
  1. 与全煤样相比较,该煤样抽提物的藿烷衍生物13C值则减少8~34‰,标志在成煤过程中甲烷的细菌循环起着作用。

    Hopane derivatives in this coal extract are depleted in 13C compared to the bulk coal by 8 ~ 34 ‰, suggesting that bacterial cycling of methane played a role during the formation of this coal .

  2. 江西省晚古生代海陆演化与成煤过程

    Evolution of Late Palaeozoic Sea and Land and Coal-forming Process in Jiangxi , China

  3. 由于复杂的成煤过程,煤炭中微量元素呈现独特的集散规律。

    Owing to complex coal-forming process , the trace elements in coal present unique accumulation and scatter laws .

  4. 煤层气又称煤层瓦斯,它是在成煤过程中形成并赋存于煤层中的一种非常规天然气资源。

    Coalbed methane ( CBM ), which is also called coal seam gas , is a kind of unconventional natural gas . It develops with the process of coal forming and occurrence in the coal seam .

  5. 所研究的煤中可溶低分子化合物有两种来源:一是原生的,它来源于成煤母质,二是后生的,源于成煤过程中生成的降解产物。

    Studied coal soluble low-molecular-weight compounds have two sources : First , the original , and it comes from coal-parent material , the second is younger , from the process of coal-generated degradation products .