
dí sī kē
  • disco
迪斯科 [dí sī kē]
  • [disco;discothéque] 英文disco的音译。一种流行的社交舞蹈

  1. 携伴来参加新年迪斯科舞会吧!

    Come to the New Year disco and bring your partner !

  2. 迪斯科舞厅里灯光奇幻。

    The lighting at the disco was fantastic .

  3. 最近几年,城里涌现出不少购物中心、迪斯科舞厅和夜总会。

    The town has sprouted shopping malls , discos and nightclubs in recent years .

  4. 他们不同意她在迪斯科舞厅跳舞并和同性恋鬼混。

    They disapproved of her dancing at discos and associating with homosexuals .

  5. 客人们整个晚上随着迪斯科的节奏跳博普舞和吉格舞。

    Guests bopped and jigged the night away to the disco beat .

  6. 迪斯科舞厅并非藏污纳垢之处。

    A disco isn 't exactly a den of iniquity .

  7. 晚宴之后播放了一曲迪斯科舞曲。

    A sit-down dinner was followed by a disco .

  8. 每一站都喧闹地播放着十几岁少年所喜爱的劲爆迪斯科音乐。

    Teenage disco music pumped out at every station .

  9. 她有天晚上破天荒地去了一次当地的迪斯科舞厅。

    One evening , she made a rare outing to the local discotheque .

  10. 那里有迪斯科舞厅和夜总会,但是通常只在度假旺季营业。

    There are discos and clubs but these are often closed out of season .

  11. 周五和周六是固定的迪斯科之夜。

    Fridays and Saturdays are regular disco nights .

  12. 拜尼采斯是科孚岛上最热闹的度假胜地,满是酒吧、迪斯科舞厅和餐馆。

    Benitses is the noisiest resort on Corfu , with bars , discos and tavernas .

  13. 他是个过分认真的迪斯科音乐迷恋狂,除了他的唱片收藏脑子里就没有别的。

    He 's a rather over-serious disco trainspotter with a record collection instead of a brain .

  14. 你能找到迪斯科舞厅吗?

    Can you find a disco ?

  15. 我对迪斯科舞不感兴趣。

    Disco was not my scene .

  16. 很爱AA的迪斯科裤,穿着显腿长。

    I love this AA disco pant , makes my legs looks long .

  17. 作为娱乐活动,他曾去一家名为TheFreezer的夜店,还有另外一家绰号为Nightmare的高人气的迪斯科舞厅。

    For fun he used to go to a nightclub called The Freezer , while another popular disco was nicknamed Nightmare .

  18. 甚至街舞俱乐部也开始表演“Valentine'sBalls”——在校园迪斯科舞会上做出吓人的视觉效果。

    Even hip clubs get in on the act with " Valentine 's Balls " - a phrase that conjures up awful visions of school discos .

  19. 30岁的约书亚·迪亚蒙德(JoshuaDiamond)是和未婚妻和另一对情侣赶来的,他说这种无声迪斯科和普通夜店相比,更像是家长控制级的。

    Joshua Diamond , 30 , who came with his fianc é e and another couple , said the silent discos are more PG than regular clubbing .

  20. 作为娱乐活动,他曾去一家名为“TheFreezer”的夜店,还有另外一家绰号为“Nightmare”的高人气的迪斯科舞厅。

    For fun he used to go to a nightclub called The Freezer , while another popular disco was nicknamed " Nightmare . "

  21. 汹涌的客流在刚过凌晨3点时涌来,那时街对面的迪斯科舞厅“音乐盒”(TheMusicBox)关掉了旋转的水晶球,舞厅里的人群涌出来寻找热狗、冻酸奶蛋卷和雷尼辣椒碎。

    The big rush came just after 3 a.m. , when the disco across the street , The Music Box , unplugged its rotating mirror ball and its denizens spilled out in search of hot dogs , frozen yogurt cones and Lenny 's pepper hash .

  22. 更多的现代和时尚的形式有:在KTV唱,去酒吧,或跳舞跳迪斯科。

    More modern and fashionable ways include singing in the KTV , hanging out in a bar , or dancing in a Disco .

  23. 在北京,100名DJ好手和眩目的大型迪斯科掌控着整个电子音乐界,本土制作人已越来越少,DEADJ无疑是其中最引人注目的一位。

    In a country where the electronic scene is dominated by top100 djs and bling bling mega discos , local producers are rare and Dead J is without a doubt one of the best amongst them .

  24. 嘿,今晚Glendale的月光旱冰场举行迪斯科之夜。

    Raj : Hey , it 's Disco Night at the Moonlight Roller Rink in Glendale tonight .

  25. 在一些学校,毕业舞会正在取代相对实的传统毕业庆典,比如离校生迪斯科舞会(leaversdisco),这种舞会通常在学校体育馆里举行,孩子们穿着牛仔裤来参加。

    In some schools , proms are replacing more modest British traditions like the'leavers disco , 'where kids turn up at the school gym in jeans .

  26. 杰克逊与上述两张专辑的制作人昆西琼斯(QuincyJones)一道,发明了一种将灵乐、节奏蓝调(RB)与迪斯科杂糅起来的欢快的音乐形式,开创了当今的高科技机械舞。

    Together with Off the Wall and Thriller 's producer Quincy Jones , he devised an upbeat musical blend of soul , RB and disco that ushered in the high-tech dance-pop of today .

  27. 他们开始进军香水产业,加班纳开始在真人秀上亮相,两人甚至翻唱了AndreaTrueConnection在1976年推出的迪斯科经典名曲《更多,更多,更多》(More,More,More)。

    They started a fragrance business , Mr. Gabbana appeared on reality shows and the two men even recorded a cover version of the Andrea True Connection 's 1976 disco classic , " More , More , More . " Which is just what they did .

  28. 由此形成的专辑中不仅有《走运》这首华美的迪斯科,还有73岁的意大利制作人乔吉奥?莫罗德尔(GiorgioMoroder)概括其从艺生涯的一段口述史,一段有保罗?

    The resulting album features not only the lushly produced disco of ' Get Lucky , ' but also a career-recapping spoken-word history lesson from 73-year-old Italian producer Giorgio Moroder ;

  29. CNN特派员景兰:身穿亮片服装与长马靴的迪斯科红星,这个女子双人组合叫“粉红淑女”曾在20世纪70年代末称霸东京流行歌曲排行榜。不过,每个人都会长大,也会变老。

    KYUNG LAH , CNN CORRESPONDENT : A disco sensation with their sequinneds suits and go-go boots , the girl duo called Pink Lady ruled Tokyo 's charts in the late ' 70s , but everyone grows up and gets older .

  30. 这种现象不只限于咖啡馆,而是覆盖了多个领域,在沉默迪斯科里,参与者头戴无线耳机连接DJ,独自跳舞,还有类似小型办公桌帐篷的商品,用来在办公室里避免和他人交谈。

    The phenomenon is not confined to coffee shops but covers everything from silent discos , where participants dance alone wearing wireless headphones connected to the DJ , to products such as small desk tents designed for conversation-free privacy in the office .