached by his private experiments , several years earlier .

  2. 根据地质勘查报告,将出露的土层分为四大类,设计中应根据四类不同土层采取相应的地基处理方式;

    Based on the geological perambulation report , this paper advises to divide the soil into four kinds and adopt different reinforcement measures according to the four kinds of soil .

  3. 火灾数值再现得到的数据和火灾现场勘查报告、现场照片或模拟实验的比对,表明了模拟结果是可信的,从而验证了这两个方法的有效性和调查结论中起火位置判断的合理性。

    The simulation results were compared with site investigation report and photos . The comparing results showed that the simulations were reliable , and so the two methods and the cognizance of ignition source .

  4. 煤矿区地质勘查总结报告编制中值得注意的问题

    Issues which should be Paid Attention to in Working out Geological Survey Summary in coal Mining Areas