
kān jiè
  • Delimitation;boundary settlement
勘界[kān jiè]
  1. 县际间海域勘界中GPS技术应用研究

    A Study of GPS Technique in Marine Delimiting Among the Counties

  2. GPS定位技术应用于勘界测量的实践

    The application practice of GPS technical in boundary surveying

  3. 利用GPS的RTK技术实现公路勘界的快速放样

    The Quick Setting-out of Road Bounding by Using the RTK Technology of GPS

  4. 天宝5700GPSRTK定位技术在勘界测量中的应用

    Positioning Technique of Tremble 5700 GPS RTK Used in Boundary Engineering Survey

  5. 论文首先针对当前的海疆勘界工作剖析了其主要性、研讨现状以及GIS技术在勘界工作中的作用;阐述了GIS体系的组成、构造和功能;

    At first the article analyzes the essentiality , actuality and the function of GIS in marine delimitation , and introduces the component , construction and function of GIS .

  6. 3S技术在海域勘界中的应用2.限定陪审员参与审判的案件范围;

    The Application of 3S Technologies to Marine Delimiting 2 . delimiting the scope of attendance by the jurors ;

  7. 介绍了利用微软公司的VBA语言和数据库技术,开发土地勘界报告自动生成软件。

    In this paper VBA language and database technique are introduced to develop software for auto generation of reconnaissance report of land boundary .

  8. 文中采用3S技术等较新手段完成地质公园勘界的各项工作,也具有非常广阔的应用前景。

    The paper adopts the " 3S " technologies as new tools to complete the preliminary investigation of geopark demarcation and late drawing , also have very broad application prospects .

  9. 遥感技术在海域勘界中的应用

    Application of remote sensing technique in marine delimiting

  10. 勘界测绘工作应注意的问题

    The Issues on Surveying and Mapping of borderline

  11. 两权分离方法解决海域勘界中的历史遗留问题

    Use the Method of Separating Jurisdiction from Access to Solve Historical Issues in Sea Demarcation

  12. 抓好土地勘界工作,为土地开发整理服务

    Making Great Effort in Land Boundary Survey to Serving for Land Exploitation and Arrangement Projects

  13. 省际海域勘界信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Information System for Boundary Survey of Sea Area Between Provinces

  14. 然后探讨了本次勘界工作天津市与河北省的区域背景、海况特性和划界草案;

    Then it discusses the area background , sea characters and delimitative protocol between Tianjin city and Hebei province .

  15. 海疆勘界信息体系建设是省、县际海疆勘界工作的主要组成部门。

    Construction of marine delimitation 's GIS is an important part of provincial and civic marine delimitation 's work .

  16. 试验数据库输出的勘界地图等资料符合勘界工作的要求。

    Boundary survey maps and other documentations out of the testing database are conform to the requirements of the boundary survey .

  17. 说明勘界测绘的完成需要传统方法与先进的测绘技术、规范以及实践经验的结合。

    It shows that the border survey need the combination of the traditional methods , the advanced survey technique and standard , and the practical experience .

  18. 陆地行政区的界线勘定任务全面完成,海域勘界工作全面铺开。

    We have completed the work of surveying and delimiting land boundaries of sub-national administrative divisions . The work of surveying and delimiting maritime boundaries is now in full swing .

  19. 规划内容以资源保护为支撑,重点解决森林公园的合理勘界、总体布局、旅游开发和景区建设等主要问题。

    Supported by resource protection , the Comprehensive Planning takes attention to those works such as Forest park 's scope delimitation , overall layout , tourism development and scenic area construction .

  20. 既然勘界,却继续执行东北封禁和朝鲜的片面瓯脱政策,这必然为中朝边界纠纷及关系发展埋下隐患。

    Now that demarcation , continued to carry out ' Northeast banned ' and unilateral ' OuTuo ' poliy of Korea , this inevitable buried hidden trouble for sino-korean border disputes and the relation .

  21. 最后,本文运用比较的方法,探讨岑毓英在勘界活动中的具体得失,以警示后人。

    Finally , this text used the method to compare , probed into Cen Yuying and his concrete gain and loss in this historical activity , analyse in detail , in order to warn the descendant .

  22. 摘要以珠江三角洲的部分森林公园为例,剖析城市地区森林公园规划区存在的主要问题,并提出合理勘界的工作原则和方法。

    The paper , taking forest parks in the Pearl River Delta as an example , expounds several problems in forest park planning area , and principles and methods on delimitating the boundary of urban forest parks .

  23. 同时,岑毓英重视英缅战情,稳定滇缅边界,为中法滇越勘界交涉提供稳定的环境。

    Meanwhile , Cen Yuying pays attention to The war situations of Britain and Burma especially , Stability the border of Burma and of Yunnan , offer the steady environment for the fact that the negotiations border affairs between Sino-French .

  24. 民政勘界形成的行政界线和行政区面积成果是国家相关法律认定的法定成果,土地利用现状更新调查的土地权属界定和面积量算控制必须严格沿用民政勘界成果。

    Administration location of boundary and administration district area are the legal result of national correlation laws cognizance . The land use right definition and area measure of present land-use renewal investigation must be strictly using administration location of boundary .

  25. 应用勘界工作中形成的成果资料,开发行政区域界线信息管理系统,不仅对行政区域界线管理工作有重要的意义,而且对我国数字地球的建设也有一定的推动作用。

    The application of the fruits of the demarcation and the development of the Administrative Border Information Management System ( ABIMS ) not only are significant for the administrative border management , but also can greatly propel the construction of the Chinese Digital Earth .